The “before” shots at Kings’ Asia Bankers Club new office…

Before taking the lift up to “their floor” (Rockstar indicating he wants to make his own record of this on iPod)
I have the weirdest sense of deja vu, because about 2 years ago I happened to pass this way (in itself unusual – I’m just never here in Sheung Wan) and took a picture of this exact same random building for no other reason than partly because it is so Hong Kong to have modern new buildings stand next to really old moldy ones and no one else seems to think that is strange.) And now Kings has moved here (I hesitate to say “expanded” because space is at a premium especially on the island and so it is basically a move from a tiny office to a small office with much more expensive rent haha)
I know! They actually have a shower in there!! How long do they intend to work every day, I would like to know. (From someone who joined California Fitness in Raffles Place so she could shower and get back to office when she was a gofer haha)
Well it’s been almost a year since Kings quit his job while I was pregnant to pursue this, and interestingly (kind of) did anyone notice that Little Miss is almost exactly the same age as Asia Bankers Club?
Isn’t that cute?

Little Miss dozing “like a boss” (This is standard If You Try To Put Me Down I’ll Go From Tired To Wired In A Second)
Oklah for real, I’ll do a follow up post soon. Eventually. Like, when I get more facts straight other than what I get when Kings and I scream at each other in the car to be heard over GABBLE GABBLE GABBLE and MUM! SHE’S EATING HER SOCK! STOPHER!STOPHER!STOPHER!
Congrats on moving to a new bigger office than the previous one! Good to keep some before photos for remembrance. Did Rockstar ask you to take a photo of him in the shower room? He must want to document everything about the new office in its before state.
He didn’t ask, I announced i was going to take a picture of that and he hopped in and posed with the mop-thing… he was bouncing everywhere that day, grown up stuff has that effect on him; he was also helping us to look for the keys to one of the lockers that seemed to have gotten misplaced…