Hello again, everyone.
This post is a little later than expected because I’ve been having a few more baths than usual. But well, an Older Baby’s gotta do what she’s gotta do. After the gravity of the previous post (as all public service messages should have), I decided to do an even more thought-provoking piece. Therefore, this one is titled: Accessories!
First up: The Mum Accessory. There comes a time in an Older Baby’s life when she is faced with tough choices:
For that good ole’ chew, should she go with Gucci, or Smartmom?
Let’s use my Mummee for example. I love my Mummee, but too often she has these weird….. dreams about accessorizing outfits with something like this:

pic from beards.co.uk – Mummee tried to take a picture of her own Gucci Bamboo necklace, but then I needed her iPhone for that good chew

So she took this one while I was asleep. Can’t get good help these days. I wouldn’t mind the Marni, but the Kenneth Jay Lane leopard has funny-tasting enamel. At least I’m sure it would, if Mummee just let me have that good ole’ chew.
Like, how unrealistic is that?
I…. know! Silly, isn’t it?
Kenneth Jay Lane? Erickson Beamon?

Don’t even get me started on this bib necklace. Messrs Erickson and Beamon must have been having a GOOD day. Just. A very GOOD day. Hee hee hee.
You see, dear readers, apparently there are would-be fashionistas out there who are, unfortunately, misguided in their priorities.
Let me explain:
I cannot stress enough, the importance of that crucial, finishing touch to accessorizing an outfit:
It. Must. Be…. Palatable. This is your goal:
Well fortunately common sense prevails (most of the time, anyway) and Mummee ends up accessorizing with this:
Mummee found hers from Amazon.com because last we checked ages ago, their original website didn’t ship to Hong Kong. (But they fielded questions on email just brilliantly anyway, when Mummee was searching for the naturally Vanilla Bean-scented necklace I prefer).
Mums, feel free to take notes here. Your Older Baby will be impressed at your Fashion Know-How.
Personally, I recommend the necklaces because Mums tend to rest their forearms just everywhere, when they’re out and about feeding us, or having a coffee at the cafe – which is as good as you chewing on just about everything your mum has rested her forearm on, if you go for the bracelet jewelry. And keeping them in pouches, attaching them anywhere else other than round your Mum’s neck just seems like more…. potential cleaning work. I disapprove of any Mumwork that does not involve baby books, toys, stroller or a bath.
Next: The Older Baby’s Accessory.
Daddies’ll love you even when you go otherwise unaccessorized. Forgive them, they know no better. Mummees’ll coo over your cowlicks. Forgive ’em too. It’s just one of those things in life.
It is however the responsibility of every Older Baby to not simply let herself go, as she ages. So I’m thinking the hair accessory is an easy one.
(Oh btw Dear Reader, The Humpty Dumpty book wasn’t a deliberate red herring, it was just what I went with for the photoshoot when the moment took me. And I don’t mind adding, it was delish.)
Interesting, how I seem to enjoy books about eggs more than eggs themselves. Hmm. NASA might want to talk to me about that. Or Freud. If he weren’t ancient and I think, also dead.
Anyway. It was also interesting, the keen interest (like, both my readers!) taken in my reading. So I suppose I shall have to get right on reading books. When I’m done eating them, that is.
Now, the Baby Hair Accessory. I would recommend something that looks like…. “Myibby” on the packaging <examines packaging> – we have only seen it at City Super in IFC so far, though you can probably also get them online.
Like, Yums.
Admittedly hair clips are not for every Older Baby, but if your Older Baby doesn’t keep ripping them out of her hair for a snack <cringe> then I would recommend these because all their parts are fabric covered, like so:
(Btw this is my new favorite Accessory, this ladybug clip, because Ko-ko chose it. He likes bugs so, and feels pleased to see me wear it often. I’m lucky they didn’t have any cockroach or spider clips.)
And here’s a pic of me modeling it:
As this is already late going out, let me tackle just one more thing before signing off – How to keep those fly-aways at bay. In fact, this is a tip that my Ko-ko has come to use as well, on photo-taking days and stuff.
<whispers> You can use a tiny bit of baby lotion or Mustela moisture stick to tame those little hairs. It’s baby-safe, it’s lying around after baths, it’s awesome – you can smooth baby hairs without ever worrying about the product getting in our eyes or mouths – in fact, it’s even quite yummy.
And with that, this has been The Little Miss Rockstar, leaving you Dear Reader, with a few more pictures of me posing with The Featured Products.
<clicks tongue>
Remember, Mustella for flyaways, and Myibbi for fabric-covered clips. Your Older Baby will thank you.
The Little Miss Rockstar.
Brilliant! This post by guest blogger is definitely worth waiting for.
Hahaha, to think we thought that it is all about reading and eggs when the bright pretty purple clue is staring us in the face.
Wow, I learn so much things from this post. Never thought there would be products like teething blings!! Obviously must be designed by mothers!
Miss guest blogger looks so very sweet in mommy’s dress.
Not to mention Miss guest blogger is so imaginative to see a bunny in the bib necklace, hehehe.
A big thank you to Miss guest blogger for rushing this piece out despite being on the mend from a runny nose. and showing us lots of lovely photos too.
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