** Updated re transport – please contact Nuffnang HK for details, I understand the free transport is now from Stanford Hotel**
Barbecue & Pet gathering
Event date : 6th March 2011
Time : 11.30am – 4pm
Participants : Open to the public
(contact Nuffnang HK at francky.cheung@nuffnang.com to sign up)
Venue : Hong Kong Canine Working and Agility Club
Main Activities : Talk by SPCA
Mini Games
Various booths (fun and educational)
– Years ago pre-Rockstar at Victoria Peak Garden, Kings, JD and I were approached by an elderly Caucasian woman who wanted to warn us about a “Bowen Road Dog Poisoner”. That would be the first time we heard about the Bowen Road Dog Murderer who has by now been at large around 2 decades. This lady had recently lost her Labrador to rat poison-infused meat along the trail and had then spent 3 weeks – some of it in rainy bad weather – with her friends trying to catch the bastard.
The SPCA offered a HKD 30,000 reward for information.
There is a Bowen Road dog killer, we’ll get you you c**t! Facebook group.
– More than 5 million people over the internet have watched a young woman abuse and finally kill a rabbit by crushing it under her body weight and a piece of glass. This was purportedly designed and executed by the online group “crushfetish” for financial gain.
Where was it again that I read that before he started on people, some guy practiced drowning and strangling live rats to get up the nerve?
Fine, I might not have articulated that very well in making the connect between prevention of cruelty to animals and what it has to do with our children, but well it should never be alright to treat any living thing like it doesn’t matter. Cruelty should be unacceptable in human behavior. And aren’t we raising another human being (or two or three) as parents?
I just think caring for other living things is an important part of childhood education in being a person. Heck, I also just love animals – my childhood was enriched by 9 dogs, 1 rabbit, 1 albino rat (my mum saved Pinky from a high school science class dissection, I had to bathe him wearing thick leather gloves), 16 hamsters and umpteen fish and turtles.
I had a catfish that sucked on my finger if I put it in the tank. I believe I am quite good at breeding hamsters (was upset after Heidi ate her first litter. Vowed to read up and do better. I was about 10 then. We were unprepared because the dumbbb pet shop guy we bought the first 2 hamsters from assured us they were both female).
Need advice on hamster breeding for your kids, can email me.
Anyway, I’m going for this thing on Sunday. If you have a pet who likes to swim or BBQ, come join the SPCA event. If it’s warm, you may want to bring insect repellant.
HKCWAC is fitted with showers and dryers for the dogs but are BYOS (Bring Your Own Shampoo). I heard the actual talk by the SPCA speaker is in Cantonese, I’m not sure if they are going to mention the rabbit torturing, so I’m glad Rockstar’s Cantonese is still very, very rudimentary – he’ll probably be busy chasing JD around on the Agility training pitch or watching her swim back and forth in the pool.
So by next week I should have figured out an even better way to speak up against animal cruelty on a mummy blog – or at least post loadsa cute animal and Rockstar pictures. Stay tuned…
Ted Bundy DID experiment with dogs and cats and all the animals he could get his hands on before moving on to the all the women he killed.
So, yeah, anyone who could do anything to intentionally hurt and harm a helpless, defenceless being is just on his/her way to hell.
kudos to SPCA’s efforts and people like you who love and care and try to make a difference.
On a lighter note, love your pictures of the wet doggies. SooooOooOoo cute!
Ah correction.. Transportation is provided free from Stanford Hotel, Mongkok. Best for you all to contact the organiser for more info.
Hope my comment goes thru… the “reply” function is/was down so my earlier reply to you, Heather, was lost… Thanks so much for the comment about Ted Bundy, and totally agree… Really hope I manage to get some nice pics this weekend and thanks again!
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