Rockstar’s Physical Over The Weekend

Rockstar had his annual checkup at “The Nice Lady Doctor’s” this weekend, and while I was steeling myself for a couple surprises…… (he’d been “weird” towards the end of Okinawa, sleeping 13, 14 hours a day in narcoleptic car naps + night sleep and eating comparatively less – this then carried on throughout most of his first week of school where he slept through dinner several days in a row, to the point we thought he was coming down with something but he never did, touch wood)…… I hadn’t expected to hear that he couldn’t read some numbers on the last row of the eye chart.

Act cute while having blood pressure taken...

Act cute while having blood pressure taken…

Height and weight normal! (Really? Really really??)

Height and weight normal! (Really? Really really??)

And he held it up like Simba...... (yes it's a urine sample. He made me put it up.)

And he held it up like Simba…… (yes it’s a urine sample. He made me put it up.)

And then he complained the pricked finger for a blood sample was a lot worse than any vaccination injections and I told him that was because fingertips have more nerve endings which is when he asked why they can't prick a vein in his arm to get the blood sample

And then he complained pricking his finger for a blood sample was a lot worse than any vaccination injections and I told him that was because fingertips have more nerve endings which is when he asked why they can’t prick a vein in his arm to get the blood sample (cringe)

And that's the eye chart I guess

And that’s the eye chart I guess

Kings immediately books Rockstar in to a specialist appointment and after a thorough 45 minute checkup it turns out he is short-sighted by about 25 degrees in each eye. He appears to be just beginning to develop myopia. (At which I’m oh nooo! He can’t be shortsighted until he grows a bit or loses the fusspot-ness! Tiny, super-thin skin AND glasses? Oh noooooooo! :D)



..ooooo0o0o0o0ooooooo :D

..ooooo0o0o0o0ooooooo 😀

(Kings took all the above pictures. Actually what Rockstar said was, “Hee hee hee I look like someone’s dad. You have to put that up (on the blog).”)

So anyway the optometrist told Kings that we can’t expect that Rockstar’s eyesight will get better (i.e. don’t hope for that), but we can keep it from getting worse since we’ve picked it up so early, by making sure he reads only in very bright light, never lying down, and doesn’t stare at computer screens close-range or for more than 15 mins without a break (looking at greenery or things that are further away).

So we got Rockstar the little reading lamp

So we got Rockstar the little reading lamp

And I found him meticulously re-clipping it EVERY TIME HE TURNED A PAGE.

And I found him meticulously re-clipping it EVERY TIME HE TURNED A PAGE.

Sigh. So Rockstar. I’ll…. have to look for more reading lights and bathe the entire home in light. (Sorry, environmentalists, I promise to switch everything off the moment Rockstar is unconscious.)


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2 Responses to Rockstar’s Physical Over The Weekend

  1. mun says:

    Ewwww, that is a very large urine sample!

    Ya, catching it early is good. You can prevent it from getting worse.

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