On Rockstar’s first day in Kindergarten 2, as we leave the apartment…
Me: Look at you, starting K2 already… Next thing I know you’re in college and Mum won’t see you anymore <pretending to be a little misty-eyed>
Rockstar: <reassuringly> I’ll still come back and see you… Even when I’m 20 I’ll still come back…
Rockstar: Am I going to college after Pri 1? (He knows we’re applying to the ESF primary school, both Kings and I are attending the briefing to prep K2 parents with their applications, thereby leaving him at home for a rare evening)
Me: No dear, there’s Pri 1-6 then Secondary –
Rockstar: But that’s so long!
Kings: How was school, do you like your new class/ teacher?
Rockstar: Yes, it was great…
Kings: Did you see your friends?
Rockstar: Oh, <some schoolmate he doesn’t like> has gone to another school… But he was weird… He can do his weird things at the other school…
Me (separately): How was school dear? Do you like your new classmates?
Rockstar: Yes, no one pushes. I told them about the Black Shooter Bird
Me: Uh.. What did they say?
Rockstar: They said Huh? What is that?? Hee…
And I saw <some other schoolmate he doesn’t like>… I didn’t talk to him but there was a lizard on his tag so he must be in the lizard class now…
And I followed <schoolmate he likes> around and she kept asking What? What? And <her brother> too… So I asked her if she wants to play and she said Yes and I was happy.
(OMG I can imagine another time in the future when she “says yes and (he’s) happy” <cringe>)
Hi Aileen, I chuckled to myself at your last sentence!
Did you ask him to jump for you to take a photo?
No… he was just bouncing about as usual and later I realized there was that sign in the background… A lot of his pics are taken that way