Miss’ First Sports Day At ESF Hillside Kindergarten

The Miss…. loves sports. She loves balls, balloons, bats, water, scaling rock-climbing walls, any physical activity involving ninja weapons… so you can imagine her excitement at the epiphany that there exists a Day of Sports. What appears to be a School-Wide Orgy of a Holiday Involving All Manner Of……SPORTS.

Yup. Sounds about right.

Yup. Sounds about right.

And so, with barely-contained trepidation excitement, we make our first-time journey to the Hong Kong Football Club (don’t get me started about when she discovers there is An Actual Club of Things Football).

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OMG. Can This Be? An Actual Whole FIELD of Activity Stations Devoted To.............

OMG. Can This Be? An Actual Whole FIELD of Activity Stations Devoted To………….

(Oh right, and there's my current best friend (who, dear readers, it will come as no surprise to you, is none other than a super-active BOY with a big bro who is ALSO super-active))

(Oh right, and there’s my current best friend (who, dear readers, it will come as no surprise to you, is none other than a super-active BOY with a big bro who is ALSO super-active))



What's she doing?

What’s she doing?

Keeping a very close eye on her Egg & Spoon

Keeping a very close eye on her Egg & Spoon

(For this Egg & Spoon race with a little something extra, the kids match the spoons to the coloured markers at the other end - so they don't just keep the egg on the spoon, they go around switching coloured spoons and markers

(For this Egg & Spoon race with a little something extra, the kids match the spoons to the coloured markers at the other end – so they don’t just keep the egg on the spoon, they go around switching coloured spoons and markers

..And what's this one, a rally?

..And what’s this one, a rally?

…It’s “Monkey See, Monkey Do” – The kids have to strike the same pose as the monkey in the picture!

(Many of which involve balance)

(Many of which involve balance)

Why does she look a little down?

Why does she look a little subdued?

…Couldn’t wait to start the Obstacle Course!

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Swerving in and out of the cones…

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Hopping in and out of the hoops…

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Following the squiggly line…

What's this lineup for?

What’s this lineup for?

"What's the time Mr Wolf - RUN!!!"

“What’s the time Mr Wolf” – RUN!!! (Preferably while screaming your lungs out)

They chased the parents/ helpers too. But by the time we got to the end of the area, I think all the little kids forgot they were supposed to be catching us, and were just… running with abandon.

I especially liked the balloon race, though...

I was especially proud of the Miss in the balloon race, though…

She didn’t care that she was moving slowly/occasionally left behind, after figuring the “proper” (and much harder for little legs) way to do a balloon race is with the balloon between your knees.

...And they got to keep the balloons after, because it was the last station - we totally lucked out!

…And they got to keep the balloons after, because it was the last station – we totally lucked out!

...And they're all winners! All the little kids received really nice medals with "ESF Kindergarten" on them, for completing their first Sports Day

…And they’re all winners! The Miss is delighted!

All the little kids received really nice medals with “ESF Kindergarten” on them, for completing their first Sports Day. And what does the Miss say?

“I got one! Just like Ko-ko.”

What does Rockstar say to that?

“No, yours is nicer. Ko-ko’s is a silver, but yours is gold.” 



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6 Responses to Miss’ First Sports Day At ESF Hillside Kindergarten

  1. Mei says:

    And for that last comment by Koko, both of them are WINNERS in their own way 😀 Happy Deepavali Aileen! Hope you managed to crunch on some muruku on eat some kick ass curry!

  2. mun says:

    And the best thing about Rockstar’s reply is that he really meant it and not just saying it to please Miss Rockstar. Can really see from the photos that Miss Rockstar enjoyed herself tremendously.

  3. Elle Cheong says:

    Can I just say I almost teared reading Rockstar’s response? It’s exactly what my bro would have said to me 🙂

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