Rockstar: Mum. Watch this.
Rockstar (To Miss): One.
Little Miss: Wan.
Rockstar: Two.
Little Miss: <pause> Too.
Rockstar: Three.
Little Miss: Three.
Rockstar (to me): Look at that, this is great! She can repeat what you say! Like a parrot!
Rockstar (to Miss) : Miss, say ‘Ko-ko is awesome.’
Little Miss: <pause> Ko-ko.
Rockstar: – is awesome.
Little Miss: R-ock-starrrr (says his real name).
Rockstar: No, no, I’m awe-some. Ok-ok I’m cool. Can you say I’m cool?
Little Miss: <pause> Rock-starrr. Rock-starrr.
Me: I think she’s saying you’re Rockstar. She doesn’t know what awesome means.
Rockstar: <ignoring me> Cool.
Little Miss: Kool.
Rockstar: <triumphantly> See! She said I’m cool! Good girl, Miss!!
The Miss giggles delightedly and kicks about in her chair as Rockstar gives her a pat on the shoulder. They high-five and Rockstar skips off, mission accomplished…
(“The Fountain” is this huge, loud water feature in Hong Kong Park; it’s a little bit of a “thing” to bring your young child through the water and out the other side without them wigging out – we’d see parents both local and foreign coax their kids through the Trial by Water and Yes this one thinks it’s hilarious.)
Rockstar must be so pleased with Miss Rockstar and she looks so happy to be in the fountain.
Haha him being so serious and she being….. an adrenaline junkie apparently