Rockstarism #298 – This Is Why They Have Cliffhangers In Stories


Rockstar: Mum. Lemme tell you something. I came up with this story in school for Writing. It’s set in Star Wars. Do you know what I said?

Me: “Long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away”?

Rockstar: No. “Once there were two friends named Vader and Obi-wan who were very busy people.”

Rockstar: “They lived on a planet named Hoth. One day the planet next to Hoth blew up. This made Hoth split into two.”

Rockstar: “Vader got really angry and told Obi-wan to get his clone troopers to fix it.”

Me: Wait, who has clone troopers again?

Rockstar: Obi-wan.

Me: How did he come by clone troopers?

Rockstar: In my story he has the clone troopers. So Vader’s angry and wants him to fix their planet. Because he’s not a nice guy.

Me: Really. You mean Vader, right. Vader’s not a nice guy.

Rockstar: No (he’s not). He was a nice guy who turned into a bad guy and then finally back into a good guy. So “They start fighting. Because then he was a bad guy. And THEN – <makes what passes for suspenseful sound effect> Dah.. DAH… DAAAHMMMMMMM. Dot dot dot. <makes action of pen dotting paper>. The End.

Me: What? What “The End”??

Rockstar starts singing the Star Wars theme song which I guess is supposed to pass for when the closing credits come up.

Me: No! Noooo! How can you end the story like that? I read your school email, it says you are learning about “the story mountain – starting with an orientation describing the setting and characters followed by a complication or problem and finishing with an exciting resolution.” 

Me: Your story has no resolution, you left me hanging! (Ok partly I’m trying to provoke him to a response) I want to find out what happens after the two former friends fight! So Vader and Obi-wan start fighting and there’s a broken planet and perfectly good clone troopers not being used for an apparent good cause like fixing the planet and then what happens? 

Rockstar: And then it’s the end. <nodding convincingly> It’s allowed. When you put “dot dot dot” the reader can think of their own ending. Dah.. DAH… DAAAHMMMMMMM.

Me: Huh. Do you think they’d make movies out of stories like that? (I once told him people sell the movie rights to their books and people make movies out of them and that some very profitable movie franchises like Harry Potter were from the books.)

Rockstar: Yeah!! It’s a really good idea! So more people will want to see the next one. Because they need to find out what happens next. 

Me: —

Rockstar on another narcoleptic sleep, this one at The Conrad

Rockstar on another narcoleptic sleep, this one at The Conrad

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2 Responses to Rockstarism #298 – This Is Why They Have Cliffhangers In Stories

  1. mun says:

    He is right. I want to know the ending, part 2 of his story. 😀

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