Little Miss Speak #35 – Sometimes……. Don’t Even Ask


Miss: Mum. I’m a crazy person. 

Me: Uh… What?

Miss: Cray-sy. Cray-sy. I am a cray-sy person. 

Me: <trying to figure out what word she could possibly be mis-pronouncing to make it sound like what I think I heard> Uh… Did you really just say you’re a crazy person?

Miss: Yes. I want to see a Crazy Doctor. 

Me: What could you possibly have heard and where, is what I really want to know, that could make you say what it sounds like you’re saying right now.

Miss: Santa is Crazy. 

Me: Oh you want to be like Santa. And for some reason you think he’s crazy so now you’re crazy too.

(Miss nods.)

Me: But Santa is also fat and hairy and has no dress sense, he wears red all the time.

Miss: like red! Yaaaaaay!

Oh… kay. Red in common is one step up from crazy in common, so I’ll take it.

This is her sitting on a yucky floor pretending to be a -- Ok not really, she's having one of her not uncommon little "moments" much to my dismay (a. gain.) but come on, she does look a little like a crazy person here doesn't she...

This is her sitting on a yucky floor pretending to be a — Ok not really, she’s having one of her not uncommon little “moments” much to my dismay (a. gain.) but come on, she does look a little like a crazy person here doesn’t she…

Oh look! Here she is, doing it again in the middle of the street...

Oh look! Here she is, doing it again in the middle of the street…

Posted in Rockstarisms | 2 Comments

All Around The World On Friday

1) School Lunches Around The World.

Pike fish, green beans and Parisian mushrooms - no wonder he's willing to be photographed with the food haha

Pike fish, green beans and Parisian mushrooms – no wonder he’s willing to be photographed with the food haha

In Rawalpindi, Pakistan, a school principal is quoted as saying, “If we discover that a child has junk food, we ask his or her parents to please make a little effort for their child’s health.” Ouch. But not uncommon, nowadays – when did we ever have this during our time in school (though I do remember the government-issued milk packets and teeth brushing), now there are even “fruit-only” snack breaks in some schools, and whole learning units about healthy eating and the consequences of our choices…

2) I knew it! 😀 All dogs go to Heaven, at least that’s how some people are interpreting the Pope’s latest remarks on the subject…

Cool guy.

Cool guy.

3) Not a link, “just” an opinion:

“As a Muslim I’m not going to apologize on behalf of the moronic man who took hostages in Sydney nor the Taliban who just massacred innocent children ‘coz I don’t see them as fellow Muslim brothers but as blady demons…” (Bahasa baku spelling for “bloody”?) Lotsa likes on her Facebook comment, some of whom I recognize as our Muslim and Buddhist/Taoist schoolmates… My best friend from secondary school always was pretty feisty 😀


4) Scratch or bite by rare Aussie bat can apparently kill you even years later. It’s called Lyssavirus, is similar to rabies, and far as I know bats don’t like to be messed with anyways so I don’t suppose the Bat People are going to come after me for saying don’t play with them. (Even found one clinging to a shower stall in my dorm in Singapore – afraid it was lost, gently scraped it off with a piece of cardboard and went to put it outside. Had close enough look at fangs, claws and facial expression to get the hint – they really don’t like being handled.)

Growf. (pic of common vampire bat from national geographic)

Growf. (pic of common vampire bat from national geographic)

5) Bu-ut… Reptiles Too, Can Be Cute.

No Caption Necessary

No Caption Necessary

Tee Hee.

Tee Hee.

6) Public service message: What To Say If An Interviewer Asks If You Have Kids.

Really liked the suggested answer:

“Perhaps you’re asking if I’m focused on my work, can travel, or handle late hours. I can tell you that I have a very strong work ethic, regardless of what happens in my family life, and feel I can contribute a lot, particularly in the [xyz] area. I would like to know more about your goals for xyz.”

Why it’s here is because I don’t think I did that well when asked a version of this. Not too long after Rockstar was born (I went back to work a bit under 3 months after having him) I had a new boss. My boss and reporting line changed about 5 times in 3 years which, at this particular bank, appears to be quite “normal” for them and so my new boss was “interviewing” me, in the process also telling me his expectations and vision… I said “The budget (i.e. P/L target) is fine, I should be able to meet that (I did)…. just don’t give me a leadership position. (After I meet target each day), I would like to go home to my young son whom I’m still nursing.” (Ok fine, pumping milk for.)

Another senior boss had also reminded me to watch my stress and aggro levels when I got back or it might affect my breast milk. He said he’d seen it happen with his own wife when they’d had their two (now grown) kids. Both these bosses were fathers. Thing is, I’m pretty sure while they wanted their wives to put parenting (of their children) first, it’s very difficult when it’s your subordinate. I don’t mean to say it in a bad way or anything, just that this one is a toughie..

On my part, I was also a naive first-time working mother – I assumed being good enough would be enough. It’s not really. Not everyone is going to “get” that. (The ones that “got” it were high-achieving female bosses who were also mums. No matter how demanding – and this boss had a rep in the market for being demanding – if I performed, I could tell her I was off home to Rockstar. Sure, I’d get an email at midnight expecting an answer by 8am. But if I answered (and I did, because I had 90 mins to pump milk and check the blackberry) she was fine.)

My mistake was assuming everyone who is a parent could see it like this beloved mummy boss of mine could. They can’t, a bit of appearance still matters – in fact it probably matters more if you have a pretty doting father as a senior boss because then he probably remembers how he would want his own wife to give up some work stuff to focus on his children and then he’s gonna look at you and possibly assume……………..! 😀 (Ok, I’m aware this entire thing I just typed is just horribly politically incorrect and please dads, don’t scream at me, I’m just saying I’ve had dad bosses who really were like that. They even said so. Not that every household is like that, but if one parent (I didn’t say dad!) is super gung ho at work they probably expect/prefer the other parent to erm, not also be cos otherwise who’s going to parent the kids…)

7) The Rise Of Extreme Daycare. This is really sad. It’s not for super career-focussed parents (in fact, you might have noticed a rising trend in people who can afford it choosing to stay home with kids), more like those who can’t make ends meet unless they work round the clock – double Home Depot shifts, stuff like that.


8) JD has the skit for a change, with a little help from the Miss, titled Look Ma, No Hands! 

"Oh, you ain't seen nuthin' yet!"

“Oh, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!”

"Ta-raaa! I shall balance my Little Human on my head!"

“Ta-raaa! I shall balance my Little Human on my head!”

“Who needs hands?”

Ugh sorry. I wanted to post a some pics with JD’s smile. Good weekend dears, will do a really funny Rockstarism next. (Not necessarily funny haha)


Posted in The TGIF Posts | 1 Comment

Little Miss-Speak #34 – What You See Is Not What It Is


Me: What’s this, darling? (Not expecting her to know it, just wanting to see her reaction)



Miss: Oh. Oh, Dear. …..Cuck-roach? 

(To be fair I’m not sure I’d know that’s a porcupine either – must be a baby right, where are the spines?)


Me: Who’s this, darling?

(Kindy Application Photo)

(Kindy application photo)

Miss: Missy! Me!

Me: Yup. And who’s this?

(Her old passport photo)

(Her old passport photo)

Miss: A baby.

Me:  This is you when you were a baby.

Miss: No, it’s a baby. Not Missy, Baby. 

Me: Uh, you don’t think you looked the way you do now all the time right? You were once a baby. When you were a baby, you looked like that.

Miss: No. Not me. That baby. Baby not me.

Me: Well, who do you think that baby is?

Miss: A. Baby.   

Posted in Rockstarisms | 2 Comments

The First Metaphor (Or, A Little Christmas-y Story)

So, both kids are sick. Not ER-sick, just cough/snort-themselves-awake-repeatedly-in-the-night sick, alternating also bawling-with-frustration-at-being-unable-to-sleep sick. (In Rockstar’s case, replace bawling with punching his pillow a few times before diving back down into its depths, a mildly eyebrow-raising phenomenon he has only vague recollection of in the morning. Well this is after all the boy who ski-ed in his sleep when he was last at ski camp.)

The Miss…

This would about sum up the night

This would about sum up the night

She coughed a lot more lying down, which I guess was because her nose was running down the back of her throat – and so I was rocking her upright in a sling. I am exceedingly grateful she didn’t throw up in bed, because she does that quite often when she’s phlegm-y. Sometimes even when not that phlegmy. There you’d be, minding your own business and well, sleeping, and suddenly she sits up, heaves once – and her entire dinner is out. If upchuck were a sport, she would make at least the heats in the Olympics.

In the wee hours of the morning, the power goes out. This has not happened in……. ever?  Once ever? (We would later be told by the night guy in the lobby that the entire building went out “because of an emergency”. Nothing further.) The stillness wakes both the Miss and myself immediately. She wants water, and so I wander out to the kitchen to warm her drinking water.

There are people in other parts of the world who have never had electricity, but as I ineffectively flick switches I get more and more concerned, especially when I look across at the next tower and still see some electric lights on. See, if it’s the entire street, people will probably scramble to fix it even if it is 4am. If it’s just your apartment, then you’re looking at dealing with a night receptionist who is potentially very insensitive to the fact you are already exhausted from repeatedly struggling to put your sick kids to bed (depends really who’s on that night but I say this because when our ceiling leaked we had one concierge who said “Have you asked your maid to wipe away leaks-that-may-not-even-be-leaks before calling me? Because you really need to manage your own helper first.”)

As I walk out into the otherwise dark living room trying to figure out whether to even bother with the fuse box something stands out. The quiet, calm light in the dark place.

photo 2-128

We couldn’t find the right batteries when we bought these decorations from Ikea and earlier tonight was the first night I switched them on after finally locating the right cells.

photo 1-133 photo 2-127

(Why yes, one of our decorations on the tree this year is a little light-up diamond ore square of Rockstar’s.)

This was a few hours earlier

This was taken a few hours before the first blackout

The crazy disco star which is otherwise plugged into the wall was off, but on a whim I had left the battery-operated snowflakes and lamp on (they use only a couple small batteries). Obviously, with the kids sick and cranky, putting batteries in wasn’t exactly a priority. But somehow I’d just done it. The first metaphor.

Now, I love hustle and bustle, lotsa lights and street sounds… I’m a disgusting city person. That night in the sudden silence, with no whoosh of air cleaners, no light from the sockets where our various tech are charging (I know. How first-world-problem is that?), I find the dark and quiet disconcerting. Disorienting. The little hard-to-find-battery operated Christmas lights stand out in sharp relief. What are the odds the Japan Home you have tried several times before (not to mention all the other JH outlets and supermarkets) would literally JUST get a shipment of CR2032 batteries for when you happen to try One Last Time The Very Evening The Power Decides To Go Out Later In The Wee Hours Of The Morning? 

But before I think this, I think I’m Not Alone. We see Him, if only we look. (Usually we don’t. We’re busy checking our iPhones.)

Peace On Earth, Goodwill To All...

Peace On Earth, Goodwill To All…

Epilogue: Oh, and then the next night around 8pm when the Rockstars were fully awake and we were trying to get dinner in them, it happened A. Gain.

This is them entertaining themselves with some swinging light toy

This is them entertaining themselves with some swinging light toy (Rockstar is actually standing right next to her)

Oh, here he is. (Yeah, the diamond ore light didn’t survive til Christmas before getting unwrapped). 3 light settings on the thing, to be sure…

photo 3-101 photo 2-129 photo 1-135



Posted in Rockstar Shots | 2 Comments

TGI Friday. Maybe.

1) The Fall of Christmas, by The Very Worst Missionary. She does mission trips, writes in a way I can only wish I did……. and was once a teen mum.

“…… I learned a long time ago to hold loosely to the things of this world, possessions and people both, to the degree that I honestly worry it’s too easy for me to let go of the things I love….. For me, it’s easier to pretend not to be sad than to be sad…”

It fell over. Literally, metaphorically...

It fell over. Literally, metaphorically…

“…Jesus didn’t come to fix it all.  He came to be with us in it all.”

2) An Ebola Doctor’s Return From The Edge Of Death. (He HOPED he had Malaria…) 

In my former life I used to consider mission trips a good way to “detox,” between bank jobs. (As in, being in a place with people less fortunate than yourself – the real ones, not the ones who pretend to be – makes you feel rather ashamed of most of the stuff you whine about every day in your part of the world. Figured it was very good perspective-management before commencing a new job, a new chapter.) Yet even then, those in my mind were of the help-in-orphanage or help-teach-English sort in China or Vietnam. (Having to start new jobs, or finding myself pregnant got in the way – I have never been on a mission trip; and The Purpose Driven Life then gave me the idea my calling might be elsewhere. You know how your experiences, especially the tough ones, are meant as Refiner’s Fire to prepare you for what He plans for you…?)

What I can barely fathom is the incredible selflessness of health workers, doctors who, instead of a cushy private practice choose to risk their lives in areas of specialization like infectious diseases. (Ditto the SARS health workers, when I finally stumbled upon their memorial in a beautifully peaceful part of Hong Kong park.) Many of them have worked hard, gone to school way longer than I have – only to come out and have a bright future of their choosing – risking their lives for others.

What kind of people must they be? 

Dr Ian Crozier

Dr Ian Crozier

““Anyone who was on the ground in Africa and not in West Africa, you would think, maybe we’re missing the bus, missing something remarkable.” …………“And my skills meet the need.”…..”

“…….Dr. Crozier signed on with the World Health Organization — expenses only, no pay………”

“……there were warning signs early on that Dr. Crozier might become severely ill. The viral load in his blood was extremely high, more than 100 times that of the other patients Emory had treated.”

Even as he surprised everyone and recovered, “…“I thought we’d be discharging him to a nursing home as a cognitively impaired person,” said Dr. Colleen Kraft, one of his doctors….”

Guess what he did next? Yup.

“There’s still a great deal left to be done,” he said.

3) Things You Believed In Your 20s That Just Aren’t True


Could be here solely for #3: Being Good At School Means You’ll Be Good At Work.  In other words, a good student does not a good professional/ worker make. Very true on oh-so-many levels and the reason I care oh-so-much about the Rockstars’ character and social development. You need some academics sure, but people skills are hugely under-rated compared to academics, I believe.

And yet… #5 – (Not) everyone has to like you. Painfully and sadly true. I wanted so badly to be liked, to have lots and lots of friends growing up. Then I grew up and learned that my RMs will infinitely forgive me not going out drinking with them if I still made them and their clients money. One of the biggest privileges I came to value about being good at one’s job (former. Job.) is the prerogative to say no to getting drunk or whatever, to make my RMs like me. (Oh, and I have some really good “foul-weather friends” – everyone reschedules and reschedules around work (and now kids) and we can don’t see each other for months. Maybe even years, especially for those in different cities. But if you’re in trouble, i.e. the weather is “foul” – that’s when their schedule is wide open. I hope I’m a few people’s “foul-weather friend” too.)

Oh, and one more: #8: Competition is more important than collaboration. Yeah I really consider this one so not true. This is one thing I learned from 3 bank mergers (I don’t want to use the word “surviving” because it gives the impression you don’t get slapped around. You still do. (And how.) But in the office people all have to work with someone. That can be you, or that can be your so-called competitor. I would think you’d prefer it to be you. So always be the best you can be, the nicest you can be……. without people taking kindness for weakness. Nope, not an easy balance. But loyalty is under-rated. I had one very much respected yet no-nonsense boss (who btw quit the investment banking market for 4 years to have 2 kids – who went on to top and almost-top the Hong Kong public secondary school exams) who chose loyalty over sheer ability/ ambition (but of course you need some ability and ambition).

4) OK too many words. So let’s do Vet Makes Wheelchair For Disabled Tortoise Out Of Son’s Lego.

'Nuff said.

‘Nuff said.

SO simple - tortoise has weakened legs due to growth disease

SO simple – tortoise has weakened legs due to growth disease

5) Another creative one: Graphic Artist And His 2D Painted As 3D Creations. This is kinda fun – Rockstar’s been doing 2D vs 3D in school for math…


Rockstar would say the difference between 2D and 3D is volume. Ergo, how you paint this stuff theoretically is by faking volume in the 2D picture. But really why it’s here is because this painter has never had art lessons, and he left school at 15. I think everyone is capable of anything – you just really need to want to do it…”

(Of course, you have to find something you want to do…)

6) This week The Rockstars star in Sometimes It’s Just Really Hard To Get One’s Baby Sister Out Of The Coffee Table.

"Maybe if I used a 'Bis-kit'?"

Like so…

"Maybe if I used a 'Bis-kit'?"

“Maybe if I used a ‘Bis-kit’?”

(Don't you know it...!)

(Don’t you know it…!) 

Gonna shoot this out quickly; the kids are taking turns at being sick – Rockstar had a blocked sinus that led to infected tear ducts (not very contagious because it’s a mostly internal infection) and had to be out of school to see the doctor – which is relatively rare, for a child who tries not to touch his face with his hands to cut down the chance of being sick… And now the Miss has a cough that keeps her up at night…

Good weekend dears. Will write again when I’m conscious coherent soon. I hope. 

Posted in The TGIF Posts | 2 Comments

Little Miss-Speak #33 – Yet More Attitude Problems


The Miss has been going through a phase of making demands, changing her mind back and forth, and – predictably – having meltdowns… After one such…..

Rockstar: See now, wasn’t that silly (to throw another full-blown tantrum)? Don’t you feel silly now?

Miss: No. Feel happy.

Found this picture and somehow it seemed appropriate...

“Make your shopping easier” – by popping the toddler in the cart (you hope)

She brought the rabbit for a spin before setting him down. No, we didn’t get him though I wouldn’t have minded because this: –


I believe the term is "guilt-free shopping"

I believe the term is “guilt-free shopping”

We did get a soft toy dragon for JD to “kill” though, with satisfyingly flail-y limbs and tail and wings 🙂   

Posted in Rockstarisms | 3 Comments

Some Recent Christmassy Things (At least, I call them Christmassy)

So ’tis nearly the season, and I try to look for interesting things online and in the few stores I’m able to frequent with little kids or a dog to entertain, because we have a child whose birthday is very close to Christmas. Other parents have used the phrase “poor thing” to describe this, because then the child only gets one celebration/ set of presents.

But wait, there’s more – I loathe event organizing or hosting parties (Death By RSVP List Management) and much prefer to do say, a good loot bag sourcing or little thoughtful inedible treats (also loathe baking because if it’s any good there’s never enough, and if it’s bad then WHO is going to eat it, and btw while we are not a sweets family this has taken an even more extreme turn – our helper has even eschewed “real” food after her friends taught her to imbibe Spirulina and protein shakes mixed with Evian before I convinced her it doesn’t have to be boutique mineral water – for weight loss.)

SO, 1) DIY Personalized Minecraft Bookmarks/ Gifttags:

Why? If you have a Minecraft-fan child, you’ll know that anything officially Mojang-licensed is really expensive (as in, not-Mojang for the same is going to be way cheaper – and yes there’s a marketing case study).

So, this is made from officially licensed wrapping paper. When I started looking for stuff  couple months back I couldn’t even find anyone shipping the paper to HK. Another mummy who bulk-ordered Minecraft dolls for her son’s birthday party (and that literally is the only plush toy Rockstar has ever liked) pointed me to another site and that’s where I found the wrapping paper, shipping to HK for free. Cutting up half the HKD 150 piece of paper already makes enough for 48 bookmarks. HKD 75 for 48 Minecraft diamond ore bookmarks.

photo 1-94 photo 2-90 photo 3-67   photo 4-51

What? I said I don't bake...!

Inspired by The Diamond Minecart, geddit? 😉

Then write your child’s friends’ names on the reverse, and……… I found a ma-and-pa shop for laminating the things with extra-large pieces of plastic… and a bulk discount. So, HKD 75/ 48 + HKD 3.60 lamination ~ HKD 5.20 per personalized Minecraft bookmark/ gift tag.

Much cheaper than the pretty gift tags or cards in the stores that say “Christmas” because you have to buy them during the season… Some elbow grease with the cutting and writing make it “Christmassy” for the effort – and it’s Minecraft-something!

(What? I said I don’t bake, right… My mum friends can swing some seriously intimidating baked goods, host parties, and special order from Korean grocers to pack school lunches, I can surely make bookmarks.)

2) Next up…. Living Dead Gingerbread Men. Say what?

Yes, really.

Yes, really. (And next to it, ugly sweater cookie kit).

No I didn’t buy them, but was thinking Wow They Killed Traditional Christmas Fast, With That One 😀

3) The Ikea Christmas Tree Curtain

This is a PICTURE of a real Christmas Tree

This is a PICTURE of a real Christmas Tree. Yes they attached REAL ornaments to the fabric.

Think of all the space you’ll save…! 😀

4) The only kind of acceptable child labor… Now, I really, really love the smell of a real tree, but it’s not like you can decorate something in your garden in Hong Kong (for most people anyway :). I felt increasingly guilty about buying a chopped-down imported tree for the smells and so we usually get a wreath and then we’ve been using the same Christmas tree from Indigo for a few years.

Which would be this.

Which would be this. Cameo by paper star from Ikea and crafty hanging done by the Rockstars which I just industrial-taped to the walls

(Oh, and I recommend getting the craft ornaments/ decorations from Bumps to Babes because (a) you keep the kids busy and (b) Christmas decorations. You guys know I have never been above child labor 😉

5) And going one step further than tree chopping, how about buying recycled wood ornaments (or the recycled driftwood Christmas tree even) from Tree?

Twinkle twinkle little starfish

Twinkle twinkle little starfish

And I get in trouble for not posting a pic of the kids so here goes:

Yo Ho Ho.

Yo Ho Ho.






Posted in Rockstar Shots, Rockstar Thoughts | 4 Comments

Food (Kind of), Cute Animals And…. Guy Who Sells Nobel Prize This Weekend

1) Because cute animal pictures trump anything I could possibly have to say… always. Animals Seeing Snow For The First Time.

*No caption possible*

*No caption possible*

OFF! Get it...... OFF!

OFF! Get it…… OFF!

2) Greek Mum’s Response To Picky Eaters (basically “then don’t eat until the next meal”.) Not sure that works entirely because both my kids are determined and strong-willed and I don’t want determined, strong-willed kids with ulcers but I think some form of it I think is good… Btw I had an ex colleague who didn’t even allow her kids to send back wrong orders when restaurants messed up their orders, because she thought it taught them to adapt when things sometimes didn’t go their way in life… We were at the restaurant and one of her boys who must’ve been about 10 was served pasta with a white carbonara sauce instead of the tomato marinara he asked for…

But the link is there more because of the slide show at bottom re some of the weird eating habits kids have. I met someone whose boy doesn’t accept food on a plate if the different kinds are touching each other. Carrots must maintain a respectable distance from peas. Here’s more:



And in the same vein, Rockstar’s would be, “Hi, my name is Rockstar. I don’t eat tofu unless you fry it in extra virgin olive oil and don’t tell me what it is. And then I love it.”

3) Another Just Let Em Do It: Science “Jerk” Sells Nobel.

What price, honor? The whole reason the Nobel can command that kind of money lies in it being the highest honor that will bend lotsa people’s noses out of shape. (Well d-uh). So I was well…. if you need the money… it’s better than stealing it…


“But Brutus Is An Honorable Man?” I read all the other things the article says about this guy, and how he’s doing it to upset people. He’s been quoted as saying some pretty awful and racist things and I assume some people say awful, scandalous things just for the shock value – it’s easier to horrify than to inspire everyone. But isn’t it also obvious he’s some old guy who is just increasingly looking for attention?

Well, whatever – if he’s making donations, which is one of the things he says he wants to do with the money, then just let him sell it, offended science community and what-not. Because out of a huge vanity gesture, shalt come some real good. Pride should not be confused with honor. Pride is worth selling away. Respect can only be earned. And honor is the value you place on your own word. Your honor is your respect for yourself.

(Wah chim. Sorry. Changed my Nespresso capsules :D)

4) Fastfood Order Hacks. No idea if this works in Asia (special ordering fast food will make it decidedly not fast in Malaysia and in Hong Kong even though it’s fast people probably hate you way more) but getting a real egg from Mc Donald’s was attractive. (Because apparently there are 3 kinds of egg and only that one is “real”? So what are the other two?!)

5) Not sure which is more daring, the fast food one or this: Daredevil Moab Monkeys.

Real Men Use Pink Rope?

Real Men Use Pink Rope?


6) Rockstar has the skit this week, titled Self Portrait:

One fine day in the Rockstar household…

photo 3-95 photo 5-36

“Watcha Painting, Ko-ko?”

photo 3-94

photo 2-122

Yes, really. The Guinea Pig with the crazy hair.

And his Self Portrait:

photo 2-121

Good Weekend, Dears…

Posted in The TGIF Posts | 1 Comment

Little Miss-Speak #31 – Voicing Displeasure


Me: How about 3 more turns on the slide and then we’ll go home?

Miss: Not happy (with) you. 



photo 3-85 photo 1-117

photo 4-65 photo 5-30

Posted in Rockstarisms | 2 Comments

Guinea Pig Comes To Stay – Prologue, Epilogue, And Toilet Humor

Safari Kid has a Guinea Pig Weekend Program (:D I just like calling it that) where students can opt to host the school pet, filling in his travel journal as well. Both Rockstars had been on about this, the Miss because she took an early shine to Guinea Pig (yes his real name) from class, and Rockstar who came across the instructional handout we get with school reports (which btw come complete with a checklist of which alphabets/ numbers she can or can’t recognize, just we’ve been quite laid back about these specifics because at that age Rockstar didn’t even get a checklist from his preschool so to us the existence of a checklist is already quite good :D).

That would be this.

That would be this.

The above, which Rockstar read carefully, is besides the detailed email support you get, when you email your child’s teacher with queries about caring for this thing. Which is excellent, since I had to first grapple with whether I could keep a Guinea Pig alive for a weekend. (Never had a GP; had hamsters, an albino rat, a very unfriendly large rabbit, but I have this idea GPs are quite different from all these.)

The cage is empty; Guinea travels in a cardboard box for safety!

The cage is empty; Guinea travels in a cardboard box for safety!

From hearing about friends’ GPs, I had formed an impression that GPs poop way more than my hamsters and don’t seem to mind stepping in it – plus, they have larger and longer claws. This actually bothers me about GPs, which is why I would not get one as a pet – which then makes me very happy to do this relatively low-commitment weekend thing. (We’re just never getting one ourselves. It’s nice for my kids however to be able to play Been There Done That).

(I had up to 16 hamsters at one time in upper primary school, because I determinedly bred a few litters and kept the babies my good friends didn’t adopt, after the “two females” the pet shop sold us ate their first litter because I was unprepared. It is a promise I have made to Rockstar, that someday if called upon I will help him with some breeding hamster school project when he’s older. Speaking of which, I was handling Guinea with the full on kid gloves, but in hind sight I think he’s actually a lot less fragile than my hamsters were – I remember them as much faster than Guinea, climbing everywhere, having absolutely no respect for heights – then when they fall wrong they die. Ok actually I told Rockstar they die pretty easily and he has to get used to that – basically he’s had rodent on the brain this whole last weekend, it turns out he really likes rodents).

Anyway back to toilet habits. I considered GPs one of those Go Home Evolution, You Are Drunk moments. (Do GPs even exist in the wild any more? No? Well then WHO is going to want a pet that is one big pooping machine? (Evolution can create an animal that produces cube-shaped poop so it doesn’t roll off cliffs, it can’t do something about the otherwise very sweet and cute GP?)

For real though, (and more importantly), Guinea did not nip once, the entire time the kids were handling him and occasionally bickering over whose turn it was to cuddle him. In which case, what’s a little poop between friends? 🙂 My hamsters, rat and rabbit have all inflicted some bad bites on me – the rodents because they were fighting or weren’t yet used to handling, the rabbit because she was a real b*tch. (Sorry, but she really was.)

Thing is, I considered this stint a really good parenting opportunity (but I was so exhausted) because when it’s something this exciting to the kids, they’re gonna bicker, no matter how well they get along. I was also trying to communicate the whole Stay Calm When The Thing Starts Kicking bit – we’ve probably all seen kids who don’t know how to behave around animals, screaming their heads off or stampeding about the place until the creature’s heart pops, and somehow I just badly wanted the Rockstars to learn to be gentle with small animals. (But not have to get one myself haha)

Rockstar in particular, though he spends time with JD after school, would probably otherwise be on the computer at home any chance he gets, or devouring Geronimo Stilton books – new habit; in less than 4 weeks he’s gone through almost 20, after finding his first in the school library. (Since he was very heavily skewed toward non-fiction before, I’m trying not to be too alarmed at the lopsided-ness, and assume he will be back to normal when he runs out of new books – which should be quite soon, at this rate. And yes throughout, he has to maintain his Chinese too…)

Rockstar was a little sad saying goodbye to Guinea before school...

Rockstar was a little sad when he woke and had to say goodbye to Guinea before school… (but in general he’s also grumpy when woken up early)

But he got over it in like, 10 minutes - then he picked up his Speed Stacks to get on the bus

And he got over it in like, 10 minutes – then he picked up his Speed Stacks to get on the bus 

Guinea ended up playing in our bedroom twice a day, and here’s the caveat – he really does poop and pee a lot. Every single time we took him out. The record stands at 4 times in an hour+, though now I realize he barely peed in his own cage, so maybe the peeing on our bedroom floor is because he’s male (i.e. he’s “marking”) and the scent of another pet is everywhere – JD sleeps in a basket at the foot of our bed.

Rockstar didn’t know whether to laugh or dance around ballistic when straight-faced, the Miss told him there was poop on his foot. She proceeded to raise her eyebrows and go, Calm down, Ko-ko,” as he spluttered. When, still with raised eyebrows, she bent down and picked the poop off him with her bare hands, I ended up being the one who nearly had a heart attack. 

This the Miss btw, looking at her "homework" with Guinea before the bus came

This the Miss btw, looking at her “homework” with Guinea before the bus came

She walked him in to school fine...

She walked him in to school fine…

Though I do think she misses him a little... Neither one wants him permanently btw, because they do say they want to "play other games too" but both definitely want him to visit again

Though I do think she misses him a little… Neither one wants him permanently btw, because they do say they want to “play other games too” but both definitely want him to visit again

Because I’m anal and germ-freaky, I changed the bedding and cleaned his cage twice a day (didn’t want our helper to touch it in case I ended up having to send the Email Of Shame to my little girl’s school telling them we killed the school pet – a former helper accidentally chopped part of my rat’s tail off in those drawers at the bottom of some cages that allow you to clean it better).

So despite my germ-freaky, this is why I think you should totally try it, host the school GP if you have one:

a) A school pet probably has a much more even temper and temperament around little kids, or it isn’t going to be a school pet. Well, d-uh, but my first thought in taking the thing for the weekend was, it must have a tried and true temperament. Before my hamsters were tamed, they really bit. And us parents can be insane, and not all of us even like rodents. A thing that looks vaguely like a rat with a half-baked Elvis hairdo belonging to the school punctures the skin on a precious toddler’s hands and there’s going to be angry villagers with pitchforks and torches at their doorstep. Fried Guinea Pig.

So, School Pet is probably better even, than borrowing your friend’s pet – a school pet would’ve been used to lots and lotsa little humans stomping about every day, making those noises.

b) It scratches the itch for a weekend (or a few weekends). I can clean cages twice a day for a couple days, knowing this thing is going back to school come Monday – Yippee! I’m not going to be stuck cleaning cages until the thing croaks, long after my kids have tired of playing with it.

(If you really want a pet,just get a dog or something else you can toilet train. JD as a 4 month old puppy toilet trained in about 5 days. When we moved to HK, that was 2.5 days, then 1.5 days tops, each time we changed apartments. Her trainer used to say, “If you were in a new place for the first time, would you know where the toilet was? It’s about communicating with the animal.” I don’t think – and please don’t let the Guinea Pig People hate me – GPs ever only go once or twice a day. All GPs should be school pets so the frequent poop clean-up can be shared among lots more people :P) 

So, the verdict is: It’s your best chance to let your kid have a Small Animal Fix sans longer commitment. 

Oh, and JD was quick to reclaim her Little Human. (To be fair though, JD didn't react much to Guinea. He wasn't Sheep enough, and she was pretty smug at bedtime when SHE was the one in the bedroom :D)

Oh, and JD was quick to reclaim her Little Human. (To be fair though, JD didn’t react much to Guinea. He wasn’t Sheep enough, and she was pretty smug at bedtime when SHE was the one in the bedroom :D)

Posted in School For Rockstar, Talking To Rockstar | 2 Comments