A Lesson In Sharing Blu-Tack

Blu-tack, to Rockstar and Friends, is an incredibly prized commodity in class.

Yes the stuff you can purchase by the case to more than satisfy your child's desires, that would still be cheaper than say, a Transformer or Ninja Turtle toy (it's all the movie rights!).

Yes the stuff you can purchase by the case to more than satisfy your child’s desires, that would still be cheaper than say, a Transformer or Ninja Turtle toy (it’s all the movie rights!).

It’s a lesson in Your Kid’s Friends’ Opinions.

(Also, there are Youtubes. This one’s Blu-tack Adventure:)

I kind of listened with half an ear when Rockstar occasionally came home with tiny balls of the stuff that he had found left on a wall or etc, expounding its many virtues. “You can stick them on walls and mums don’t complain because they don’t leave marks! It’s great!!” “You can make things out of them. Look! A ball!”

Then one day parents come in for an art project. As almost an afterthought, I’d gotten our own pack from a mummy friend who’d gone in search of the stuff that very morning, so for once Rockstar actually had an abundance of the precious stuff – which is when other kids keep coming up to us for more.

Q1: Guess what I did.

Q2: Guess what Rockstar did.

A1: Initially, I shared freely from the pack we had bought. Then I squirreled away some in case I ran out.

A2: Rockstar shared freely from the gob in his hand.

In fact, for this project (building various animal habitat dioramas – some of which btw were really elaborate, as the kids had partnered up and discussed what they were going to do beforehand, which naturally led to pretty high flying ideas and “shopping” lists for parents – in fact, Rockstar’s partner’s mum and I collaborated several times over the weekend just so we wouldn’t duplicate too many items while covering everything our kids needed wanted. I consider it Work Mum Etiquette – Mum Who Works gets to contribute what she can find near her office on lunch hour first) Rockstar had zip locked his plastic animals and shopping list, having also sorted prey vs predator vs scavenger (which he proudly told me he learned from school at some point), and I’d zip locked a separate bag of animals that were most definitely not found in the Grasslands but which had come along with the pack we bought in order to get all the animals on our list, which I thought to then give away. (Also, what else am I going to do with plastic otters, beavers, salamanders and goodness knows what those other things were..)

Rockstar looks through his stuff, and takes out……. the bag of non-Grasslands animals. He is so into when he can give them out and who might need them that I have to tell him to look at his own stuff and discuss/plan the box he’s supposed to work on. Halfway through the project I then get “Mum.” Because what he wants is to go ask permission from the teacher to also take out the materials in his schoolbag that he’d saved (foam sheets, tracing paper) for other groups. Except his school bag is outside and I estimate it will take him like, 2 hours to obtain permission, trot out, open the zip, happily thumb through the sheets, double back because he’s forgotten to zip back up his bag, locate someone who needs it… He periodically does this. I call it the Sharing Monster Phase.

Now, I feel guilty telling my helpful child not to help too much, but if you were in a plane and God forbid it was going to crash, they tell you to put on your own oxygen mask before you go be a hero, don’t you?

Just… finish your own project first. After all, you’ve already methodically sorted through species, had a list, how hard can it be to put bloody plastic animals in a box?

About then is when he starts doling out the blu-tack.

Oh yay. Because I wasn’t conflicted enough over First World Problem Of Plastic Animals For A Box.

There has just been horrific devastation from Typhoon Hai-Yan in the Philippines, for which Rockstar’s school has then swiftly begun a big donation drive where some parents have pledged generous funds and here I am writing about Blu-tack. 

Anyway. Sharing, helping others in need whether we like them or not, are some of the things we learn are The Right Thing To Do, whatever your faith, wherever you come from. It’s just one of those things you know is The Correct Answer To A Question On How To Behave. As Christians we are taught to do it to the glory of God. As an act of faith that He provides. (And btw I don’t think He expects you to give away your oxygen mask either.) So somewhere in between, you do what’s right for your conscience because at the end of the day you’re the one who has to look God in the proverbial eye when you pray for other stuff.

(That was my conclusion from 11 years in the markets because there is no more humbling lesson than that you can use the most sophisticated risk management software and default probability calculators for your investments and another SARS or typhoon or Greece or etc happens and you realize you were never in control after all. All the sophisticated instruments are for nothing if you hit an iceberg because the big ship is still going down. Technically all your human effort, no matter how smart, how gifted you may be, are absolutely for nothing because you will never have perfect information. Only He does. This is why many traders are religious.)

Rockstar in the meantime, just keeps breaking away bits of Blu-tack. You’d think the 5 loaves and 2 fish are going to be able to stick 29 other kids’ plastic animals and still have several baskets left over for Little Blue Men To Make Youtubes With.

When too many kids ask me at the same time for Blu-tack, I turn one down – only to have Rockstar give her half of the tiny bit left in his hand.

On my part, it had been instinctive. Just too many kids asking at the same time. On Rockstar’s part, it had been instinctive. I’ve never been more proud of him. Rockstar didn’t know to squirrel a little Blu-tack away.

Then I did it for him.

I’m going with You Can Give Away All The Blu-tack You Want But You Are Absolutely Not Allowed To Give Away Your Only Oxygen Mask, for now. Because if you ever risk dying of suffocation someday, Mummy will be super-pissed. 

In time, we’ll have a conversation about how some people will share back. Some won’t take too much from you. And some………… But let’s talk about how you choose to be the way you are despite which you meet. (So that’s why you finish your own work first.)

With more time and hindsight I would’ve brought more than enough supplies. I hadn’t expected everything to be finished in one session, and had assumed I’d go in, see what was missing, make a final run with Little Miss in tow…… Nuh-uh. The kids just super efficiently finished up their projects in the blink of an eye. That’s the thing, because faced with a shortage, I wanted to get selfish. A former mentor used to say, “If I open the door and say “after you”, that doesn’t make me nice. If the building is on fire and I open the door and say “after you,” then I’m nice.” And yet true worship, a true honoring of God, requires some sacrifice. Giving up the Blu-tack.

Then – “I’ve finished mine. I came to help (other friend whose partner appears to have wandered off).” I look up to find one of Rockstar’s friends from another group has come over. He’s soon joined by another child. Together they help their friend catch up. Rather than stay at their own projects to put whatever finishing touches on. Their friend needs help, and so they’re sharing their time.

I feel like cheering. I feel like going all silly and doing a chicken dance, Rockstar goes to this school with these sweet kids. I really want Rockstar to see that. I want him to see others being kind. Amidst general ugly competitiveness in this town, they should really reward kindness. Because there are more than enough rewards everywhere you look, for academic excellence. It shouldn’t be at the expense of being nice. 

Know what, Rockstar? Share with everyone, but…… d’you think you could remember to share a little more with the sharers please? Sharing is reciprocal in that broken, what-have-you-done-for-me-lately human way, and it will feel even better to be nice to those who are nice. Also, I just really wanted to give the nice kids that came over some encouragement of their own too. There aren’t enough little nice gestures in the world.

Over fishball noodles after school, I gingerly broach the subject. Rockstar just shrugs. “Yeah (some) do that all the time.” And? “Hmm? What happens? I don’t know, I don’t go near them much.”

Then Rockstar tripped off to taekwondo class and I called Kings to see if there was a stationery store near his office. It was my clumsy way of trying to illustrate that when you are unconditionally kind, even when you think no one else sees, God does.

How else d’you think it suddenly occurred to me to have Kings pick up 6 large packs of Blu-tack on the way home from work?

Taekwondo class and precious commodity

Taekwondo class and precious commodity


Posted in Rockstar Thoughts, Talking To Rockstar | 2 Comments

Rockstarism #287 – What My Friends Say About Their Home Countries


Another day with Rockstar logic… 

Kings: Would you like to visit Japan or Korea someday?

Rockstar: It’ll have to be Japan. You can’t take taxis in Korea.

Me: Pardon?

Rockstar: (Korean friend) said he went home and the taxi driver was so crazy he vomited. Now he doesn’t want to go home anymore. 

Me: He…. doesn’t think taxi drivers in Hong Kong drive like that?

Rockstar: Maybe he doesn’t take taxis in Hong Kong. 

Me: And I suppose you don’t have that many Japanese friends and so you actually didn’t hear anything negative about Japan?

Rockstar: Yeah. So we can go there.

Me: !! Just because you have more Korean friends and therefore hear more complaints about Korea – it doesn’t work that way.

Rockstar: Oh, really? Huh…

(Also, my friend would explain there are actually different “grades” of taxi qualities in Korea…)

Another time….

Rockstar: (Friend) gets too much candy when he goes home to India. Don’t go to India.

Me: (?!) So now it’s India’s fault?

Rockstar: No, that was his grandparents’ fault. He said his grandparents feed him too much candy.

Me: Yeah Grandparents often do things like that… but he told you it was his “grandparents fault”???

Rockstar: Yeah! He said “I ate too much candy in India because my grandparents gave me too much candy.” 

Me: Way to pass the buck, how about “No thank you, I’ve had enough”?

Rockstar: I don’t think he thought he had enough til he got a bit sick. 

Me: He actually got sick?? How much did he eat?! And do you think the “too much candy” has to do with being in India or because someone gave him too much and he didn’t say when he’d had enough?

Rockstar: <confidently> India. Being in India. 

Me: What? WHY??

Rockstar: Because his grandparents only have that much candy when they are in India. <shrugs> They don’t keep the candy in the house in Hong Kong…  

And thank you everyone for the messages and comments asking if the kids are ok, here’s their latest pics:

Rockstar getting off school bus.... hungry.

Rockstar getting off school bus…. hungry.

Little Miss snacking and running about and yes, still falling over.

Little Miss snacking and running about and yes, still falling over.




Posted in Rockstarisms | 1 Comment

Once Upon – And How Was YOUR Weekend?

Once there was a Little Miss…..

What's She Up To Now?

What’s She Up To Now?

Who loved dancing in the wind. So when her mummy took her out collecting sticks for her Ko-ko to bring to school for his latest project, she went maniacally waving leafy twigs about.

Turn left...

Turn left…

Turn Right...

Turn Right…

Front And Center...

Front And Center…



(Note serious facial expression – in case you wondered if she and Ko-ko were related…)

And so it was all good, her Ko-ko found most of the rest of the stuff he needed to bring in to school.

But then on Sunday, her Ko-ko woke up, and something felt wrong. He threw up a couple spoonfuls of his breakfast banana with cereal. But then he felt better, consumed a little more food, and since he had almost never, in their mummy’s memory thrown up more than once at a time, they proceeded to church as usual.

Whereupon he threw up before they made it to the 9th floor children’s service. Their mummy caught most of it in her cupped hands while the Miss was still strapped to her wondering what that noise was, but as more started to spew on the elevator floor people exclaimed, and they hopped off on the 8th floor along with about half the lift’s occupants who decided to take the stairs the rest of the way.

(Come on, do you really want a picture of that?)

After her Ko-ko was done emptying the rest of the contents of his stomach, they proceeded to the 10th floor lounge area, whereupon her Ko-ko changed his shirt while she visited her favorite spot – the water cooler (she loves water, you understand).

But just when they thought they were out of the woods, the Little Miss would take a few steps away from where her brother was sitting quietly on the sofa…………………..

And this would happen.

And this would happen.

It’s not like her mummy could even say “Things happened so fast,” because, really, they didn’t. She was 3, maybe 4 feet away from her mummy and brother. She wasn’t even going that fast. She didn’t even hit the coffee table square on and it wasn’t even the corner of the table or anything. It was so unexpected and anticlimactic. Until someone jumped as she was picking herself up, and said “Blood!!”

It looked like she was crying blood, because the cut was so close to her eye, and somewhere among her tangled insides, her mummy’s heart sank – How were they going to rush her to a doctor on a Sunday, what with her Ko-ko still looking green on the sofa? Being reserved and not that rowdy, her Ko-ko had actually never had anything like that happen to him – he’s only ever even bumped his head twice in his almost-6 years. (Come to think of it, no one can even remember when he threw up twice in a day, if ever. Seriously, what are the odds both of those are going to happen on the same day at the same time when neither has even happened before?)

That’s when they find a doctor right there in the congregation to look at her eye and pronounce it fine. Right. There. Took a few minutes tops. And after the sermon/ classes, he finds her for a second look, just to be sure.

It’s possible by then her mummy was able to make sounds that could be recognized as human again. (Fine, this is probably an exaggeration, since her mummy vaguely remembers some conversations with various caring, helpful, very kind people in the church, and since no one sedated her or hid the sharp objects, it’s possible she was speaking English. (It is after all an English-speaking church)).

And so both children arrive home alright (although they decide to give Delaney’s lunch and Wisekids session a miss.)

And so her Ko-ko would settle down for National Geographic Grasslands Youtubes and a long nap.

And so her Ko-ko would settle down for National Geographic Grasslands Youtubes and a long nap.

And the Little Miss would have a bubble bath (even managing to petition to hold the iPhone in the tub)

And the Little Miss would have a bubble bath (even managing a petition to hold the iPhone in the tub)

And they would both go down for a long, restorative sleep.

And so the King of the Castle would return to find he had missed most of the fun.

So he decided to play catch up.

So he decided to play catch up.

Even as The Girls went out to play ball. (I know, The Girls went out to play ball and The Mens went shopping <rolls eyes>)

And they lived happily ever after. (Until the next mini-crisis).

Who says fairytale happy endings don’t happen in real life?

The End.

(And blasting away gender-bias all over the land.)

Posted in Rockstar Shots | 7 Comments

“No Facebook” And Big Bad Internet Friday

From one of Rockstar’s weekly school emails recently:

“As part of our ICT curriculum we teach the children about such things as cyber-safety, cyber-bullying, email protocol…….”

“……..important to monitor your child’s internet use in the evenings and at weekends.”

“I would hope that no Kennedy student has a Facebook account, since they are not allowed to join if they are under 13, and because there is so much inappropriate material which young children might be exposed to. Please also keep a close eye on the use of any other social networking sites.” 

Alright, then.

As Rockstar gets more literate and computer savvy, we were wondering where the line should be drawn so I especially appreciated the reminder – kids might get literate, learn to use the family laptop in a flash, but it doesn’t make them any more ready for what they might find there. That requires maturity and judgment that even adults sometimes struggle with.

So “No Facebook; School Rules” – excellent. Because No, none of your school friends might have accounts either. So you’re not missing anything. Glad we had this talk, son <dusts off hands>.

Rockstar does his surfing in the living room next to Kings watching tv (to the elder Mens’ occasional annoyance because Rockstar doesn’t like earphones) or with Little Miss and I horsing around in a bedroom. Basically, never alone. I remembered years ago our pastor describing how they put the home computer in the living room instead of their elder daughter’s bedroom like she really wanted, to better monitor her internet access.

OKOKOKOK Linky Party – in honor of No Facebook Primary School, this week’s theme is The Rise Of These Things, Thanks To The Internet:

1) Making Cats Famous. Think “Only On The Internet…..” Ergo: Cats in Tights. Just a little creepier than Puss in Boots.

Told ya.

Told ya.

2) Telling us 30 things everyone else finds weird about Americans but which Americans don’t find weird. Can’t believe it took me this long to discover Wow, People Have A Lot Of Problems, With American Bread.

That’s when I also found this “brilliant” innovation:

The Doughnut Burger (pic from thedailybeast.com)

The Doughnut Burger, also available with strawberry jam (pic from thedailybeast.com)

For more seriously scary food (chocolate-covered potato chips, anyone?), that’s here.

3) The New Vigilantes. That’s about Anonymous, the hacktivist group. (“Hacktivist” itself is a new word, isn’t it?)

pic from wikipedia.com

pic from wikipedia.com

4) Another kind of monster. This one is two girls aged 12 and 14 face-to-face and online bullying another 12 year old til she leapt to her death. The 14 year old posted on her Facebook, “Yes I know I bullied Rebecca and she killed herself but I don’t give a f—“ After that FB post was when they decided to arrest her.

Never mind hacktivism, I remember reading on the World Education Games site last year that someone came up with a program to slow down the competition timer, when their kids took part in the Math and English rounds. (Basically the child has more time to work out the answers than other competitors). What the world needs right now are some gifted programmers to come up with serious child-and-teenager locks on social networking sites. (Sorry ah, very “1st World Problems-ish”)

Until then, we’re gonna have to work at making our kids not want to visit questionable sites. Darn, “Parenting” sure means a lotta work. Oh, and I met a father of a 16 year old who refused to accept his “Friend” invitation on Facebook because “It’s just not cool, dad.” Someone. Please come up with that lock fast.

5) How Do I Protect My Girls From Princess And Porn Star Culture. Personally I never liked the whole Princess Must Be Pretty And Rely On Prince To Save Her general theme (they should have more Mulans), never mind the Do Ya Think I’m Sexy, Daddy? (true story that happened to an ex-colleague) horror show waiting to happen. So the internet’s good for promoting bad images? Let’s google some good ones too…

6) 5 high schoolers practiced persuasive writing as an English class project in 2006, and their subject, one Kurt Vonnegut actually wrote back. He died the following year, but thanks to the internet, his reply is available to all, on Letters Of Note.com.

pic from lettersofnote.com

pic from lettersofnote.com

“Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow.”

7) 7 Genius Twitter Hacks.

pic from thedailybeast.com

pic from thedailybeast.com

 … ironically despite me not being active on Twitter anymore…………….

8) Ok Rockstar Picture Time. I’ve got a picture story today, too: To date Rockstar’s and now also our family’s pictures have been “borrowed” without our knowledge at least twice** – both times it has been thanks to readers whom we’d never met taking the trouble to drop us a line that we found out. (When the newspaper ad ran in Today, one reader in Singapore actually offered to mail us a few copies as souvenirs! I should keep the email as a souvenir…)

This time around, this pic of ours is up on Nissan Motor Malaysia’s Happy Families Facebook Page. I first heard about a week ago, and assumed it was swiftly taken down after, but then I received another message it’s still there. For the record, NO I DID NOT SUBMIT THIS PICTURE FOR A CONTEST:


And what’s with the caption? Anyway it’s from this post on my blog.

Then another reader found the same pic on three other sites and sent me the links with “The person who used it must think the picture embodies the happiest family moment.”

My dear internet friend, thank you. I still think it’s quite funny (and the links she sent me are here, here, and somewhere here.)

My attitude is somewhere between That Was The Pic They Chose??? And They Could At Least Ask….. Now, if they had used our pic for say, a Zombie Apocalypse ad my reaction would’ve been way stronger. Really hate the zombie craze.

Somewhere in all that is why I like the No Facebook Rule in school.

And this Good Weekend Skit is in two parts. Part 1 is titled Rockstar Steps Up.



With Kings away, Rockstar thought to be the one to offer horsie rides. He thought she was SO adorable right up until she upped and sat on his face.

Rockstar was all “Mu-uummmm! GET… HER….. OFF! GEERROFFFF!!” This is because I told him off for shoving her off too hard. I didn’t expect him to then be worried he can’t not shove her too hard, and therefore not shove her off at all. She of course takes advantage of this. It cracks me up how she, half Rockstar’s height, finds her own way of getting back at him for all the Toddler Retrievals.

And so part 2 is a Flashback of Happier Times:

Way Back When (Rockstar went skiing near Canberra last summer)

Way Back When (Rockstar went skiing near Canberra last summer)

That was probably the last time she was happy about being Retrieved. I happened to dig that up and use it as wallpaper – whereupon Little Miss saw it, smiled, and kept going “Ko,ko,ko,ko,ko,ko,ko,ko.”

That’s something I want to hold on to, because otherwise she’s sitting on her bro’s head.

The End. And the beginning of a good w/e…

**We received very professional apologies via email, Facebook and long-distance call plus the subsequent proper photo credit when Rockstar’s picture somehow ended up in a Mediacorp Singapore ad for holiday travel. And follow up post here.

On an aside, yet another reader from KL told me she’d fired a very problematic (think gangs and spiking their food) helper who then posted her kids’ pics on her Facebook profile pages – from back in the Philippines. With her contacting a few people at Facebook I think the pages were removed in about a week. (That is an understatement – she actually told me she did a lot of very impressive string-pulling and 6-degrees stuff, not just the Facebook Thing, to protect her kids. I hope she’s still reading, because I’m still very impressed. We’re Mums – Lugged The Load, Pushed Them Out, Don’t Mess With Us – comes to mind.)

Posted in The TGIF Posts | 3 Comments

A Tale of Two Dinners


Exhibit A (2 hard boiled eggs, broccoli, rice, carrots, fish), consumed at 4.30am after a recent school field trip, because Rockstar fell asleep before he could eat his usual massive dinner (albeit still after putting away an after-school “snack” that is usually shared three-ways with two of his playdate buddies AND almost everything he had packed with him on the said school trip.) On a hunch he wasn’t gonna make it through the night, I put his dinner in Tupperware and then placed that in a flat dish with a flask of hot water nearby. He got through about half of that before deciding to try and get back to sleep. He had most of the other half plus a small bowl of egg, macaroni and cheese the next morning before school.


Exhibit B (bowl of wantan and shrimp noodles with a seasoning of XO shrimp sauce from Shangri-La Hotel’s Lobby Lounge, meant to feed 2 grownups), consumed the evening after said school field trip, as a kind of reward. See, I usually pick him up from school one day a week, and this week it had fallen on School Field Trip Day and so this time I didn’t – and forgot to say anything. So he’d come down and methodically made his way to the bus when he couldn’t find me. When asked something along the lines of “What are you doing here, you don’t usually take the bus today,” he’d replied something like, “My mummy wasn’t in school today because of the field trip, which means she’s probably waiting for me at the bus stop near our home. So I need to take the bus.” (I got a call shortly after to check. Obviously I owed profuse apologies.) But that isn’t quite the end yet…

So I tar-pow the noodles, and Rockstar gets home from school and asks “Really? Those are really the Shang noodles?” (which makes me feel a bit bad – he likes them that much and I get them this rarely?) followed by, “Um…. Did you remember the XO Sauce?” followed hurriedly by, “It’s ok if you forgot!” 

“It’s ok if you forgot.” Yet when I said I didn’t forget he was sooo happy he started dancing about.

And so you all know what I’m thinking right now, right?

“I really need to get more noodles.”

And this is a random picture of Little Miss slurping noodles on a separate occasion

So this is a random picture of Little Miss slurping noodles on a separate occasion

Posted in Rockstar Shots, Rockstar Thoughts, School For Rockstar, Talking To Rockstar | 2 Comments

Hong Kong’s Nobody’s Children

This is one of those true, unembellished stories that happened to me and another mum friend, to entertain the folks who don’t live here and who Facebook me things like “So, I’m very curious, do people over there really walk that fast?” (answer is Yes), and “What do they do about the kids with them then?” (answer is They Put Wheels On Them And Sometimes Even Helmets :D)…

When Rockstar was still a toddler, I made a generalization to a bunch of local colleagues about how well behaved local school kids were. Their response was along the lines of Uh…. Wait Til You Meet The Badly Behaved Ones. “They’re the ones being raised by helpers while parents work long and hard, and then on weekends and family outings they misbehave so badly their tired parents either leave it or leave them at home yes, with the helper, rather than take them out and suffer more bad behavior. Oh, and don’t think these kids don’t know how to study...” Well, we met some variations, recently…

One day on playdate in the area...

On another playdate in the same area…

So one day I’m minding The Rockstars and Friend while Friend’s Mum has stepped away briefly, and I see a bunch of local kids from an outdoor birthday party nearby running about flinging handfuls of rocks into the water feature. What I really mean by “flinging” is 5 at a time and with all their might accompanied by “Unghhh!” sounds.

By some stroke of luck the first handfuls flying all around my charges don’t actually hit anyone. But they’ve missed Rockstar and Friend’s upper bodies by less than 12 inches. My “Hey, don’t throw rocks like that” is met with an initial stalking off – only to have the boys return and one of them fling another handful several minutes later. I go up to Spirited Flinger Of Rocks, and ask loudly “WHERE’S YOUR MUM?”

“There.” The boy points vaguely at a circle of about half a dozen local mums deep in conversation. I try to catch someone’s eye and turn to find he’s already walking away. “WHICH ONE IS YOUR MUM, I WANT TO TALK TO HER.”

I get a few looks, mostly not unkind, and a mum steers her own daughter well clear. Circle Of Mums however remains impenetrable. A dad balancing a toddler on one arm hurries up, casts me a mildly stricken look, grabs his son’s arm and starts lecturing him about not throwing rocks.

“Uh… He…. “

“I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW” <turns back to son in Cantonese>

“Actually, he wasn’t one of those flinging the rocks, he was only – “


A third handful flung by the real culprit who has now returned finally scores Rockstar’s hand. “Mum. He got me this time.”

“WHERE’S YOUR MUM?? I want to tell her what you’re doing!

“NNNNNO!!!!!” He’s about Rockstar’s size, which makes me place his age at probably a bit younger than Rockstar is. Maybe just 5.

I consider grabbing his arm and bellowing directly at the Circle Of Mums WHOSE CHILD IS THIS (What? I have a past in a dealing room with extremely foul-mouthed English traders who have thrown a keyboard. Just that I generally have a freakishly long fuse because of an inherent fear of being mistaken and hammering the wrong person) – except then it occurs to me his mum might not be one of them, especially since Dad Out of Nowhere who was wayy further away still heard me and hurried over to collect his own son. Is Crazy Little Rock Flinger accompanied by some errant helper with cellphone?  Anyway my biggest reason for not going after him is he might bite, kick or scratch if I touch him. Plus, I’ve still got the 3 kids to keep an eye on in a relatively crowded playground.

When my friend returns shortly after, we move a little further off. I watch this boy from our new play area – not once in the entire time we’re around do I see any other adult, be it helper or parent, speak to him.

Now we’re approached by two girls who look to be about 8 or 9. Rockstar and Friend have this game they often play when they’re here – they pick rocks from the water and arrange them about, fitting them onto the square stepping stones. Kind of like their own jigsaw puzzle (after which Rockstar will have me take a picture and he’ll compare the different combinations when playing with my cellphone later – a story for another time because there are enough weird children in this post :D)

photo-1540 photo-1542

(Yes I know these are pictures of rocks. Yes they take them seriously.)

The two new girls keep breaking up the arrangement of rocks our kids are trying to build, and finally my friend tries to say something. There are so many rocks to play with, why do they have to keep plucking the ones our kids are arranging? The girls smile at us……… Then ask our kids again, and again, and again with sweet smiles – Can I Take This One? And This One? And This One And This One And This One And This One And This One? WHY Aren’t They Letting Us Play With Them?? We’re Asking Nicely!!!

I’m speechless, I really don’t how to react. You open your mouth, and they behave like you are a monster of a grownup bullying little kids. You don’t and they’re seriously bugging your kids. Rockstar walks quietly away. When I join him, he looks up in my face and says seriously “I really don’t want to play there anymore. I really, really don’t want to play with rocks now.” 

These two girls are completely alone, and somehow they’ve still managed to intimidate our kids – and we’re standing right there. ThenDON’T touch my rocks. You can’t have any,” one girl snaps at Rockstar’s Friend (Rockstar having long since given up) when she thinks us mums are busy talking. The moment I look up, they are all politeness again.

What are you supposed to do when this happens? The girls won’t go away. They stay there, seemingly polite, intimidate the hell out of our kids… In fact we want to leave now.

I think I overhear whispered Putonghua between them, and we ask them what school they attend. When my friend speaks to them in Putonghua however, they respond haughtily, “We speak English.” O-kayy, where do you guys go to school? Silence. What-is-the-name-of-your-school? Blank Stares. I repeat the question in my best Cantonese, and they respond with a Cantonese name neither of us have heard of. Anyway where Rock Flinger did not succeed, Polite Intimidators have won this round. And no, I never see any other grownup interact with these girls either.

The moment we make to leave, the girls pounce at our kids’ little rock arrangement. My response is reflex, “You can’t even play nicely with our kids, you think I’m going to let you mess with that while we’re still here??” The girls are completely not cowed – they smile back sweetly and politely at me, looking at me in the eye throughout. One comes straight up to me and says, “I’d better move my scooter away from you.”

That’s when I realize the locals there who are watching their own kids….. are completely silent. They keep their own kids close, but they don’t get involved. No one claims the naughty kids. No one appears to even look at them. I’d guess their parents are pulling overtime somewhere, unaware they have nobody’s children. All 3 kids in the story were dressed nicely – one girl in fact had an elaborate updo and oversized shades, and Crazy Little Rock Flinger was dressed in soccer togs that looked pretty new.

ps: Title inspired by Nobody’s Child, the song about a boy no one adopts in an orphanage because he’s blind. I liked the irony that Hong Kong’s Nobody’s Children are often materially privileged, and probably pull fairly good grades – the bunch we meet are certainly not dumb – but they become Nobody’s Children because of the very material things their parents are striving to give them, intended in the first place to set them apart from the blind orphan boy. Hong Kong’s Nobody’s Children.

pps: I’m not even sure that was her scooter.

But this is Rockstar's ball

But anyway this is Rockstar’s ball. Oh yeah baby sister came with.

Posted in Rockstar Thoughts | 7 Comments

Rockstarism #286 – It’s All In The Packaging



Me: <skimming school email not too long ago> Darling, there’s a writing competition for 100 words on the title “My Garden, My Friend.” I think you should totally try that!

Rockstar: <mild panic> What? What?? Nooooooo! 

Me: (??!!) What are you talking about, you write stories for Daddy all the time.

Rockstar: I couldn’t do that! 100 WORDS! Noooooo!

Me: O…..kay, I might have approached that wrong. It’s a competition. There might be some kind of prize at the end of that.

Rockstar: I could do with a prize.

Me: It was all in the delivery, wasn’t it? I should’ve packaged that better?

Rockstar: Yeah. I’m not even 6 Mum, come on. 100 words sounds scary.

Me: Fine, can’t argue with that.

(I figure if he really does attempt something then I’ll fork out some kind of prize for him, Lego or something)

Not to be outdone….

Little Miss: Buh-bble.

Me: That’s actually a light, darling, but yes it looks a bit like a bubble.

Little Miss: Buh-bble.

Me: Light.

Little Miss: Buh-bble.

Me: Light.


Little Miss: Light-bble.

Me: Fine, can’t argue with that either.

And here now The Rockstars' Official Halloween pic this year, taken at the end of all the festivities and before they got shipped off to late night baths. Y'know, because I really haven't had time to write much this weekend yet...

And here now The Rockstars’ Official Halloween pic this year, taken at the end of all the festivities and before they got shipped off to late night baths. Y’know, because I haven’t managed to write much this weekend with the helper off and Kings working…


Posted in Rockstarisms | 2 Comments

A Dog And Her Very Own Pet Human

Now she’s ten, we finally decided JD was old enough to have her own pet.

Proud JD with new pet

Proud JD with new pet

All those petitions and promises of proper care and walking finally wore us down. She simply wasn’t leaving Little Miss on my bed without an ear scratch or head stroke. We had to separate them during feeding times because otherwise Little Miss would feed her with her fingers, then dip said fingers in her bowl, thereby necessitating the contents of entire bowl be given to the dog. We were never sure which female was the true mastermind behind that maneuver. (One’s a border collie, the other’s a toddler, they’re pretty equally matched… Rockstar on the other hand? No match for either one!)

Aww, shucks...

Note JD’s “Aww, shucks” Manja Face…

Well JD’s been around for awhile, hope she remembers A Pet Is A Lifelong Commitment…

Me And My Pet

Equally thoughtful expressions

And so here she is, proudly bringing her new Little Pet Human out for a walk…

"Oh Look, A White Hair. Lemme Get That For You"

“Oh Look, A White Hair. Lemme Get That For You”

"Here, Little Pet Human. A rock, for your entertainment pleasure."

“Here, Little Pet Human. A rock, for your entertainment pleasure.”

"Obviously in my lifetime I have not learned that Little Humans with rocks might possibly not end that well for me."

“Obviously in my lifetime I have not learned that Little Humans with rocks might not end that well for me.”

Come to think of it, why should we know there are other uses for rocks? Thought for the weekend…

Ps: With Kings gone the last couple weekends and pretty much every weekend this month, I was cabbing JD to our Peak walks on weekdays while Little Miss had her lunch at home… For a whopping HKD 200-ish cab fare and a mad rush back home in time for said helper to meet Rockstar at the school bus stop because except for once when I really couldn’t make it and had to enlist the help of another mummy friend as well (thank God for friends), the helper is not allowed out with Little Miss. (In fact even at home she has just a set few things we have practiced over and over re taking care of the baby – mostly involving feeding, brief play in ball pool or at Little Miss’ toy kitchen, and a bottle.)

So it’s kinda great I can now walk two girls with one stone.

Posted in aileensml | 3 Comments

And Then This Halloween Little Miss Was…….

High up above the unsuspecting public (and where other unsuspecting public including Mummy And Friends attend church), a certain toddler identifies a need for Awesome Toddler-ness at a certain Halloween party across town…..

"Dis is a job for some awesome toddler-ness!"

Pick your own caption**

** A) (Overheard in background) Calling all Awesome Toddlers, calling all Awesome Toddlers, calling all Awesome Toddlers… “Dis. Issa Job. For An Awesome Toddler.”

B) “My hair! What has happened to my hair!”

C) “The lift is taken! Where shall I swing my outfit change!”

D) “Door! Dohr!”

Quick as a flash, an Awesome Toddler (there are many, you understand, strategically situated on call throughout the otherwise not-always-child-friendly city) answers the Secret Message Only Awesome Toddlers On Call Can Hear. (What? Can happen right, WHY do you think your toddler gets that sudden purposeful look and dives for lift doors/ exit at Wisekids/ your front door?)

But….. the lift is occupied. And where are all the phone booths? What shall this Awesome Toddler do???

Thank God for curtains.

Thank God for curtains.

Fortunately, there are curtains. By sheer Toddler Resourcefulness (and Marvels of Home Decoration) an all-too-long Secret Halloween Costume is revealed. The ordinary toddler pushes back said folds of fabric to reveal…………..

Baby Optimus! (looks down at outfit)

Baby Optimus! (looks down at outfit) Dis. Is. A. Job. For. Baby Optimus! Not forgetting the comfortable shoes.

**Editor’s note: Batgirl Who Rides Scooter was entirely intended to be her official Halloween costume; however when it arrived, the fabric was a bit coarse (no wonder it had been heavily marked down on sale), and so the Miss never even tried it on. Baby Blue Monster was better and we at least got some pics of her in it, however we also thought she looked completely like a boy. And anyway it was not too easy to move about in, being a bit thick and too warm with all the fur….

And SO, Baby Optimus it is. (Stalks purposefully out from behind curtains)

And SO, Baby Optimus it is. <Strides purposefully out from behind curtains>

"S'up, Mummee?"

“S’up, Mummee?”

"Oh, Bumblebee's still in Sunday school? Ok, Baby Optimus shall wait."

“Oh, Bumblebee’s still in Sunday school? Ok, Baby Optimus shall wait. And have a go on the coffee machine in the lounge area…” (Yes, high above an unsuspecting public)

And THEN the pair are buckled in and on a mission!

And THEN they’re buckled in and on a mission!

They arrive at the Wisekids bash.......

They arrive at the Wisekids bash…….

Only to find a monster spider several times bigger than Summoned Awesome Toddler waiting to be slain (or at least jumped on)

Only to find a Monster Alien Spider several times bigger than Summoned Awesome Toddler waiting to be bashed about with a foam lightstick (or dragged around. Monster Alien Spiders are apparently not too fussy)

Baby Optimus enlists a little extra help (especially with Bumblebee gone off to make spider Oreos with his friend)

Baby Optimus enlists a little extra help (especially with Bumblebee now off making spider Oreos with Friend)

"Yes, I think this one'll do"

**Pick your own caption

A) “Perfect balance, nice length…. Yes, I think this one’ll do”

B) “Light! Lie-hht! Lie-hhhhht!”

C) “Eat your heart out, Obi-Wan”

Where's he got to now?

Where’s he got to now?

Editor’s note: There must’ve been like, 30-50 spiders of all sizes in the multi sensory room; the small ones were a bit too realistic-creepy…

A brief recon with Bumblebee who is making plasma cannon signals over the music...

A brief recon with Bumblebee who is making plasma cannon signals over the music…

"Got the hairy bugger! Hah!"

And….. “Got the hairy bugger! Hah!”

With Monster Alien Spider vanquished, Baby Optimus rejoins the unassuming party.

Where she proceeds to shake rattle to the tune of Ghostbusters...

Where she proceeds to shake a rattle to the tune of Ghostbusters…

Even as Bumblebee returns from Spider Oreo Scarfing With Friend and jumps in front of iPhone...

Even as Bumblebee returns from Spider Oreo Scarfing With Friend and jumps in front of iPhone…

S'up, everyone?

Anymore Monster Alien Spiders need vanquishing? Hm.

And so Bumblebee and Optimus photo op for a fan...

And so Bumblebee and Optimus photo op for a fan…


ps: Would totally recommend this kind of printed jumpsuit, which Rockstar also wore; you can get them quite cheap on Amazon.com and they’re relatively cool and comfortable for rockstars to party in…

Baby Optimus wore her head gear for all of 2 minutes.

Though Baby Optimus wore her head gear for all of 2 minutes because it was wayy to small…

Posted in Rockstar Shots | 2 Comments

Rockstarism #285 And Bumblebee In Cyberport

Bumblebee disguised as Rockstar for Sunday School purposes (they have Transformers in church yes they do!)

Dis is Bumblebee disguised as Rockstar for Sunday School (they have Transformers in church yes they do!)

So Cyberport Arcade as well as the Bel Air management decided to have most of their Halloween activities over the last weekend, and if there were math involved it would look something like:

(Rockstar Is In One Of His Gluttonous Hyperactive Phases)*(I Need To Not Go Batshit Crazy Before Kings Comes Back To Share The Joy) + Kings Is Away + That Is A Helluva Expensive Bumbleebee Plasma Cannon That Wasn’t Too Easy To Find On Amazon With HK Shipping = Bumblebee Shalt Be Unleashed This Weekend.

In Rockstar that energy usually materializes less in running around screaming (though yes he does that too), it’s more an extremely exhausting round of questioning and a voracious amount of eating. Here’s an actual example:

Rockstar: <looking down into breakfast bowl with fork in hand> Blueberries. Mum. I gotta question. How many blueberries does it take to make up (the size of) the sun?

Me: <mildly irritated while making sure Little Miss doesn’t hurl herself on him as she is now wont to do whenever he Gets A Question, if only to demand a cuddle/ shove/ some attention, any attention> What kind of question is that? How can you possibly expect me to answer that?

(Thinking: No Aileen, he’s asking a question, this is a learning opportunity force yourself to stop thinking about that beer/ coffee/ ham and brie croissant)

Me: The sun is already way bigger than the Earth. I don’t even think there’s a number large enough for the number of blueberries that would take to cover the surface of the Earth, let alone the number of blueberries it would take to make up the entire mass of the Earth, let alone the sun.

Rockstar: <conversationally> So…… A really big number? Like, 100 quadrillion million…….? 

Me: <still irritable because I’m lazy to check whether 100 quadrillion million is an actual number> I said I didn’t even know if the biggest number with a name is big enough. What’s the biggest named number?

Rockstar: Oooh. Wait, wait I know that. That’s….. that’s…….. 

Me: The search engine is named after it…. Goo-

Rockstar: Googolplexian!

Me: Yeah so I don’t think even that many blueberries is enough to make up the size of the sun.

Rockstar: What about 99 googolplexians?

Me: Please stop talking. My head hurts.

(What? I hung in there as long as I could. <Make mental note to revisit someday>)

Guess Who Dis?

Guess Who, in our “void deck”

So anyway I hadn’t realized our housing development was having their party Saturday night, we were eyeing the HKD 300 per head Wisekids party after church Sunday because Little Miss has become very comfy with Wisekids and to my relief we managed to score playdates with Rockstar’s good friend, because otherwise I don’t know how we could’ve made it way across town for early service and back for the party and have lunch buddies for our now-favorite meals out at Delaney’s when Kings is away.

When I type the word “Delaney’s”,  what you should read is Mummy gets a beer. This is too cool – I get to have two kids and a beer on a weekend when there isn’t 6 hours of school to farm off one of said kids. Someday they’ll both be at the “Not Now Mum” age, and I can have all the beers I want and I won’t want them anymore but well, such is human nature – right now a beer with kids seems so…. decadent.

Everybody say "Ya-ay" Delaney's

Everybody say “Ya-ay” Delaney’s

So anyway more pictures. Of Bumblebee stalking all over our development:

IMG_1855IMG_1857 IMG_1860IMG_1861

Rockstar, ever serious, appears completely oblivious to the amusement of passersby as he occasionally takes my hand, occasionally shoots off a few rounds and plods along with his plasma cannon (which btw is heavy) in broad daylight. A teenaged boy who towers over me skims by on a skateboard while doing tricks and looking super cool with the shoulder-length wavy hair and board shorts, and I steel myself sheepishly for maybe a derisive eye roll, but instead he calls out politely “Nice costume!”

Rockstar appears to still be deep in thought, I’m the one who feels 10 feet tall. My son just got rrrespect from A Cool Kid! My son cool!  He could maybe even have cool kid friends!

Remove finger and thumb from forehead now, please. I’m just saying…. Remember Rockstar has parents who grew up at least mildly socially awkward? Kings and I were never cool kids. We’d trade homework and exam notes for a proverbial seat at the cool table in the cafeteria when we’d left home for further education 😀 (I was not raised “pretty”; I was raised with so many activities and attention toward excelling that I never had that much time for a social life or any idea what to do if I had. I am also a very short-haired person – how I look today is by explicit request of the Hot Husband.)

But back to this:

This is some baby Halloween event by Baby Kingdom

This is some baby Halloween event by Baby Kingdom

We happened on this thing on Saturday when Bumblebee Rockstar was stalking about looking for some action, and I realize all the signs we pass are in Chinese – we also pass various slightly smaller kids in Halloween costumes and get some looks from all the locals (this appears to be a pretty local event with lotsa Cantonese background conversation). I’m already feeling out of place but Rockstar’s really up for some action. 

“I can’t read Chinese, is this a games event, are there any games he can play here?”

“She doesn’t speak Chinese.” “Wei, she’s speaking English.”

We wait a moment (all the while I’m feeling more and more awkward) and then a woman who speaks perfect English comes up and asks me to register. Halfway through she suddenly asks how old Rockstar is which is when it turns out he’s too old and they apologetically, politely turn us away. AWK…………..WARD.

In retrospect, the name of the sponsor, Baby Kingdom should’ve given it away <palms forehead>

Still keeping straight face (for Rockstar’s benefit because what I really want to do is hide in the fountain at the entrance), I immediately move on to Wisekids (who are preparing for the party the next day), drop Rockstar off, then walk back with his gun and mask and to collect Little Miss who has now woken from her nap.

And so this is bashful me carrying Rockstar's gun back

Sheepish me carrying Bumblebee’s plasma cannon home

No I did not then bring Little Miss back to participate in the Baby Kingdom thing. Once was enough. She would totally have qualified but I DON’T. I don’t qualify as Parent Dressing Up Child For Competition. I’m more Awkward Parent Who Might Accidentally Drown While Trying To Hide In Fountain Except Who Would Raise Her Kids? (It’s just amazing I have a halfway popular blog but well that also had to do with Aforementioned Hot Husband once dabbling in the building of an experimental blog platform from scratch.)

I think Bumblebee and Awkward Parent might have crashed some kind of dress-up competition – I must’ve looked like Kiasu Mum Who Has To Win Everything <cringe> – which might explain some of the looks we got from local parents with costumed kids, especially when Official Bumblebee Plasma Cannon That Plays All The Sounds The Real Character Makes In Transformers Movies In Lieu Of Speaking fired off. But you see, our mistake – WE WERE JUST LOOKING FOR SOMETHING FUN TO DO

This however - Right Place Right Time

We found it.

The something fun to do, we found it. It involved Rockstar putting away two whole children’s linguini bolognese at 5.30pm (and still his regular massive dinner of 2 hard boiled eggs, rice, sizable fish steak and bowl of broccoli and carrots around 8.30pm) and yes this time I echoed the Delaney’s proprietor’s query, “Where Does He Put It?”

After Bumblebee walked his little sister about for a bit...

After Bumblebee walked his little sister about for a bit outside the restaurant before depositing her back home for dinner…

After which Bumblebee had a quick look-see at the Bel Air party (quick because it was horribly crowded and the queues were all super long)

And had a quick look-see at the Bel Air party (quick, because it was horribly crowded as usual, with super long queues)…

Bumblebee likes magic show...

Bumblebee likes magic show…

And bouncing about...

And bouncing castle…

Bumblebee humors a fan...

Plus, humors a fan looking for a selfie…

Aw.... Look who he met at the party!

And…. and….. Look who he met at the party! Aw……….

And so we call it a night. We meet two Optimuses (plural, like “octopuses”, right?) on the way out, but no other Bumblebees. Mum of Optimus pictured kept asking me, “Rockstar chose to be Bumblebee?” Uh, yeah! Ain’t it great?

And then come morning it’s Sunday, and thanks to our going-to-church-when-Kings-isn’t-around playdate buddies, we make it there and back……

Even as Bumblebee shows a little leg...

Even as Bumblebee shows a little leg…

 (Shedding his Rockstar disguise along the way…)

We make it to

Then making Spider Oreos, among others…

I chose this pic because of his dressed-as-a-flower-girl friend’s really nice dress (bought in KL btw) and hairdo – was wondering who that reminded me of all weekend. Just occurred to me today:


(pics from theguardian.com and hookedonhouses.net respectively)

(Not that I liked the not-really-for-kids concepts in the movie, but I loooove Audrey Hepburn, who described the role of Holly Golightly as one of her most challenging because she was an introvert playing an extrovert – in other words, she was really acting, and did a darn good job of it. Also I think she made the questionable character very elegant… Holly is classy just because she was played by Audrey Hepburn. Ok. End of gush.)

My pictures don’t do the Wisekids event justice, because I was so busy chasing after Little Miss, making sure she didn’t get trampled on (she attended the older children’s event instead of the one for kids her own age). They had art and craft to make witches and ghosts – but mostly not a lot of ghouls, more bugs – a “cave” to explore, a multi sensory room where you hunted giant spiders……..

I mention, because I initially thought HKD 300 per child was too pricey, really not worth it (we paid HKD 270 with member discount, and member + early bird discount would’ve made it HKD 240) but I didn’t have a lot of options, for that 11+am timing. Aside from the crafts and snacks and play areas we also had pumpkin goodie bags with Playmobil freebies that were pretty good quality – and matched to boys, girls and toddlers. The goodie bags were numbered to the 30 kids attending the Wisekids bash and Rockstar’s friend, dressed as a flower girl, had a Playmobil bride figurine and Rockstar had…….. A Playmobil Rockstar. So coincidental cool. And not much junk candy 🙂

I love how much people dress up here for Halloween, there’s still trick or treating around our development organized by the Bel Air Mums club (on a school night), Rockstar has a night party in school this Friday (if I’m not mistaken the big bash is by the school PTA each year and is always very elaborate and well organized), I can’t wait for Little Miss to grow a little bigger so we can start participating in all these events more. (Right now I’ve only been able to swing Whatever Is Most Doable With Toddler Along).

And by request, guess what said toddler’s “official” costume is (yes I have restrained from putting up Little Miss’ partying pictures thus far). Is it:

A) Baby Batgirl Who Rides Scooter

A) Baby Batgirl Who Rides Scooter (pic from gilt.com)

B) Baby Optimus Prime (pic from costumecraze.com)

B) Baby Optimus Prime (pic from costumecraze.com)

C) Baby Blue Monster (because she can finally fit into the monster costume we bought last year)

C) Baby Blue Monster (because she can finally fit into the monster costume we bought last year)

To. Be. Continued……..!

Posted in Rockstar Shots, Rockstar Thoughts, Rockstarisms | 2 Comments