Rockstarism #299 – Random Rockstarisms


Me: I’m going out for awhile to run some errands. Back soon to take you out, you do your schoolwork first ok?

Rockstar: What kinda errands? The kind where you walk around and look at stuff? Yeah, I’m not interested in that. <turns back to laptop>


At the playground one evening, The Rockstars are joined by a local child we’ve never met (who seems completely unaccompanied at the bottom of our development), maybe an inch shorter than Rockstar, which makes me guess his age at around 5… Especially as he asks me if I’m The Rockstars’ Mummy (as opposed to a helper – if he didn’t ask me this I’d have guessed he’s younger – but really it never ceases to amaze me how some local kids from apparently really young are quite sensitive in picking up whether another kid is accompanied by a mum or helper)…

The new boy starts following Rockstar around, but then doesn’t have much patience with the Miss. As he blocks her passage up the slide for a second time…

Rockstar: William. What are you doin’? <gently but firmly moves the boy aside so Little Miss can climb all the way up the slide>

(Little Miss btw appears to take it completely for granted her Ko-ko will have her back)

Later, at home:

Me: I saw how you stood up for Miss when you guys were playing with William.

Rockstar: Huh. Yeah…

Me: You love your sister!!

Rockstar: Hm? Yeah I guess I do. <shrugs> Even though I’m a fusspot.

I make a point of praising him for looking out for her on the slides, and reminding the Miss (who’s kind of “Well, ok… <shrugs>”).

Later that night…

Rockstar: (To the Miss) Ko-Ko told Mummy you fed your spaghetti to JD (while she was in the shower).

Me: You know, I thought I’d have your back when you told on her because she gave you a look after I told her off for feeding JD. She totally guessed you’d tell. That’s why I said “Even if Ko-Ko doesn’t tell on you I’d know you just fed JD because she looks so darn happy standing next to your feeding chair right now” but then you went and rubbed it in. You don’t care that she might not be happy you told on her?

Rockstar: Huh. Nope. <Exaggerated impassive face><turns back to laptop> 

Me: Still a fusspot, huh?

Rockstar: Yeah – Little Miss, Ko-ko’s a fusspot. 

The Miss does this:

Our plans are foiled! Foiled!!

Our plans are foiled! Foiled!!

But that's ok... Gotcha!

But that’s ok… Gotcha!

(Rockstar was Oh. She’s not really mad.)


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2 Responses to Rockstarism #299 – Random Rockstarisms

  1. mun says:

    How did you get Miss Rockstar to smile so cheekily for the camera?

    Good for Ko Ko for looking out for his beloved sister. Rockstar knowingly admits that he is a fusspot?

    How come such a young boy (5 years old) was allowed to go out and play on his own? Do you all see him often?

    • Aileen says:

      Most of the time I can’t get her to do that… She was alternating frowning and smiling on her own… (And btw that frown is picked up from another older toddler who used to be in her class sometime back… If we say “stop being Other Miss” she usually stops)

      Yes Rockstar’s always admitted to being a fusspot… I remember actual conversations with other grownups he’s just met where he’s “I’m very fussy.”
      Grownups: But why are you so fussy?
      He: I’m just very fussy. A lot of things irritate me.
      Grownups: But WHY are you so fussy?
      He: I just am. Very, very fussy.
      Grownups: But WHY are you so fussy?
      He: I just am – there are SO MANY THINGS…. Argh!

      I think the other boy must’ve been with a helper who then went off to do something else for a bit… Probably told him don’t move from there and then would come back to pick him up after her errand… No I don’t think the mum is necessarily aware, but little kids left alone like that are not uncommon. Yes I know you cannot do this in Malaysia (regardless I don’t do it anywhere in an open playground like this one)…

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