1) It’s a boy!
Rather surprised I beat my mum to messaging “Kate’s in labor!” few days ago. But seriously, I was quite amazed the Duke and Duchess waited to find out the sex of her baby. Me, I was all Pink or Blue? PINKORBLUEPINKORBLUE??? with both pregnancies. How can they stand Pink Exquisite Suite Of Baby Rooms At The Palace, Or Blue? Shall the Queen amend the Laws of Succession to include female children?
Kudos to the Royals, Kate got to not find out, succession laws and (grand)mother in law unpressure and all. If there was any inlaw who could pressure an expectant mother into pregnancy or delivery choices, there’s a one. She is after all, the Queen of England.
Isn’t every day you say to an inlaw “You Queen of England meh?”
And get Uh, yeah. Have succession law to amend?
2) Woman arrested for faking injury to claim from Boston Bombing relief fund. Back when I posted pictures of the demonstration against the Big Bad Mis-selling Banks at the HSBC main building in Central (which has now been cleared – and btw there were European tourists who wrote on the demonstrators’ message board things like “You’re making the world a better place!”), I mentioned that the worst are in fact not the banks – they are the “gamblers” claiming mis-sell after losing investments “fair and square”, who then also try to get back money from the relief system, thereby forestalling reimbursement to genuine mis-sell cases. (Because the bankers are burned; many more gamblers than bankers get off… And where there is money involved there is greed and human nature all over the world.)
3) TV is bad for kids. Especially when the screens fall on them. Injuries from toppling TV screens apparently “increasing at an alarming rate”.
4) Oops, picture-lite. Try this before and after on for size:
You know those before and after shots advertising workout equipment or diet plans et al? Sometimes, the person was already fit in the before photo. Just pick a fit guy and take a bad “before” photo. Nice “after” pic guaranteed. This is like when ball point pens don’t work in zero gravity so astronauts pick up a pencil. Personal trainer reveals truth behind transformation photos.
5) They called him Most Annoying Dad, Most Embarrassing Dad, whatever. This dad dressed in 170 different costumes to wave goodbye to his (then) 16 year old son going to school each morning.
I’m still on the part he actually woke up to stand outside each morning, (there is snow and it’s dark, in some of those backgrounds) let alone had a costume. Oh, his son was 16 back then? The son deserves some credit too, for I dunno, not trying to kill him in his sleep (I say that not knowing anything else other than Dad of 16 year old Boy Dresses Up To Send Him Off)
6) Anything the cats can do… Dog Owners Respond To Catbeard Phenom:
7) Ever thought of what makes an everyday object useful? Now take that away.
That was my favorite. Makes you appreciate a sink hole (and more).
8) Oh, is it Rockstar Good W/E time already?
Both kids have taken a shine to McDonald’s for the steamed sweet corn; this is their number one order by far. (Mine is the hot milk tea.) And so we split Happy Meals thus: Rockstar might have a small juice, I get my tea, the baby usually has little interest in the toy Rockstar might pocket, we don’t know what to do with the chicken nuggets that come with….. and everyone fights for the corn.
Good times at McDonald’s.
Have a good weekend! Rockstar is taking the job of feeding the Miss very seriously in the photo. She seemed very eager to eat the corn and Rockstar is so generous to share the corn with her.
She would periodically toddle up to him for a spoonful… Actually another thing about their dynamic after the trip… At some point I think she realized the world is really not just her big brother and she lost a bit of that adoring edge – she doesn’t do absolutely everything he tells her now, though for the most part she still follows him – he’ll go “Look, Little Miss! Look, Little Miss!” and well she doesn’t always look. (With all of us). Sometimes quite obvious it’s deliberate. But well she never refuses when he feeds her (even when not edible!)
Haha, hope Rockstar does not really feed her anything that is not edible then since she really goes for it when it is him feeding her.