Where There Be Rainbows

Yes I’ve been messing with my old blog. The one that began, some 6-7 years ago, only because my husband once had a dream to create the next big Social Media Platform (Because I was Not A Real Blogger, I could accept the blog dying. Can you imagine something like that otherwise happening to a Real Blogger whom you were hoping to convince to migrate onto your fledgling un-established platform? Exactly.)

The original experimental platform needed something Kings’ team could slice and dice with impunity, hence Not A Real Blog by Not A Real Blogger. The Unicorn Blog. Many deaths and resurrections later, Kings decided to go do Something Else (also called Asia Bankers Club). Not A Real Blog was then close to 250 entries long and so he moved all the stuff to WordPress. The original cover design was a birthday gift. (It’s still in there, there’s something else you can download first to allow you to revert back if you don’t like stuff. I call it the “Hedge App” :D)

Today, Unicorn Blog is over 1,420 posts long. 5 years of auto updates later (and for no other reason than that tech is ornery :D), alignments were running and I was losing more and more control, unable to adjust the old design. The top slider view went off, and even after I found where it was in this creature where I used to be “just” the front end user, it was a constant reminder that I was relatively helpless – I would get the message “you do not have permission to change it.”

Off and on I contacted the original designer, offered to pay for a redesign, and so on. I never got a reply, and I think they’ve moved on. (I neither mind nor am surprised. Why would I be? My former life was in derivatives – new investment products came and went all the time, some of them bearing very little resemblance to what you would think you could get from a financial institution.)

Tech to me resembles derivative innovations. Fast. Finding and fulfilling a need. Trying to predict a future need. Fluid. Water finds every crack and crevice, so does money. And what about tech?

What if you took a step back and instead of trying to stop up the holes, you changed how the water flows? Water finds all the cracks and crevices, while it is governed by gravity. (All the people with the Minecraft-y kids say yes!)

First, fix the slider. Then, why not add a rainbow?

Attack of the rainbow

Attack of the Rainbow

Hello Blog, Old Friend. Let us taste rainbows, let us meet unicorns.

“Uni was certain, absolutely certain, that little girls were real, no matter what everyone else said.” – Amy Krouse Rosenthal

Uni the Unicorn who draws from an imagination so vivid little girls must surely be real

Uni the Unicorn 

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