One fine day at a certain outdoor restaurant…

Rockstar playing Math Bingo (We thought he only knew some addition, but he opened up the subtraction game recently and it turns out he's got the simple ones down... One of the many things he holds out on us about how much he's learnt in school, hence we are heavily dependent on his teacher to tell us.... Rockstar claims subtraction was explained to him by "someone in school," and then we saw him trying it out on the iPad about a week ago... I have had NO luck talking to him about subtraction, I hope they also tell him smoking's bad and so's drunk driving...)
Rockstar: <looking up from iPad screen> Mum. I found a yucky game on the iPad. It’s called Squash the Ant.
Me: An ant just walked across your screen, didn’t it?
Rockstar: Hee yeah.
Haha, but there is really an Iphone and Ipad game where you squash ants titled “Ant Smasher”!
Don’t tell the Rockstar! He’s in the Look How Gross That Is fascination stage which is just all kinds of good news for me