Reading this Bloomberg article about Mitt Romney and other presidential/ vice-presidential gaffs, I snort involuntarily. Of course, Rockstar looks up immediately…
Rockstar: What? What’s so funny?
Me: This guy tried to run for (Vice) President of the United States and he couldn’t spell “Potato.” So people laughed at him.
(Rockstar starts giggling)
Me: Ay. You know how to spell “Potato” or not?
Rockstar: P…. O…. T…………… I?
Me: “PotAto” lah, not “Poti”
(Rockstar finds this absolutely hilarious)
Rockstar: P-O-T-A-T-O!
Me: Yes. You better not run for President Of The United States.
Rockstar: Yeah LAH. (His “Lah” is mildly sarcastic, he doesn’t use “Lah” etc otherwise)
Me: So…. Would you want the job, President Of The United States?
Rockstar: Nooo…
Me: Why?
Rockstar: I mind my own business.
Me: What exactly is it you think Presidents Of The United States do?
Rockstar: Spell things. (Not) mind their own business.
Me: Where did the “mind your own business” come in?
Rockstar: I don’t want to be President. I want to do my own work. Mind my own business. <shrugs>
Me: Presidents are powerful, important people. They’re supposed to help others, like policemen do. I thought you liked helping others?
Rockstar: Only me, only me.
Me: You think you’re helpful but Presidents aren’t?
Rockstar: Yeah.
Me: Why?! I thought people should use their abilities to help other people. Especially smart ones (this is just something I say a lot).
Rockstar: Yeah. They’re not really smart.
Me: What do you mean presidents are “not really smart?!”
Rockstar: Can’t spell… Couldn’t spell “potato”…
Pre pregnancy weight: 53kg
Pregnancy weight: 73.1kg
Last weighing can’t-remember-how-long-ago: 61kg (or was it 62kg? Kept flitting between 61 and 62…)
Just weighed: 60.5kg and I’m having a glass of wine most nights and a small cappuccino every afternoon right after I pump…
I was frightened by the look on that deer. Yikes!
With spell check on, people nowadays do not really need to know how to spell correctly. True?
Oh that must have been how the guy spelled potato wrong
was wondering…
The deer etc are by Papinee which I think is an NY designer… I quite like the deer but especially love the lion from the series… A 6-10 inch soft toy costs about HKD 600 tho
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