Rockstar walks in on me watching the third round of the 2012 US Presidential Debate on CNBC few days ago…
Rockstar: What’s going on?
Me: This guy is the current President Of The United States. This guy wants to be the next President Of The United States. So they have debates and Americans watch them and decide who they want to be the next President, whether they want the same guy or they want the new guy,
Rockstar: <shakes head gravely and sighs> Oh my goodness. More people who can’t spell “potato.”
So Rockstar is playing with his toys while I watch, and on a whim I ask him what he thinks about the two debate opponents…
Rockstar: The black guy looks like my friend <name>.
Me: (?! Friend he mentioned is not African American) Oh, you mean the hairstyle.
Rockstar: Yeah they have the same hair(style).
Me: So who do you think is winning the debate? (Obviously he can’t follow issues (except one fictional one about seat belt laws), though he has been privy to occasional West Wing background noise for some time… When we watched the first debate Rockstar looked at President Obama and asked, “Who’s that?” because he’d expected Martin Sheen.)
As President Obama and Governor Romney make their closing statements.
Rockstar: The lighter guy. Red (tie) won. Red (tie) won.
Me: You think the guy in the red tie won the debate?
Rockstar: Yeah. I can’t hear anything the other guy is saying.
Me: So if you knew nothing about the two guys, then based on how they speak you think people would pick the guy in the red tie (Romney)? <Rockstar nods> If you knew lots of other things about the two guys, who’s smart, who’s good/bad, would their debate performance be able to change your mind? Just from how well they speak?
Rockstar: What do you mean?
Me: Would you be more affected by what you already know about them, or by how they speak in one debate?
Rockstar: <gravely> But I don’t know anything about them.
Me: If you did, would the way they speak on tv be able to change your mind?
Rockstar: O-oh. Then no.
So who do you think will win?
JD looked to be so engaged watching the debate, hehehe.
I used to think the sitting president, but now a little less sure… I’m actually following some of their campaign emails out of curiosity… Yeah JD is very good at involving herself in current topics of discussion in the household
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