Move over Joseph (and the technicolor dreamcoat)…
Rockstar: Mum. I had a dream last night. I was driving my car and when I got out there were many cameras.
Me: Taking pictures?
Rockstar: Yeah. So then a bunch of camels came and ate them.
He does that when awake too…
Rockstar: Walking plant trying to get away from the fruits because it was shaking the tree and a fruit fell down and nearly hit it.
And this is a boy who came running, running to catch the fruit and so the walking plant (which is a flower) said thank you. But the boy was already eating the fruit. And the boy has a special hairstyle.
Rockstar: Ok now this is a Christmas tree. It’s very cool.
Yellow Submarine was written allegedly while the Beatles were high. Hence their vivid imagination. I am of course joking, because as Responsible Parents Kings and I keep the Good Stuff out of Rockstars reach.
Ps: In case it wasn’t blindingly obvious I wasn’t serious, for the record may I say that to date Kings, Rockstar and I have never been high on anything stronger than coffee or Whiskey (from Kings’ drinking days). No illegal substances except sugar. (What?? It should be illegal, what.)
I think Rockstar may grow up to be a fantasy/scifi story writer with his good imagination.
Well… Our main goal is he finds something meaningful he has a passion for and nurtures that… I remember the despair, anger and frustration I once felt at being pushed into a field I had no interest or aptitude in myself, so…..