Miss-Speak #39 – The Brazen One


If I buy frozen yoghurt home from the food court, Rockstar usually doesn’t finish a full cup (even the “small” serving size we find quite big) and will put the rest in the freezer. To this end, I try not to give the Miss her entire frozen yoghurt in one sitting either. The Miss of course has other ideas…

Miss: (After she’s finished a second helping of several tablespoons; there’s still about half left in the freezer) WHERE’S MY YOG-HURT!!

Me: (Showing her Rockstar’s unfinished cup from the freezer) Look, see how much Ko-ko still has. He doesn’t eat that much in one sitting either…

Miss: Oh. <looks in Rockstar’s cup thoughtfully> <brightens> Give ME. AHHHH. <opens mouth wide>

(Rockstar snorts and rolls his eyes)

(This is actually the Miss' impersonation of either Macaulay Culkin or Edvard Munch's Scream... She was very sporting because she pleased to be mentioned in his recent assignment (:D he had written "I can't stand when she screams," which she considers quite the compliment))

(This is actually the Miss’ impersonation of either Macaulay Culkin or Edvard Munch’s Scream… She was very sporting because she pleased to be mentioned in his recent assignment (:D he had written “I can’t stand when she screams,” which she considers quite the compliment))

A-and it’s officially Fruity Friday in school today! Since they announced it, Rockstar has been looking forward toget this – buying an apple off the playground. Freak boy. 

(And this is the attitude-driven face I get from him when he knows I'm trying to send a random pic of him to the dad)

(And this is the attitude-driven face I get from him when he knows I’m trying to send a random pic of him to the dad)

ps: The fund-raising Bake Sales at school are one of the few times Rockstar actively seeks out a cupcake… Something about the novelty of him and his buddies getting to choose something to buy and eat together I guess, though he has also come back saying they all decided to go play instead, when the queue was too long…

So anyway I never thought about it before, but now they’re doing it with fruit I really hope it takes off, because it sounds like a great way to get kids more enthusiastic about fruit as well… (Not… that they don’t periodically have Learning Units where their lunch boxes are checked over and their eating choices “rated” green, orange or red in past, just hopefully the novelty of actively choosing fruit together on the playground takes off as well..)

And… For the record, I’m actually not tha-at anal about food, compared to some of my friends. Sure I read labels, but some of the Malaysian (not American, a la Michelle Obama-style :D) mums I know here 1) really, REALLY go all-organic (and I mean. All); 2) choose stuff that has less that 3 “E-something” preservatives; 3) make sure their kids “have all the ‘colours’ on their plate”. Right off the bat, items 1-3 are by 3 different mums here. It’s not like OMG My Child Ate A Tictac!! Detox!! Detox!! But – guys, am I right to say there are “Junk Holidays”? i.e. when the kids ingest any junk it’s kind of Ok. This is like what happens in Vegas (stays in Vegas). And we will be returning to *normal* lives after this.

(In case you’re wondering: I like “Squeezies.” Very convenient to carry around and you can easily substitute them for sugar-laden juice or flavoured milk, they’re mess-free with caps you can put back on (but either refrigerate the moment you get home or get your toddler to finish it in one go – I usually do the latter), many have all-organic ingredients and a mix of veggies your kid might not willingly eat on their own, along with blended fruit and water. Not sugar, not juice, but water. And nothing else.)   

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2 Responses to Miss-Speak #39 – The Brazen One

  1. mun says:

    Fruity Friday is Rockstar’s day! since he loves to eat fruits. Miss Rockstar loves yoghurt, can really tell from her photo above, hehehe.

    • Aileen says:

      Touch wood we’ve managed to get to the stage where she doesn’t finish the entire serving (it’s huge, it’s loaded with sugar, and technically I was a lot more “disciplined” with Rockstar at that age, but then again our succession of fired helpers in his earlier toddlerhood while I still worked probably fed him rubbish)

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