Happy Birthday Daddy Dolphin

Rockstar wrote Kings a story for his birthday, and Little Miss did the sticker embellishment for this book meant to entertain Kings while he is away at work.

Chief Embellishing Officer sticking away……..

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While the author supervises the illustrations and embellishments of his masterpiece

While Author and Chief Illustrating Officer supervises

(Little Miss took the task quite seriously btw, she would NOT entertain Rockstar’s suggestions on where to put the fish. He ended up going over Fish Placement while she was out with me. Yes when you are 16 months or almost-6 Fish Placement is very important.)

He got the dolphin figurines from one of those "egg machines" where you put the coin in and get an "egg" with a surprise inside... That's how he decided to make the story about dolphins one day after Cantonese Music Class

He got the dolphin figurines from one of those “egg machines” where you put the coin in and get an “egg” with a surprise inside… That’s how he decided to make the story about dolphins one day after Cantonese Music Class

As Rockstar gets older, his stories get longer, so this time I didn’t take a picture of every page. Also, some of it was really sweet and kind of The Mens’ thing, and I realized that I couldn’t accurately portray it in the blog post anyway…. A bit like what I got from the movie After Earth – I’ve watched in a plane twice, I’m so-so about the acting, quite like the story… but those two leads…… it was like the After Earth setting was simply packaging for a story about father and son and I don’t mean the characters’ relationships in the plot

Scene from After Earth (pic from beyondhollywood.com)

Scene from After Earth (pic from beyondhollywood.com)

I don’t know exactly where in the movie it happened but I basically watch that show and think Wow, Will Smith Just Really Loves His Son…. Not the character he’s playing, I mean Mr Former Fresh Prince himself. In the end that was why I watched it twice. There were aliens and fierce animals and well those two who weren’t acting. (I blogged how you could see Will Smith was just super duper thrilled to be doing the press for the movie with his son but his son also deserved kudos for putting up with some of “The Most Embarrassing Dad” with all the corny photo op poses and things :D.)

I did take a pic of this bit though, because the liquid-in-ears thing is SO Rockstar...

Anyway I did take a pic of this bit though…

The liquid-in-ears thing is just SO Rockstar… Without googling, I did say dolphins probably don’t have that liquid in their ears, he said “But they’re mammals, they might.” So we found out they don’t really, but well, I told him I really liked that he’d thought of that and can we leave it in anyway……

And I loved the cartoon Party Dolphin...

And I loved the cartoon Party Dolphin…

And so Happy Birthday Darling. Thank you for these two beautiful, crazy little monsters who fill our lives with so much joy.

Wrestling fight. Started by Little Miss.

Wrestling fight. Started by Little Miss. Rockstar held it there for the picture before hollering again for me to get her off him.

Usually Rockstar, the more reserved one who finds his personal space suddenly invaded, will be the one to holler “help!”

This entry was posted in Rockstar Thoughts, School For Rockstar, Talking To Rockstar. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Happy Birthday Daddy Dolphin

  1. YTSL says:

    Hi Aileen —

    FYI, those “egg machine” things are called gachapon… ;b

  2. mun says:

    What a nice gift for Rockstar’s beloved Daddy. I really like the story (what was shown of it) – I am sure the whole story is very heart warming.

    I see there is a fish (is it a shark?) that goes “Darn” when boy dolphin was carried by his daddy. So expressive of Rockstar to put that in.

    Wah, Miss Rockstar really can do wrestling. Lucky for her, her big brother is so gentle with her and just call for help. Rough boys would have just pushed her aside.

    • Aileen says:

      Touch wood I do love how he’s turning out as a person most recently and am very proud of him, I hope he continues to be such a nice child…

      He does sometimes push (to say, keep her from banging the keys on the precious laptop but not when she sits on him like above… so he gets sat on more and more :D)

  3. jessie says:

    Such a blessed family 🙂

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