Rockstar: Can I have another chocolate?
Me: No, darling, you had ice cream earlier, that’s enough chocolate for the day
15 mins later:
Rockstar: Can I have more fish?
Me (thinking oh no, who knew he was on such a binge today, are we under-feeding him?):
Sorry darling, remember you finished all your fish and extra helpings? (I told him earlier he’d completely cleaned us out of fish). Do you want some cheese instead?
Rockstar (grinning): No, some chocolate
Me (to Rockstar, about to KO on the sofa): Come put on your pyjamas, before you fall asleep and then get mad at mummy for waking you to change
Rockstar: No.
Me: Why no?
Rockstar: Because I said so.
Me: Oh for goodness’ sake if mummy said that to you you’d be totally mad about it not being a good enough reason.
Rockstar: Then because – because – because I get really angry sometimes when I say No! No! No! and you still take pictures of me on your phone! <fake huffiness>
Me: What’s that got to do with pyjamas?
Rockstar: <Silence>
Me: What’s –
Rockstar: <very huffily> SSHHHHH!!! I. Want. To. Sleep. Pray for monsters.
Me (getting his pyjamas on very casually): Dear Father, please protect us from monsters –
Rockstar: And Flamingos.
Me: What?
Rockstar: FLA-mingos. The birds.
Me: Why?
Rockstar: Because they’re BIG birds that peck.
Note: I corrected him on “peck” – he initially said “bite”
J’adore this pic of you and handsome little rockstar! Gorgeous!