(Oh come on, I’m a crazy West Wing fan, baby Rockstar has been known to look up from his toys in the play corner and chirp “AA!” when Press Secretary CJ Gregg in the background tv noise quips “nobody say AA!”)
While watching Sam Seaborn and Toby Ziegler in conversation:
Rockstar: Mum. Are this boy and this boy friendly?
Me: Yes. They’re friends. And they’re pretty smart. They’re the guys who decide important stuff like whether you have to wear seatbelts (Rockstar and I had a fight about this) – they can make it into a law so everyone has to do it. They have to study really hard to get those jobs.
Rockstar: I study really hard.
Me: Oh, did you want a job deciding about seatbelt laws?
Rockstar: It looks boring.
While watching Joshua Lyman and Amy Gardner in conversation:
Rockstar: Mum. Are this boy and this girl friendly?
Me: Yes darling, they like each other, but they’re pretending they don’t really.
Rockstar: Why?
Me: Because sometimes grownups do things that don’t make any sense.
Rockstar: <nodding emphatically>
Me: You think sometimes grownups don’t make sense?
Rockstar: <laughing> So many times.
Him zzz-ing in front of the tv – he’s not really hooked to tv, thank God.
OMG! WestWing is my all time fave too! Have watched it at least 5 times (all six seasons), imagined myself being as smart and important, and have transitioned from wanting to hump sam to wanting to be exactly like CJ when I grew up… though when exactly I will grow up, I have no idea anymore :p
Wow!!! Who knew??? I have a WW friend?? I used to especially watch them on Sunday nights before I went to work on Monday. Hee hee Sam is the obvious choice isn’t he, I (strangely) like Josh (well at least I didn’t say Toby!!)… But the women I liked were (in order) Amy Gardner, Andrea (Toby’s ex) and Joey Lucas – oh wait, two of em were linked to Joshua. Guilty!