He’s starting to remind me of Phoebe from Friends, with the tuneless “real life” songs (I assume everyone reading my blog is old enough to remember the Friends sitcom :P)
Rockstar: I got a new song Mum. Wanna hear?
A bird was sitting in a tree
And with her only mother
She didn’t have a father
Because her father died
And she knew that her mum-my bird was getting a new ba-by boy
So the bird in the tree thought that the baby’s father could be her father
So she jumped in the air
Because she started to get hap-py
And then her baby boy grew up to be a 5-year-old big boy
And ate lots of food and started to be 6-and-a-half
And when her brother turned 6-and-a-half she got a new fa-ther…
Me: (Bit startled – we’ve never talked about the concept of step parents, it never come up) Where did you get that from?
Rockstar: (One of his classmates) told me this story. When we were catching bad guys in the playground. (So he got inspired to make up a “song”, I guess.)

Random shot of The Boys where only Rockstar is aware (as usual) that I'm snapping... And Kings has graduated from being stuck on a berry to an iPhone...
It briefly crossed my mind to ask if his schoolmate was referring to someone else or themselves but then it doesn’t really matter right, especially since the bird was happy in the end.. Anyway my point with his “song” was I thought it was amazing what little kids talked about among themselves today…