Self-appointed Bouncer, waiting to “bounce” toddlers back into class in between Goyang Kaki (“shaking leg”)
“Do I bring any other babies back or is it only Little Miss I retrieve?”
Uh. Don’t. Touch. Any other babies. Please.

“Go on… Make my day….” She turned back right after I took the pic. Note her “Foiled!” facial expression.
Now it’s half-term, Rockstar was at home when I had to bring Little Miss for her one hour baby Chinese class in the morning and he absolutely insisted on coming along to observe. In fact, he also offered his services in retrieving Little Miss should she wander.
You see, Little Miss often makes a break for it several times during class (there happens to be a kitchen set outside). She almost always comes back of her own volition if you ask nicely but sometimes I have to go bring her back if she’s too long exercising her culinary skills independence. So when Rockstar heard about it well, he just had to come along to see that she didn’t run off. And, “<seriously, with arms crossed> I would like to see how she’s doing. So what Chai-nese words do they learn to write in class? How many strokes?”
I had to remind him this. Is. A baby class.
Little Miss, on the other hand – delighted when we told her Ko-ko would be coming to watch her awesome-ness. And….. you could see she thought about it a few times but in the end she didn’t break out of jail even once. This is the first class where she didn’t exit preliminarily for a paper cup and water/ to whip up something in the toy kitchen at reception/ to gabble at the office manager seated outside. (To be fair, most kids do it especially when there are lulls in between snack/ craft time, but I was initially concerned to find her once or twice exiting at circle/ music time.)
Where Rockstar was shy and reserved, initially getting upset by too much pushing etc, Little Miss is well, NOT. She’s not exactly bully material (thank God!!) but she can hold her own. Give back better’n she got. Sometimes give back umm, a little too much better’n she got. She can be all about the sharing, and then other parents at Wisekids will be all “Wow she is SO sociable, such a good sharer, extroverted etc etc) and I’m Wait Til You See What Happens If Her Little Dragon Tail Is Stepped On.
She’s like Hit Girl in Kick-ass 2 after the most popular girl in school arranges to humiliate her for unwittingly “competing” for popularity. Queen Bee Mean Girl gets the guy Hit Girl has a first date with to ditch her publicly.

Hit Girl doing her biggest ass-kicking in the outfit that is not black leather. pic from shershyan.blogspot.com
So Hit Girl goes home, cries about it, dresses especially nice the next day going back to school to face the Mean Girls……………… And brings along a taser deemed too severe for riot control from her Busting Criminals With Big Daddy Days, with which she proceeds to induce violent vomiting and diarrhea among the Mean Girls, right in the school cafeteria.
Think toddler equivalent without the leather and purple hair re some of Little Miss’ encounters. I……. guess I should be a little happy that of my two kids the little girl child is the one who is relatively tough and fierce. Initially testing the waters and my reaction to bullying, thereby stopping immediately when corrected, then really fighting back when she’s decided someone hath done her wrong.
Mums of bullied little girls would probably say that’s better. Certainly one of my bigger worries had been how to parent around bullying – especially Mean Girl bullying – so I think I’d be a lot more worried if Little Miss was a more likely bullying victim. At the moment she’s not, she’s the tiniest one most of the time, but for the moment she doesn’t look like she’ll attract bullies, thank God. I do hope it stays that way.
And then we’ll work on getting baby girl to leave her taser at home.
I like how Rockstar wants to get involved with his sister’s education, Miss Rockstar really look pleased to have her brother with her in class.
Yeah she was very proud… Yes agree it’s nice Rockstar wants to get involved, but what I like even better about him and their relationship is that he found only positive (and not exaggerated) things to say about her in class, especially in front of her.
So for e.g. instead of saying “she kept trying to run out” he would say “she actually can answer most of the stuff and did well except for the little bit where she tried to run out”… Some more he is actually quite a fusspot about his own stuff…
Wow, so Miss Rockstar is speaking Chinese already after a few classes. Very good!