Rockstar’s Got Mail…

Something came in the mail yesterday...

Something came in the mail yesterday…

One of my closest friends in the blogosphere had a giveaway recently to commemorate the anniversary of her blog and Rockstar announced he would attempt a comment to wish her Happy Anniversary though he didn’t really want the freebie jigsaw in the giveaway because he wasn’t very into Disney (he commented with my login btw – we’re still trying to figure out how much cyberspace access we’ll be allowing not-yet-6 Rockstar; in fact we were just getting him a gmail and worrying if he’d get spam email (because when we got my grandma a yahoo years ago she got lesbian porn) when we realized they all get school email addresses which is great cos then there’s school firewall right)…

This led to me telling her quietly that a postcard would do, because he likes getting mail and saves the stamps… Unfortunately after that I was kinda proud of him not simply wanting stuff and being happy to comment for nothing so I then “beh paisay” (trans: was shameless) and further asked if she had any odds-and-ends stationery lying about to send to him as a surprise.. Except then Rockstar wasn’t the only one surprised.



My dear friend: Rockstar was expecting a postcard, and I was expecting he would then be surprised with like, a cheapo freebie ballpoint pen ok, not a pencil case, eraser, mechanical pencil and lead, pen, ruler and- and – is that a cow keychain????


Oh, but the “Kami Anak Malaysia” actually gave me a chance to mention we taught Rockstar to read bahasa phonics (Bahasa Baku phonics haha) over the recent summer hols (he’d abruptly read “Kuala Lump-ah” off a road sign! Shocker…) and kinda steeled ourselves that it would temporarily mess up his English phonics a bit til regular schoolwork fixed it <sheepish>… And well, he doesn’t know a lot of Malay words but I find his Bahasa Baku with that accent kinda cute :D)

He also typed out a thank you:

Dear Auntie Mun, 

Thank you for the package with lovely things.I am surprised. I thought it was going to be one thing but it was a lot of lovely things.My favorite thing is the eraser.I like it because it is useful.I can change my mind when I write. 


(But on my iPhone; with predictive text and small keypad it’s faster than on a regular keyboard)..

Thank you Auntie Mun!

Thank you Auntie Mun!

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2 Responses to Rockstar’s Got Mail…

  1. mun says:

    Dear Rockstar,

    You are most welcome! It is just a small token of appreciation from me because you participated in my blog anniversary giveaway. Thank you for your support. 🙂

    I am surprise that you can read Bahasa Malaysia a bit. Good that you are willing to learn. Take good care. Bye.

    • Aileen says:

      Thank you Auntie Mun I’m still learning Bahasa. Reading is easier than remembering what it really means. Bye.You take care too.From Rockstar to Auntie Mun.

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