Rockstarism #273 – Eat, Sleep and Furniture Warehouse


Me: (Like I’m announcing last order before the bar closes) Bedti-ime…! Last Youtu-ube…!

Rockstar: Mum. I’m feeling a little… weird. <makes Feeling A Little Weird Face>

Me: Why? What’s the matter now?

Rockstar: I don’t know, it’s just… weird. I don’t feel sleepy.

Me: Imagine my surprise.

Rockstar: You’re really surprised?

Me: No, just being sarcastic.

Weird = Rockstar is eating chocolate cake like he means it

Weird = Rockstar is eating chocolate cake like he means it

Less Weird = He switches to my cheese board (and leaves me to finish his cake) when it arrives

Less Weird = He switches to my cheese board (and leaves me to finish his cake) when it arrives

Y’know, when people overhear, “Umm, you really want a slice of chocolate cake?” they probably think I don’t want him to have it. Actually, I want him to eat more of it.

(Please dear God, don’t let him start to enjoy pigging out on sweet things. I shall not complain about blessings, I shall try to convince Rockstar not to order the cake at all.)

I think the chocolate cake ordering has to do with the fact he knows kids like chocolate and cake and he knows he’s a kid, and so he umm tries to be a kid, right up until the second mouthful………… Nope. Can’t Do It. How can people have more than two big bites of chocolate cake?

ps: I have a new goal. Bring both kids to South Horizon Plaza all by my lonesome and sit at a nice cafe and actually eat and feel like Real Mum Who Brings Her Kids Out To Furniture Warehouses while my kids coo happily in the kiddie play area. I shall come away with an exquisite – maybe even two – exquisite pieces of dust collecting items for the home because what I really want is a sofa or well, a home and we can’t get either yet because the kids are too young and the property prices too high and so I shall stave of cravings by allowing myself just two bites. 

And outside, the Birds You Get Fined For Feeding shall chirp happily as the Sun That Has Been Hidden By Clouds That Break Forth Sudden Squally Showers shines because I shall imagine them so.

This is the two of them playing hide and seek in the Cyberport because of said Sudden Squally Shower and we can't get home.

This is the two of them playing hide and seek in the Cyberport corridors because said Sudden Squally Shower is going on and we can’t get home. I mean, you could bring an umbrella I suppose, but what’s the point when rain moves sideways?

Then again reality ain’t that bad either.

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3 Responses to Rockstarism #273 – Eat, Sleep and Furniture Warehouse

  1. mun says:

    Good to see both of them playing so happily with each other.

    May you achieve your new goal! 🙂

    You really did fool Rockstar there. He thought he had a chance of watching more youtubes, haha!

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