Rockstarism #359 – Poetic License


Excerpt from one of Rockstar’s recent writing exercises*:

Rockstar: Once there was a squid named iBallistic Squid. Unlike most squid, he could not swim… …One day he was playing with his friends when there was a knock on the door. When he opened it, lots of squid were jumping up and down yelling, “We want to be your relatives!” Then iBallistic Squid muttered, “How can this be? …”

Rockstar: At this point, a very big squid confidently made a speech: “Everybody, quiet! We have come to talk. We sent out spies in the land and it turns out iBallistic doesn’t have any relatives, so we shall all be his relatives!” iBallistic…. was so happy. …so now he lived like you, but not quite because he was a squid.  

Me: Uh… “He lived like you…”

Rockstar: “…only he was a squid.” So not totally like you. 

Me: Uh… iBallistic originally is a character with a wide open shark’s mouth, right? (Rockstar nods vigorously). He a shark named Squid or a squid with a shark’s head?

Rockstar: <pausing thoughtfully> Shark. Shark, actually. 

Me: Then how come the bunch of squid decided to adopt him? (Rockstar is already rolling his eyes before I finish – obviously he saw this coming). Oh, like Splinter and the Turtles.

...and Megan Fox. How could I forget Megan Fox??? (pic from

…and Megan Fox. How could I forget Megan Fox??? (pic from


Me:  S-o…. does iBallistic have… tentacles?

Rockstar: <annoyed> It’s fiction, Mum!

Rockstar: <mutters> Also, in real life I’m kinda stuck with her <indicates the Miss stomping about on the bed near him> cos she’s my sister, right? I mean, you can choose the friends…   

Me: Dude, you just spent the last 90 minutes playing in the (filled bathtub) water with her.

Rockstar: Yeah. And now she’s annoying me. 

Me: Can’t even wait ’til she actually touches you?

(On cue, the Miss immediately flops with a cheerful smile into Rockstar’s lap and starts meowing, much to Rockstar’s exasperation…)

Me: Sorry, my bad.

Still.. They came up with this (together) when I asked them to pose for the camera...

Still.. They came up with this (together) when I asked them to pose for the camera…


*And for those of you who like that kinda stuff… His teacher had written that he had to watch the paragraphing and there was too much conversation (which probably got in the way of developing the storyline); also that he had to not get lost in his story, which he is supposed to plan first, before fleshing it out… The things kids learn at this age nowadays just continues to amaze me – can you imagine they already did onomatopoeia and alliteration…

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2 Responses to Rockstarism #359 – Poetic License

  1. mun says:

    They are starting them young on creative writing.

    Hehehe, I don’t even know the last two long words at the end of your post.

    • Aileen says:

      I think those words are something the Lit students might have to know, during our time… I only learned them during A levels when I took lit for the first time, dunno whether the SPM Arts stream kids might come across it then? Regardless, definitely not in primary school P3 right…

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