1) Well of course this is my lead. I love Jon Bon Jovi. Almost died when he featured on West Wing in an actual speaking part about issues. I love – ok, he’s a little young for me but my mum still loves Princess Diana and follows news on the Royals a lot so I buy the supermarket tabloids for her as and when………….
Seriously though, Princely and Rocking is very hard to pull off.
2) Not to be outdone, POTUS pardons Popcorn the turkey, this Thanksgiving. Actually, Daily Beast has a pretty awesome collection of Presidents pardoning turkeys. When I watched the West Wing version I was all Only In America I Need To Watch That Episode Again (turkey pardoning btw apparently goes back 150 years). And here they have a whole collection.
3) (Not that he didn’t already take part in Make A Wish Foundations 11,000 volunteer-strong effort that includes authentic-looking news telecasts etc, to make Miles Scott’s wish come true when he cheered on Batkid for saving Gotham.. I know I mentioned last week already but that was before I saw the summary Youtubes…)
Though…. the (real, btw) police chief in his appeal to Batman “and bring <wink> Batkid” looked like he was really having the most fun It says in the video they telecast that so Batkid could watch from his hotel room tv before answering the chief of police’s plea.
4) Not to be outdone, this is Scout, who balances anything on his head.
4) I felt like because it was Thanksgiving weekend I should have some Thanksgiving-y link. <sheepish> I then couldn’t agree with everything on the lists I found, so I’m settling for this pic of how many planes are in the air for this event, which I got from here.
5) This gets my vote though – Pope Francis seats a boy who refuses to leave the stage on his chair before resuming the speech he interrupted:
There’s a lot more; read Buzzfeed’s whole story here.
I loved how they ended the story:
Luke 18:16: “Let the children come to me and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
6) Yet not to be outdone, Little Miss helps out with the final touches to Rockstar’s school Christmas Show costume. Because……. the plastic “armor” I got was a little too big and the straps kept falling off Rockstar’s shoulders, so I eventually velcro-ed baby toy ties together as straps to keep the armor on when he’s moving about.

Obsessive compulsive color-coded velcro at its best, and a post-it to remind Rockstar which goes on first.

And that wire in the previous pic is there because Rockstar insisted on adding that little sword “as decoration” after I finished taping on the paper cross and heart to the front of his armor
But here we go, Little Miss test-driving Rockstar’s custom-made armor-and-wing straps to make sure it doesn’t fall off little shoulders (when the wings are velcro-ed open, to the baby toy tie straps keeping his armor up)
I clicked on the link of the article of the Pope and the boy. Good thing they did not forcefully carry the boy off the stage.
Did Rockstar practise putting on the costume by himself without any help from you?
Nice to see Miss Rockstar is involved in the preparation too – by giving the costume a really thorough test run.
Have a nice weekend!
Yes Rockstar practiced quite a few times with the armor, mainly because I was trying to figure out how to keep it on him because everything kept sliding off his tiny shoulders…. Unfortunately he can’t easily stick the velcros to the ties without help
but I hope at least they make up for someone having to do it for him by hopefully the wings and chest plate not having to be adjusted all the time because they’re slipping everywhere….
Btw he also looks almost waif-like in the plain white tee he’s wearing under the stuff…
I really had to get her involved, because she would quietly watch me messing with fitting Rockstar’s stuff all the time until I felt bad… She was so delighted to get to “help”!