We thought in honor of our being in HK this year for CNY (rare occurrence), we should try to form our own CNY traditions while alternately entertaining both sets of grandparents who’ve made the trip up this year around other familial commitments (“See? HK is Super!!”)….
Probably the most consistent of our Rockstar Family Traditions is never seeming to keep to actual dates or traditional foods or both (and deliberately refusing to sweat about either). It stems from a childhood of having to follow strict (super early) visiting times and things at CNY – now I strive to keep to the spirit but not the letter of the law, as it were. Because, from experience, the letter can break the spirit…
There are 2 reasons we’re celebrating Reunion Dinner with the old folks early/ late on 2 Saturdays – China Club only allows children in on Saturdays. Also, we were trying to avoid any potential crowd on de day – but were still wait listed for dinner places btw…
Exiting the elevator, you make your way up vintage wooden staircases and around lai see (ang pow) – laden (cherry?) blossom trees in huge porcelain vases… I feel a little self conscious snapping pics and do it furtively, half expecting to be told off (quite a few clubs don’t allow cellphones)…
Though the waitress will later tell us pictures are ok, we don’t see anyone else taking pics or for that matter whipping out their cellphones. Kings and I faux pas-ed on both counts <hangs head>
When we get there most of the other tables haven’t been filled. As they fill up, I’m surprised the room at a glance is a good half white/ Caucasian. And all the wait staff we happen to encounter speak good English, though are more than happy to revert back to Cantonese when Kings does.
My dad remarks, “Chinese restaurants just always have to be noisy,” and while not unbearably so, there is a buzz of conversations going around our room. We’re mildly amused to note on this night it’s 2 tables filled with blonde-and-blue-eyed Americans (from their accents anyway) that are contributing the most noise – though it’s not a rowdy level we can catch what they’re saying quite clearly, while we can hardly hear anything from the Cantonese-speaking tables nearby. Bearing in mind this is The China Club
Nothing from the wine waiter, my parents never drink (my mum might sip something to be polite but that’s it), Kings doesn’t like alcohol (which I find perpetually funny since he had to down loads of it during earlier client entertainment days), and I’m indisposed. Rockstar has been known to sip my red wine, if only to call our bluff and freak us out – otherwise he doesn’t even usually want juice, except to feel festive. Social drinkers, us all.
(I weaned Rockstar off juice when he was about 1 1/2, because at one point the helper would give him juice non-stop while I was at work, and I could swear his cheeks puffed out real quick. Nixed all the juice in the fridge, and he went back to his normal round face that takes after Kings’. Rockstar’s pediatricians and my gynea btw are all against juice – they want you to eat the whole fruit.)
Oh, and Rockstar didn’t like the duck skin either, he just wanted the meat…
At which point, observing him across the table, Kings and I remark to each other, “Our son dem good life. Really golden pig.” (Rockstar is born in the year of the golden pig, which signifies a good life – something we didn’t know til he actually came out and it was insane at the hospital.) On cue, having overheard, Rockstar innocently turns to us and declares, “Daddy, I think we need to come here every Saturday night now.” Hah! Right!
And so… that’s my favorite picture of the night.
Interestingly, they end with fortune cookies. I’m quite surprised because I’ve actually not come across many chinese restaurants in HK that have fortune cookies, it’s usually the chinese restaurants in the States and Australia that have them…
Oh, having your own lai see is quite a thing btw, even our church provides their own red packets with the chinese word “Blessing” (I think it says), and a story observing chinese traditions! And our pastors are American. I should really start a collection, especially since we live here…
Gong Xi Gong Xi Aileen! May the year of the dragon bring you and your family, good health, happiness, prosperity, wisdom and courage!
I like what you say:
“now I strive to keep to the spirit but not the letter of the law, as it were. Because, from experience, the letter can break the spirit…”
So very true. Now I will quote you whenever people ask me to follow traditions strictly.
This China Club looks so ancient and prestigious. Rockstar has got taste – to want to dine there every Saturday!
Re your favourite photo of the night, can really see Rockstar’s little round round tummy clearly – so cute. Are you sure he doesn’t mind you showing it to the world?
Gong Xi Gong Xi to you too!
Traditions are part of culture and history yes, but the biggest tradition should have been one of love and happiness with family to welcome a new year… Not start it with a lot of stress and “rules” which almost certainly will negate the happiness bit…
Well it isn’t just China Club (which however is known for their Peking Duck), Rockstar also loves this clear noodle soup with broccoli that we find in the Sai Kung village too…
Yeah will ask Rockstar about the pic… but I think he won’t mind because he’s been known to lift his shirt to rub his tummy – likes to show off a round tummy after a good meal!
Gong Xi Gong Xi Aileen dearie! And to Kings! And to Rockstar! And to Rockstar, too! And to the grandparents! :))
I love that we get to make our own traditions now, huh? :)) And I so wholeheartedly agree that it’s all about loveeee and happiness! (I so should have been born in the hippy ages – though on second thought, with all those drugs floating around, maybe not :p). Oh! How I have digressed again! :p
Anyways, as always, absolutely love, love, love your narative and the pictures. And agree with zmun that the pic with rockstar’s (little?) tummy is too, too cute!
Gong Xi Gong Xi and may I say it is just so “you” (and your blog) re love and happiness
haha I think drugs are a big no-no to SEA-ians in general, what with us growing up with the death penalty in Malaysia n Singapore.. Rockstar’s tummy literally goes in and out based on how much he’s had, the mom he doesn’t eat he has no tummy.. He can put quite a bit away, considering his size, what he has for dinner is almost as much as me – pre-pregnancy of course 
Gong xi gong xi to you too Heather. May the year of dragon brings you good health and prosperity.
Gong Xi Gong Xi!! Huat Ar!!!
Wishing you n yr family a bountiful Year of Dragon….Good Health, Prosperity and Success!!
I like the pic of Rockstar deep in conversation with yr mum. He looks so sweeeeeeeeeeeet and giving full attention to yr mum.
Hi there! Gong Xi Gong Xi Tor Tor Kin Hong to you and your family! Hope you’re having a great time with the hols, be careful of crackers if you go cycling in the neighborhood?
Not that many crackers.. but with crackers..got more CNY mood.
We just removed the training wheels last week and it took my little girl 2 evenings to ride her bike
However, her 2 gor gor said that she’s a slow learner. 
We only have 4 bikes. 2 bikes with gears for the boys, a kiddie bike with training wheels and an ‘auntie’ bike with the basket and the ‘passenger’ seat.