The Rockstars’ ESF School PYP Talks And Workshop (Or, The Children Who Grow Socks And Tut-tut Their Parents’ Food Choices)

Caveat: Long post. There’s a side story in italics right at the end that you might like, though… 

The Rockstars’ ESF School PYP Talks And Workshop – or, The Children Who Grow Socks And Tut-tut Their Parents’ Food Choices. Or, Schools’ Secret Plan Of World Domination, One Chip-Abhorring, Cupcake-Tutting Little Freak At A Time. (I get to make the little freak jokes because I have one.)

This just in: It’s both harder and not as hard as it used to be, in school… 

N-ot quite like this (pic from

(pic from

From Rockstar’s school workshop…

“PYP (Primary Years Program) is inquiry-based… makes the learner want to learn…” yet..

It raises the stakes for what we expect of children…” 

One of the kids interviewed in the the video parents were shown described their learning, “They try to find out what (each of us are good at) and then bring that out…”

Guess if it's actually raining?

Q: Was it raining? (Scroll down for answer. Also, note facial expressions.)

We have the privilege now of having both a 3+ year old and an almost-8 year old in the ESF system in Hong Kong. 8 days after I attended the Miss’ Hillside Kindergarten PYP  Early Years briefing, Rockstar’s Kennedy Primary School had a PYP workshop. Ever since then, periodically I take a swing at writing about it… and chickening out. This parent is still trying to wrap her head around the huge gap between what learning in school was like in our day, vs what it’s like today. (So judge not the message by the limitations in understanding of the messenger :D)

We are told first of all that PYP is an international frameworknot a curriculum. In May 2015, there were 1266 schools offering PYP in 106 different countries, worldwide. The workshop is opened quoting Albert Einstein: Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind. 

Some estimates put the number at 65%. The number of jobs our kids will grow up to compete for, which don’t currently exist today. A Myth For Teachers on the other hand is cynical, and dubs this an excuse for “dumbing down” – i.e. if everything is irrelevant, there is no need to teach content. I stumbled upon that link while googling the 65%…… but if you ask me, they’re two completely different conversations. A debate about content can be a very different one than a conversation about technique. To me, content implies a deliberate choice of the educator, some of which will certainly be biased to what is held to be important (think Evolution vs Creationism in schools in the States). Technique…. Well now. I wish they taught me some of those Maths short cuts when I was growing up.

“How does your child construct meaning?”

We’re asked to give some thought to what learners do when they develop understanding. It sets the tone for the evening, for us parents to make ourselves think about how and why the school goes about the projects, lessons, homework, extra activities and outings that they do. For me a big one was then “What hinders your child’s learning?”

I flippantly want to say “Youtube!” but in truth Rockstar watches quite a few instructional videos too, and so the fear of being wrong is probably a bigger one. There’s a separate article by the Atlantic When Success Leads To Failure:

“…sacrificed her natural curiosity and love of learning at the altar of achievement…”

It’s one of the things that I think most sets apart how our kids learn today (at least in the system which I’m aware of – i.e. going the ESF IB PYP route), compared to what I knew, growing up. Maybe to some extent it’s a reason why so many grownup, otherwise extremely capable professionals still feel an insecurity in admitting they don’t know something or that well, they might be wrong.

Insecurity is one of the worst things to me, in a society, and yet we all get it at some point or other. It has nothing to do with a person’s actual ability, but it will most certainly affect – infect – their interactions with people and the enjoyment of what they do. Insecurity is what brings out the questionable behaviour in all of us, when we know we are capable of better.

The biggest irony is that tiger parents (who can often be insecure) by definition want their kids to excel in performance, often at the price of free time and some independence in thinking……. but this very action of tiger parenting is what removes an otherwise important “edge” in a child’s ability to perform. 

(At previous school briefings we’ve been told Kumon-esque kill-and-drill is worlds away from the way in which our kids learn.) For want of a more effective example, I would put it as the difference between all the structured steps in getting a computer – otherwise able to perform the most complicated of calculations – to have the kind of original thinking and creativity a small child has on their own. That is not to say kids don’t learn their times tables, they do (though in Rockstar’s case online IXL which we also got from the school makes it more fun)… but that’s maybe 20% of everything they do. Thing is, someday, it probably won’t matter that much if they got an A or a B+ in a particular paper this week or the next, but what they have learnt about how to interact with other people will. 

Units of Inquiry are universal throughout Kindy up til Primary Year 6, increasing greatly in depth as the kids get older. For e.g., a Who We Are learning unit for K1 will be more about family and siblings, whereas a Y6 one might be more about say, self identity. Rockstar at Y4 level turned in an assignment about human migration – reasons, effects on the immigrants as well as the native population…

This is a painting Rockstar did to illustrate his understanding of public vs private spaces last year

And this is a painting Rockstar did to illustrate his understanding of public vs private spaces last year in Y3 – he’d said “The ocean is public but the boat is private…”

While there are similarities across the board, we are told the schools design the UOIs.

When the kids start at Kindergarten level, PYP Early Years acknowledges how not a few children lack “playskills” – how to negotiate, collaborate, work together as a team…… So, Imagine If The Kids Could Learn These Skills Earlier?

Therefore, rather than focussing on academics, sharing is the big one. Playskills. In the Kindy they might deliberately provide fewer scissors than there are little kids and leave the kids to duke it out impose turn-taking and sharing on the kids. (Sorry, can’t help thinking this is still very difficult even for grownups living in HK :D)

Another biggie at Rockstar’s school level is nutrition/ healthy eating learning units or lunch box audits (yes, I will call it that!) and giving junk food-eating parents an earful. School staff conducting our workshop did not hide their smugness very well, humph. World Domination, one chip-abhorring, cupcake-tutting little freak at a time. (I get to say that because Rockstar is also one – he’s a) been served chips on playdate and asked to read the nutrition label, and b) Kings can no longer eat regular chips in our home without at least a snarky remark. We have spoken to Rockstar regarding social cake-eating situations without being a total killjoy because we all still need friends in this world.)

One of the hardest things to wrap my head around (yet also the best) is child-led learning. Not only are there pretty much no “wrong” answers, in the Kindy they describe how they produce “provocations” – for e.g. bringing the outside inside – one day the kids come in to a “messed up classroom,” maybe with twigs and leaves strewn about their normally clean and tidy area.

We are told of the jumpy little kid who insisted on growing his own sock, when all the other kids had planted beans. He got to do it, and because of his choice, the kids then moved on to a discussion of what normally grows and what doesn’t, and why. The lesson is enriched by one child’s individual choice – but he’s still going to learn for himself why they were asking everyone to grow beans not socks…….

On workshop evening at Kennedy School, I attend the less popular timeslot with what look like 70, 80 attendees. We are told there were over 100 parents in the earlier session, so all in all maybe 200 parents (there are roughly 900 kids in the primary school) work in discussion groups, complete with workshop coords checking our answers, for about 90 minutes.

I don’t think we took that as well as our kids would’ve. Then again, we weren’t schooled from the very beginning to be “risk takers,” unafraid of speaking up with a wrong answer, either. I think not a few of us smart from memories of proverbially having our writing exercise books tossed out the window (also, my mum told me that really did happen to her once :D).

If we acknowledge that, then the next question is what’ll our kids be like when they grow up? More equipped to handle the exponentially increasing rate at which the world and jobs and opportunities are changing? Erm, excellent? By that unwritten rule where we strive to give our children better than we ourselves received, let’s hope so.

Here’s a typical learning unit question:

What is International Minded-ness? How do other people see the world, what do they hold as important… Languages? Flags? Traditional Dress?

The PYP trainer/coord conducting our big workshop described how erm, “less-diversified” his school had been, growing up, with families who had literally never been out of the town or state – in Hong Kong, he made the comparison, our kids’ classes are obviously the opposite to this. Can you imagine how much more fleshed out learning units are, when you learn so much about your friends’ very different cultures (and yes the kids get to talk about them)… You actually have a friend from that exotic country sitting right next to you.

(Something I found very amusing that Rockstar came home talking about was how many kids come to school in soccer and rugby kits 😀 World Cups and Rugby 7s are big deals for many families here and yes, they too form part of the culture. It was a nice touch that during rugby season I think it was, when there were lotsa boys and girls coming to school in their team gear, Rockstar got to wear his taekwondo uniform in as well. They really don’t forget anyone…)

We used to get questions re Rockstar as well – whether we were “worried” that his education wasn’t “academic” enough, that he wasn’t getting enough homework. The short answer is, they do get “homework” or assignments, and learning, it just doesn’t look like what we expected because of how much education has changed since we went to school.

(Lucky kids nowadays 🙂

Epilogue: Our children will still do better, ceteris paribus, than we did. Because Motivation. Motivation is the difference between sitting down the 90 minutes in a meeting where people “brainstorm,” vs thinking about how to do things better – when you look out the window going to work, when you check your cellphone… Motivation is….. gold. That extra energy, is gold. Because offhand I can’t think of anyone really crazy hit-the-ball-out-of-the-park successful who would say to you, “It’s just a job and/or I hate this job.”

…Also in the When Success Leads To Failure article linked above:

“…We taught her to come home proudly bearing As, championship trophies, and college acceptances, and we inadvertently taught her that we don’t really care how she obtains them…”

…the thing about cheating is it’s addictive – you’ll think “just once” is ok and then before you know it, the one you cheat the most will be yourself. Because you’ll start to believe that it’s the only way you can win.

The Rockstars were on big whole-day playdate at super crowded Ocean Park on the recent holiday (which is also why I now have no voice :D), and at one of the fair games, his friend won a prize… around the same time a second ball scored a larger prize. His friend stuck to the one he’d won, and Rockstar…. said the second ball wasn’t his.

I. Know. And it's very very hot ok....

I. Know. And it’s very very hot ok….

“Are you sure? If it wasn’t yours, then whose was it??” The stall girls asked. I will admit to being tempted. You know, that instant gratification whereby it’s so easy for you to say “Yeah! That’s his ball right there!” and both boys will bound away with their prizes – with my son holding the bigger prize. Rockstar glances briefly at his friend’s prize and my heart skips a beat…. then the moment is gone. (Hours later, when we said goodbye to our friends, the rockstars went back and played a couple more games and he did win something else – and every time Rockstar sees that prize, I hope he also remembers the one he DIDN’T pretend to win. The fake one would NEVER feel this good.)

No one claimed the bigger prize. Not Rockstar’s friend, not Rockstar, not anyone else at the crowded booth, that day. All those little kids, all those parents who spend a ton of money on these boh liau games just because your child wants to WIN something at the fair….

Doesn’t that restore your faith in humanity just a little bit?        

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Of Cupcakes And Crayons

What, like, chocolate cupcake doesn’t do this to you?

Dis is artzzzzzzzzz.

Dis is artzzzzzzzzz.

It was Kings’ birthday, and among the special things about this picture below are…

Happy Birthday, hub o' mine.

Happy Birthday, hub o’ mine.

a) How everyone is actually looking in the general direction of the camera, including the dog and the Miss.

b) The birthday candles that actually spell the word “awesome” are about to set fire to the exquisite Sift cupcakes.

c) Kings’ head appears to be floating above Rockstar’s arm

d) All of the above.

I’m an errant blogger because of a chapter of incidents that would’ve made a certain killjoy Murphy proud. Among them:

a) Our helper resigned by way of showing us an air ticket her fiancé/ soon to be husband had bought her – on SIA, no less

b) The Miss developed this weird rash that Kings was terrified might be chicken pox (but a previous trip to the ped says it’s some unexplained virus she picked up….. and touch wood never passes to anyone else, not even Rockstar… but makes her pretty cranky at night)… It might also be an allergic reaction to some foreign substance or chemical, which, come to think of it we experienced recently as well because……….

c) This happened to our floor.

Yes, that is an actual little fountain of water spouting out between the bathroom tiles

Yes, that is an actual little fountain of water spouting out between the bathroom tiles – they had to shut off the water supply

...can you find the little foot in the picture? Rockstar lumbered in to use the bathroom, and was in one of his narcoleptic sleeps, after... He slept thru the entire bathroom works.

…can you find the little foot in the picture? Rockstar lumbered in to use the bathroom, and fell into one of his deep narcoleptic morning sleeps, after… He slept thru the entire bathroom works…

…and doesn’t believe much of it really happened.

Which is one way to end with our latest Crayon Art; a nice way to recycle the kids’ old crayon sticks (though we first started with a kit)

(You can spell out the kids' names with fridge magnets)

(You can spell out the kids’ names with fridge magnets)

(and Kings brought this one to the office)

(and Kings brought this one to the office)

IMG_1387 IMG_1388

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Another Rockstar In Canto Music Class

The Miss has just started pretty much the same Yamaha creative music class that Rockstar did, albeit hers is with a teacher she’s had for a previous toddler class…

IMG_1332-2 IMG_1336-2

(Rockstar looks grim, doesn’t he? Read on to find out why…… :D)

Obviously, siblings are not exactly welcome all the time in class, unless they are either completely quiet or else have erm, a positive effect on the child whose class it is. The (very few) times Rockstar gate crashed due to last minute cancelations in his own activities schedule, the Miss is usually eager to show him just how “good” she is….. Until now.

Rockstar: <whispering furiously> Why aren’t you doing anything?? It’s your turn! You’re supposed to do the “elephant noise”!

Miss: <calmly, loudly> Elephants don’t make this sound.

Rockstar: <still whispering> What? What are you talking about, it’s your cue. Wait, you missed your cue again! Play the bells.

Miss: <still not bothering to whisper> No.

Rockstar: <whispering> What no? You want to get us kicked out of class issit?

Miss: It’s not an elephant sound.

Me: It’s the elephants’ turn. You’re supposed to be an elephant. 

Miss: <patiently> No this is not an elephant. <makes eye contact with teacher who is glancing over> Elephants don’t sound like bells.  



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Miss-Speak #68 – Mis-diplomacy


After playing quietly with a bunch of girls she’s just met…

Me: Oh that was nice, did you like them?

Miss: <pause> I liked the one with the Minnie Mouse shirt.

Rockstar: <not looking up> None of them were wearing a Minnie Mouse shirt.

Me: Didn’t like any of them?

Miss: Not really. 


Miss: I don’t like <our new helper, after meeting her for the first time>.

Me: <thinking: oh dear, I’m in trouble> Why?

Miss: She’s wearing a purple shirt. I don’t like the colour.

Me: You can change shirts. She’s not going to be wearing that shirt forever.

Miss: <brightens> Oh ok, then I like her.  

Me: Do you really think you’ll like her?

Miss: Who? I don’t know her.


More crafts.. coming up...

More crafts.. coming up…


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Miss Speak #67 – Oops She Did It Again


The Miss has made it her current developmental stage goal to keep Rockstar from doing serious school work…..

Rockstar traditionally does schoolwork in arguably any location of his choosing within our apartment. (We don’t insist he sit perfectly still in a perfectly quiet desk-and-chair setting because I figured he should also practice being able to concentrate with lotsa background noise and movement around him – so the two rules are 1) he picks a spot with enough light so as not to ruin his eyesight, and 2) he completes his tasks in the time given.)

For company, he’s often in the living room where a tv or laptop is blaring, and – yes, the Miss is messing with him.

Here are a few gems that succeeded in distracting Rockstar. Y’know, because using him for target practice with her various soft toys didn’t work after he learned to sit out of her throwing range and we didn’t return the toys :D:

Miss: Ko-ko. Look! Arm wrestle in the air-rr-rr! <clasps hands together and waves them about vigorously above her head>


Miss: Ko-ko. Look! A moving teacup! <puts vibrating toy hamster under tea cup. Cup starts to move about Exorcist-style around her feeding tabletop>


Miss: Mummy. Can I have the guitar? 

(I hand her our decorative traditional ukulele souvenir from Okinawa.)

Miss: Ko-ko. Look. I’m playing a song! <drops ukulele><Huge Crash><One piece of the ukulele comes off> Oops. Where’d it go? <theatrically> Now. What will we do? 


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The Sweetest Thing To Happen To Us At The Charlie & Lola Best Bestest Play…

Written with permission from the rockstars’ friends’ mum…

The Sweetest Thing To Happen To Us At The Charlie & Lola Best Bestest Play. Or, Make Magic Happen.

Enter Charlie & Lola identifiers #1

Charlie & Lola identifiers – like so many siblings out there

We were seated here…

IMG_1266 IMG_1270  

While Rockstar's classmate and his sister and mum were up here...

Our friends were up here… Grainy pic because it’s zoomed in quite a bit…

(Rockstar had a schoolmate seated quite a few rows up from us this afternoon, in a completely packed auditorium.)

There is a reason we love Charlie & Lola so – despite the Miss’ comment that Lola is blonde and she is not (she also searches out Lego Friends figures with straight black hair haha), the rockstars greatly identify with and draw inspiration from older brother Charlie’s exasperations at his younger sister’s antics….. while coming up with various at times devious means of encouraging Lola at everything from school sports to responsibility to trying new things. It’s a pretty nice show particularly for siblings.

We’re at the scene where Magician’s Assistant Charlie is cheering Disheartened Magician Lola up and they turn to tell the kids in the audience they can all do magic, when tissue paper hearts start raining down from the ceiling.

Rockstar snatches the only paper heart drifting near him right out of the air, whooping at his good fortune, considering we are not seated under the paper shower, but………………… the Miss doesn’t get one. Not even close. She doesn’t make a scene but, unusually quiet, she looks at Rockstar’s scrap of paper wistfully. Now, when your three year old badly wants something she can’t have and particularly doesn’t throw a hissy fit about it is when you will doubly yearn for her to have it. 

The intermission bell is a starter’s gun; determinedly I pull the Miss outside with me to look for an Official Charlie & Lola Souvenir, even as I despair of finding a suitable replacement. One does not simply buy a little paper heart floating from the ceiling during a much-anticipated play by your son and daughter’s favourite characters. Every parent who has ever had a child yearn with all their little heart (for all of 5 minutes :D) after something unattainable knows this feeling, and equally, the futility of it: You Cannot Buy Magic. You Can Only Strive To Make It Happen. 

Seated a good third of the auditorium away, my mum friend and her daughter join us outside. When we look back, we discover Rockstar’s friend has found him so quickly Rockstar is still standing next to his seat, and so we leave the boys already deep in conversation.

Newly laden with Charlie & Lola water tumblers, a free-with-purchase poster and still feeling the lack of a paper heart, The Miss and I return to our seats – whereupon Rockstar’s friend holds out 3 paper hearts to the Miss. He had been seated much closer to the shower of hearts.

“What colour do you want? I think pink is nice.” For once, the Miss has nothing to add as she obediently selects the pink one.

And so, let there be light

And then there was light

Startled, I ask Rockstar, “Did you tell him the Miss didn’t get one?”

“No, when he came down to our seats he was already holding them.” 

Rockstar’s friend is in SEN (Special Education Needs), and with the school’s Culture of Inclusion, is one of the group of SEN kids Rockstar has had the privilege of interacting with, same as everyone else in his class, that I know of. (Another ESF parent had once remarked that life and the “real” world was not exactly made up of 16 perfectly selected little kids doing say, a standardised test together. Different personalities and abilities greatly broadened and widened the depth of experience and learning opportunity our children would be exposed to, together. Not to say that doesn’t come with anxieties, but earlier – and with a lot of help – rather than later…)

Tell me that wasn't magic

Tell me that wasn’t magic

This evening he’s also the one who thought to bring the Miss a little magic. It is magic only he (and not say, me 😛 ) could’ve brought.

The Miss spends the rest of the play regularly looking back up at the rows and rows of seats behind us waiting for when she can give Rockstar’s classmate her Charlie & Lola free poster (which I had been holding and too flabbergasted – after which I was excitedly narrating to the other mum so many rows up – to tell her earlier).

The Miss

After watching us frolic around happily in front of the stall, the guy asks, “Would they like another free poster?” Which is how both rockstars’ friends eventually get one each

It’s a nice little metaphor to start the week with: At some time or other, we all find ourselves encountering a shower of paper hearts. We could see more scraps to be cleaned up later, or we could pick one up and make magic happen for a 3-year old. 

Magic begins with picking up that piece of paper.  

The Ends

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Rockstarism #384/ #66 – Sometimes You Wonder How You’re Really Doing With This Parenting Thing…


Rockstar and his friends occasionally sit and read Geronimo Stiltons at break, sometimes in holes or under tables, and recently have been seriously striving for the next new book to bring in and share, because they’re running out… 

That would be these - pics from

That would be something like these – pics from

(And this one btw is several hundred pages thick) - pic from

(And this one btw is several hundred pages thick) – pic from

Given the kids’ school bags are heavy enough as is, I didn’t get him two of the big, much thicker hard cover volumes, but he occasionally brings newly published soft cover ones for those of his friends who like them…

Rockstar: I’m sooo excited (Friend Who Apparently Reads These Things Every Lunchtime) and I will be reading the very latest book at break. <pause> I should probably not tell him I have the other one as well, right? It’d make him sad?

Me: Dude. That’s really nice of you. I’m so proud –

Miss overhears, and not to be outdone:

Miss: <authoritatively> know how you can make him sad.

Rockstar: Uh-oh. 

Me: Uh –

Miss: You can hit him!

Rockstar: <facepalms>

Miss: You can use the book, Ko-ko! 

Me: Sometimes it’s hard to believe you two are related.

Rockstar: <mutters, seriously irritated> I don’t know what happened to you, Mum (when you had the Miss)…

(Have to qualify, she does deliberately say provocative things like that to get a rise out of Rockstar…. or me…)


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Rockstarism #383/ Miss-Speak #65 – The Rockstars’ First Solo Blog Post


The following text is all Rockstar, complete with typos, obviously done very hurriedly on a whim. Obviously also Minecraft and Youtube-related:

Blog Post For hopefully a week.

1. Copy a command in the video’s description.

2. Get a command block by going in the chat and typing /give <player name> command_block.

3. Paste the code from step one in the command block.

4. Give it a redstone signal and wait.

5. Finally to get the correct items and throw them on the ground to create whatever you did he command based on.

P.S This only works on PC.

Me: Dude.

Rockstar: What?

Me: Is any of this English?

Rockstar: Wha-art… 

I read it out..

Me (to the Miss who is staring at me blandly): Anything you want to say?

Miss: <happily> I’m a cat!

Me (to Rockstar): See? English. I understood that.


Rockstar: Not anymore…

Me: You. Redeem yourself. Not all the command block watchamacallits. What kind of word is “Meow,” what are words that sound the same as their meaning? You learned this in Year 3 – even your class assembly had it.

Rockstar: <pause> Onomatopoeia. 

(I. Know. I learned that word in “A” levels.)

And not to be left out, the other two contributed pictures:

Gorilla ate my child, then put on a mask with the face of a cat that was just HIGH

Gorilla ate my child, then put on a mask with the face of a cat that was just HIGH out of its mind

And then the dog joined in the fun by putting on that judgmental face.

And then the dog joined in the fun by putting on that judgmental face.

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The Spaces That The Rockstars Built.

NB: Almost everything is either child’s art, old toys, books that double as “art,” or stuff from Ikea – save for one cabinet from Tequila Kola (on sale) and the bunk beds being from Indigo Kids and Kokoon (also on sale). As with the accident we had with cheap glass, I’m not getting cheap lofts the kids are going to sleep on and under… (Oh, and re the wall decals -the Cars ones were reused over 5 years, the fabric ones are mostly ~2 years old…)

This little kiddie…

Peeled off the Cars wall decals her brother had outgrown.

Peeled off the Cars wall decals her brother had outgrown.

(And didn't want them to go to waste so she stuck them in her own room.... While being a cat.)

(And didn’t want them to go to waste so she stuck them in her own room…. While being a Cat.)

This little kiddie…

Gleefully replaced everything with strange, block-y pictures

Gleefully replaced everything with strange, block-y pictures

IMG_6798 IMG_6800

And part of his Lego Headquarters into a Minecraft Weapons Wall

And turned part of his Lego Headquarters into a Minecraft Weapons Wall (yes, that’s Cobblestone wrapping paper wallpapering one of the sections – picked that up from when I lived in a dorm, it’s a very inexpensive way to keep changing the look of your space drastically and quickly)

This little kiddie…..

Kept rearranging her Birds In Hats.

Kept rearranging her Birds In Hats.

(Like so)

(Like so)

And so. (The pink bull terrier is a broken old designer lamp from Lane Crawford Home that I bought as stress relief, one tough day at work)

And so. (The pink bull terrier is a broken old designer lamp from Lane Crawford Home that I bought as stress relief during my harder core banking days…)

And so.

And so (school art projects abound).

These little kiddies……

Also at some point did their parents' bedroom wall...

Also at some point did their parents’ bedroom wall…

Before their old artjamming canvases were turned into a triptych

Before their old artjamming canvases were turned into a triptych…

(Betcha wondered what became of the Ikea Scribble Cabinet and Rockstar's clay art from Year 3 in school...)

…And their Ikea Scribble Cabinet displays Rockstar’s clay art from Year 3 in school…

...Oh, and there's Rockstar's cross stitch project for Y2 (still a great way to learn coordinates on grids and graphs, I say)...

…Oh, and there’s Rockstar’s cross stitch project for Y2 (still a great way to learn coordinates on grids and graphs – the cross stitch diagrams they followed were surprisingly similar)…

Then these little kiddies…….

Fought over whether the Boo The Cutest Dog plush toys should sit in the Miss' flower pots (she likes arranging Ikea fake flowers at her Reading Window Where She Does Everything But Reads)

Fought over whether Boo The Cutest Dogs should sit in the Miss’ flower pots (she likes rearranging Ikea fake flowers at her Reading Window Where She Does Everything But Read)

Before calling a truce for a snack.

Before calling a truce for a snack (fusilli pasta and crackers and cheese)

And rearrangement of tiny bits of Lego (Rockstar does these things for the Miss to find)

And rearrangement of tiny bits of Lego (Rockstar does these things for the Miss to find)

Like this elf thing who dropped something

(Like this elf thing who dropped something)

Dear readers, at this point, let us have a flashback.

This is the cheap China cabinet I cut my hand on...

This is the cheap China cabinet I cut my hand on…

from this post where I had to go to the hospital for stitches.

Now go back up and look at all the spaces we continue to decorate in ongoing projects. See, oysters don’t despair when they find something uncomfortable in their shell. Those ugly little pieces of otherwise delicious seafood make pearls

There's a metaphor in that toilet roll plane the Miss brought home from school one day...

There’s a metaphor in that toilet roll plane the Miss brought home from school one day…

(Although this is probably not it. :D)

(Although this is probably not it. :D)

Have a wonderful week ahead, dears. The world is your oyster 😉

ps: For more on turning your little kiddie art – some of it not exactly Picasso (:D) – into “actual” decor, read Treasuring Your Child’s Art.


Posted in aileensml | 6 Comments

Found A Use For All That Energy…

…Got those two to paint the walls in our home 😀

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(Well, she started first, because Rockstar had some school work to finish up…)

Ok right, here he is

Ok right, here he is. Fussing about a first smudge of white paint on his finger.

Predictably, the Miss gets her older bro very comfortable with paint smudges.

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They finish the corridor (note the damage he's taken in)...

They finish the corridor (note the damage he’s taken)…

Which raises my eyebrows when I walk by again while he's on paint break (yes, to do some Math :P )

Which raises my eyebrows when I walk by again while he’s on paint break (yes, to do some Math 😛 )… (He thought taking his shirt off would get rid of all that paint on his back.)

We have all these scratches and smudges around the home because well, kids. Add to that JD liking to sleep with her paws up against the wall too… Except we couldn’t put her to much use with the paint carnage painting.

But we did get her to sit there long enough for a forlorn pic (she hates having her picture taken)

So we made her pose unhappily for a pic (she hates having her picture taken)

For real though – these kids didn’t really think painting the walls was work, whereas obviously us grownups would, so I try to let them do as many of these tasks around the home as possible… Caveat – it doesn’t mean that much less work so much as “different” work – because while you may not be painting the walls yourself, you have a lot more cleanup 🙂 But the kiddie entertainment and enrichment factors I feel are priceless.

She did her own room, too...

She did her own room, too…

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(Note handprint)...

(Note signature handprint)…

Got a little carried away here...

(Got a little carried away here though…)

As did he...

As did he…

…And it’s about 2am and the photo upload is now down so more pics of the home projects akan datang…

ps: No children or dogs were harmed in the making of this blog post…

This the paint they're using

This the paint they’re using

Sorry I don’t have the name, I found this in Chi Fu market and we really like it – HKD 190 for that little tin and comes off skin relatively easily with water – I just need to put the kids in a bathtub with goggles and Mustella bath oil (Rockstar has sensitive skin)…  The stall lady highly recommended this as what they use around pregnant mums etc… I don’t like regular paint with the kids, I think the smell and chemicals are really bad, so we use this for touching up all the smudges around the home (btw, Kings so cannot stand marks on walls that before the kids he had our part time helper repaint the walls once a month because of JD’s paw or ball marks)…

Posted in aileensml | 2 Comments