1) Base-Jumping Barnacle Goose. Obvious lead, when you watch this thing:
(BBC’s so annoying, the sound effects/ lack thereof make the video even more nerve-wracking)
2) Have you met Alex From Target? It’s here because the apparent “randomness” at which internet “sensations” are created continues to fascinate me.
He picks up more than 500,000 followers on Twitter. A simple “Am I famous now?” gathers more than 38,000 re-tweets and 76,000 favorites and while I’m thinking Target must be ecstatic at the free(ish) advertising , I’m also idly thinking do his parents know???
(Latest is a marketing campaign came forward and claimed they planned the whole thing with a good looking teen.. I prefer the idea this is a random kid a marketing company retrospectively approached, asking for the rights to claim credit, but what do I know… Just loved the random coincidence story rather than marketing ploy story, is all)
3) BUT back to the Parents – Do You Know This About Your Teenager thing. Think this kid’s parents know he’s spoofing them? (Huh – why is the mum reading gossip magazines and sporting mustache shadow?! :D)
(……….probably? He’s selling “B+” t-shirts!)
4) Sometime Best Australian Blogs Winner Eden Riley’s I Won The Leather Competition.
Genuine. Raw. Beautiful.
If wedding cakes be the herald to the newly wed couple’s life ahead as well as an indication of what they are like then this has got to be one of the Best Cakes Ever. (Who doesn’t like Krispy Kreme, and we’ve witnessed wedding cakes that look lovely, cut by impeccably-dressed lovebirds who are just coo-ing away as they feed each other while adorably getting cream on each others’ noses…….. and they taste like cardboard.)
And as for the herald of the resilience of their marriage to come…… well obviously she’s been in rehab and in and out of a mental health clinic after her brother Cam killed himself – didn’t Bon Jovi say poets need pain? For real, though – her husband had kids from a previous marriage, they also have two boys together, the second through fertility treatments around the time her husband then had cancer, her beloved stepfather died of it (Eden, forgive me if I got that part wrong!) not too long ago…
Krispy Kreme abruptly looks like the best desert ever.
Eden talks about how she googles for empty places to move into, when they fight. She gave him an apple parer for their anniversary (it’s a knife. Didn’t Sir Anthony Hopkins have a line in a movie about how you can’t gift a knife because it “cuts” the friendship/ relationship?) Yeah, well. See, all the pretty pictures when people first get married and stuff – it’s…………. nice and all… But someone should tell the young starry-eyed people marriage someday will test your commitment to a promise you once made in a good mood, like no other.
You will need all the help you can get. Please take it. Because Life involves sickness and money worries and all manner of awful stuff that will nonetheless (hopefully) have you looking back one day and thinking Damn. I Never Knew I Had It In Me. And so we run the race with endurance.
5) At last, one for both Rockstars Artist Creates Cute Drawings Out Of Own Fingers
6) Rockstar skit is not so much a skit but an I Feel Like There Should Be Old Wayang Music Playing In The Background pic…
Looks like a scene of out Jet Li’s movie!
Have a good weekend!
Haha yeah one of those right… hope your weekend was good…