Rockstar: Mum. “Duck” rhymes with “Luck”.
Me: <Not really paying attention, was getting dinner> Great dear. Any others?
Rockstar: And Muck… And Truck…… And Zuck?
Me: <Still not paying attention> Well yeah, if you’re just looking for rhymes. They can be nonsense words but still rhyme, just substitute the front letter…
Rockstar: Oh, also Yuck! And….. And……. And F–K! <accusingly> Why are you laughing?
(Couldn’t help it, for a moment he sounded just like one of my old traders)
Me: <scrabbling frantically about in car> WHERE are my sunglasses? (Chloe!! Where ARE they??)
Rockstar: <unperturbed, busy with toy car> I know where they are.
Me: You do? Where??
Rockstar: You’re sitting on them.
Haha, Rockstar looks so cheeky in the photo above. Was he asking for a kiss from you with his pouty lips?
Haha no, it’s just one of his faces when you try to take a picture…Anything, except give you some sweet angelic smile like you asked for