People And Animals Who Play Hard And….. Something, This Friday

1) Trick Shot Titus, just a few months posted on Youtube and more than 15 million hits:

(Anyone have any idea how he does that???)

2) So anyway, dogs too, work hard……

The Pom however spends its entire life not being taken seriously. And this floating Koosh Ball is no different.

 It occurred to me the Pom spends its entire life not being taken seriously...

Dis is not a trick. There are no strings attached to the Koosh Ball.

Oh yes here are the working dogs

Oh yes here are the working dogs (And their slaves. Slaves must be appropriately dressed at all times and wear their badges.)

The 2014 Westminster Dog Show. (Caveat: The coverage gets some breeds wrong).

3) …..And then them dogs…



(Would love to find out what the party animal’s name is – I remember meeting standard poodles with names like Xena, Caesar, Plato, they seem to have really cool names… This one’s….. Lady Gaga?)

I can't even get the Miss to keep her shades on (and certain hair clips) and they did THIS to a fluffy thing?

I can’t even get the Miss to keep her shades on (or some hair clips) and someone did THIS?

Rio Carnival Dogs.

4) In honor of Smokey, the giant mutt my mum used let me play horsie with when I was a toddler, here’s 25 People Who Didn’t Get Rid Of Their Dogs When Their Kids Were Born (fine, one of them’s not born yet). Here are a few of my favorites:

Guy sent this in to with the caption "My wife is 8 months pregnant. This has been his favorite hangout for 3 months."

Guy sent this in to with the caption “My wife is 8 months pregnant. This has been his favorite hangout for 3 months.”

Look at the dog’s expression – I’m thinking this baby comes out speaking Dog.

This was "Rachel and Thor waiting for Santa". (I think Thor's a pretty strange name for a little girl though :D)

This was “Rachel and Thor waiting for Santa”.

I think Thor’s a pretty strange name for a little girl though, but what do I know, Little Miss Rockstar’s pretty strange too…

When the mum left the room after he fell asleep, the dog took over

(It says when the mum left the room after he fell asleep, the dog took over)

5) One of those things that reminds us not to trust everything we read on the net… Because exciting, sexy drama simply sells better than……… the occasional real story which deserves more publicizing. Radio Show Hosts Apologize For Fabricated Anti-Gay Note. It says they made up a letter from parents chastising a same-sex couple over the child’s birthday invite and the broadcasters appear to have kept it up even after knowing it was fake.

6) Facebook buys Whatsapp for USD 19 bio. By now everywhere and I still can’t even.

7) Portland Teens Carve Swastika On Boy’s Forehead Over Gay Facebook Comment. 15 year old girl admits she lured the victim with the promise of sex and drugs and she and two other boys apparently shot him. There’s a brief mention that they viewed it as retaliation for bullying. And that his mother is not happy. Already used up my “can’t even” above.

8) Sick of Selfies? Here’s good reason.

...When you get pulled over (wow the policeman doesn't look happy)

…When you get pulled over (wow the policeman doesn’t look happy)

9) Animals do it better.

"Hi Mum"

“Hi Mum”

10) These aren’t Selfies but neither are contrived shots and they pretty much describe The Rockstars’ (very different) personalities:

Right after school this is Rockstar's "emailing face".................. when his spaghetti snack hasn't arrived and he's starving.

Right after school this is Rockstar’s “emailing face”……………… when his spaghetti snack hasn’t arrived and he’s starving, while checking his inbox and replying emails from friends. Note claw.

And this the Miss. Yes that's a kind of swinging trapeze thing, about 3-4 feet off the floor. Yes I think only she and another much bigger and older boy in her class have tried this - and more than once.

And this the Miss. Yes that’s a kind of swinging trapeze thing, about 3-4 feet off the floor. Yes I think only she and another much bigger and older boy in her class have tried this position… and more than once…

Have a good weekend, dears…


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2 Responses to People And Animals Who Play Hard And….. Something, This Friday

  1. mun says:

    Really!? Miss Rockstar’s classroom has this cool swinging trapeze thingy and it is part of the lesson to be superman/supergirl flying? So cool!

    Why is Rockstar’s hand a claw? He can’t wait to type on the keyboard?

    Happy Weekend!

    • Aileen says:

      Well the play area in her school has that awesome swinging thing… Also some other activities to help with balance and coordination, like “sleds” on wheels and a large bowl to sit in and be spun about…

      His hand is a claw because he’s hungry and going Aaarrghhh while waiting for his spaghetti…

      Happy Weekend to you too…

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