Another Weekend Of Interesting Peoples And Animals

1) Better Family Home’s family picture fails.

Painful. Funny. Funny and painful.

Painful. Funny. Funny and painful.

One guy nailed it. Funniest guy in the bunch. Oops.

One guy nailed it. (This one btw was Rockstar’s favourite)

This guy... not so much. Full points for bravery, though.

This guy… not so much. Full points for bravery, though (this is apparently their Christmas card photo)

2) Don’t try this in Hong Kong… Crows pay 8 year old back for their snacks over the years.

Dis her and dem.

Dis her and dem.

Dis their stuff.

Dis their stuff.

(I know it’s basically trash, but how entertaining for the kids, right?)

3) The Rugby Umpire In Hong Kong With The Rare Skin Condition

I think we’ve actually seen her around, at church and stuff.

pic from SCMP article

pic from SCMP article

4) 16 Weird Houses. For e.g:

Waiting for the housing market to take off?

Waiting for the housing market to take off?

Guy commemorates wife’s love of travel by adding a “plane wing” 😀 Seriously… So I’m gonna open mouth insert foot by making the (ironic) observation that while some guys really love doing things for their girls, other guys get snarky with “Wah she so spoilt”. I think the missing observation is not about how much effort a girl requires in order to make her happy (much better for her not to require in order to be happy), but how much a guy is willing to do for her to make her happy. AND without accusing her of being spoilt for enjoying it.

Thin line? Yup. Micro.

5) Loving this one: Bored Panda’s Most Awesome Teachers Ever.

Like this one:

Teachers going to class in pyjamas to protest finals being held at 7am

Teachers going to class in pyjamas to protest finals being held at 7am

This one is…..

Principal's fundraiser: A dollar per piece of tape.

Principal’s fundraiser: A dollar per piece of tape.

Wow how long is he gonna stay that way? (Obviously he must have volunteered, but I would’ve felt happier if he was smiling in this pic 😛 Or maybe he’s asleep. Then that’s alright too :D)

And this one…

Rockstar is jealous. (Yes, the flame really has to be that big.)

Rockstar is jealous. (Yes, the flame really has to be that big.)

Lotsa chemistry teachers in the link setting fire to stuff 😛

And obviously this lot wanted to be teachers when they grew up. Whenever that’s gonna be. Hope it never happens 😀 (This is from the school yearbook):

awesome-teachers-funny-2__605 awesome-teachers-funny-16__605

Rockstar really wanted us to submit our own Gummy Worm Measurement one. I’m still trying to figure out if there’s any way we might get in trouble 😛 (you never know, one parent told us recently he was unexpectedly reposted on Youtube from an old singing gig – and then people started saying in the comments how they were sure they recognised him from some famous porn movie…. No, I didn’t think to ask him whether he then sought out the movie to check out the resemblance… Actually I think I’m never asking him that :D)

Certainly, Rockstar has a crazy amount of fun in school, which continues to delight us, that he finds learning so much fun – their latest “guest teacher” who came in at Music (I think Rockstar said) taught……. Beatboxing!

All hail the Heartgrey (and whoever let him into school!!)

6) RockstarSkit this week is titled Free Cuddles. (This was their good friend’s idea.) The HKDR has an Adoption Sunday where it turns out lotsa tweens appear to volunteer (someone correct me if I’m wrong, at pack up time it looked like besides grownup volunteers were also a seasoned bunch of teens and tweens who appeared to be from both international as well as local schools, putting in elbow grease and legwork) – we thought it was a great way for kids to get an animal fix and for the organisations like HKDR to get a little extra help…

 photo 3-162 photo 2-204

Have a good weekend dears…

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2 Responses to Another Weekend Of Interesting Peoples And Animals

  1. mun says:

    Your caption “Waiting for the housing market to take off?” is really spot on. How did you come up with that?

    It is so nice to see both Rockstars being brought up to be compassionate and caring towards animals.

    A good weekend to all of you too!

    • Aileen says:

      The housing market phrase used to be common enough in analysts’ phrases when they would analyse various markets,,,

      Re HKDR (and other nonprofits) It’s all over Rockstar’s school notice boards too, food and shelter animal supplies donation drives and boxes etc… Cos it’s a Unit of Inquiry for the older kids… We did receive an email notification to support other school kids’ Units too, more on that later…

      Hope your weekend was good…

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