Okays, as promised, more pics:
What? It’s a chartreuse bear what. In the words of Rockstar, Fine. This is a picture of the chartreuse-and-purple charity bear Lane Crawford is selling this year. All proceeds go to the children’s Cancer Research. It is HKD 250. I shall hang it on our Future Tree via one of Ms Rockstar’s toy straps or a stray ribbon, whichever I have more of. Cans?
Next up…
Chim Siah? As a little girl, whenever they had Santa’s wishing trees where you write on a paper ornament what you want for Christmas and hang it on one of the trees in the shopping center, and if Santa picks your ornament you get your wish, I used to write “A Crystal Ball.” Santa never fulfilled my wish. I think even if he did pick it, he never realized all I really wanted was that chintzy ’80s disco ball (see above), not “To See The Future”. Sigh, in your face, Shopping Center Santa From My Childhood.
Oh, and I’m telling Rockstar you are not really real, but the whole season of good cheer and giving, part of which you represent, is. No actually he kind of already knew that, because last year he was already suspicious how you could be everywhere, including work for Cartier, all at the same time. He was suspicious because he didn’t think you knew about teleportation – after all, you use a reindeer sleigh. It is not very hi-tech.
Sometimes Rockstar still likes to think of you as “real.” It’s still a nice concept, and so we indulge. But at some point it will crystalize into either Come Clean or Have Discussion About Cloning, because he has recently discovered a similar concept in Star Wars (The Clone Wars). I…… may have also mentioned that last I checked, “fact” was they had only successfully cloned sheep. (And that cloning people – Santas or drones – was “fiction”.) But the Rockstar will be fine with You As A Symbol (not say, real). You should be too. We mean no disrespect. Ditto Future Tooth Fairy. I’m not even sure what the deal is with that, I shall have to google it eventually.
These are from Indigo Kids. At HKD 59 each (hearts) and HKD 179 for the replaceable-battery Santa ornament with blinking red nose (thought it would captivate Ms Rockstar), I hope these are my biggest splurge ornaments (I don’t consider the Lane Crawford bear a splurge obviously as it is A. Donation. It is also in chartreuse, one of my favorite colors.) Because every year I buy nice ones and then Kings goes on manic cleaning sprees and…… I hope some homeless guy gets to experience the Season Of Good Cheer a little more. Please buy more Lane Crawford bears. But seriously, there was Jonathan Adler in there, I really hope we find them someday <mourn>. (Kings. That was for you.)
Nice right, for HKD 20 a pop? The other two ornaments were crystal balls (see above). Yes, I bought two. Yes, Shopping Center Santa that was for you. As you can see, I now have issues.
And JD will have tennis balls. Specifically, Jonathan Adler tennis balls we shall display to death under Future Tree before letting her have. Because Tis The Season.

From Shopbop.com, dese are tennis balls. Wish I could swing JD i/o JA but she probably won't notice the misspell
(At USD 9 they’re not a lot more expensive than regular ones if you get free shipping after buying USD 100 worth of stuff and they’re pretty)
If Ms Rockstar were older, I’d have got her the Kate Moss paper cutout dolls, also from Shopbop.com. My mum used to draw mine. She’s quite good at art – and I still remember what they look like.
Oh hang on lemme put in the pics of Elements’ decorations since I was just there:
“Happiness Is An Inside Job.”
Which is a great way to lead into the money shot.
Finally….. <Drrrrrrumroll…..>
Ms Rockstar Eating A Christmas Tree. With Mustela lotion on her eyebrow. Did I mention this is art?
Ms Rockstar: <in voice like Godzilla> Grarrr.
Ps: No Christmas Trees Were Harmed In The Making Of This Blog Post.
Pps: No I haven’t got a tree yet. Tried Elements. Nuthin. Very pretty other potted plants, but nothing that looks remotely like it could pull off masquerading as That Kind Of Tree From States Which Gets Chopped Down.
(Thanks for the links, will look in a bit, fighting off a bit of a cold now, and Rockstar is off school tomorrow so I shall be juggling two kids around with naps and playdates…)
LOL at the last photo. Oh dear, Ms Rockstar has a whole tree top stuffed in her mouth. I hope she did not eat a lot of “leaves” aka material from the tree fabric, hehehe.
I can’t wait to see all your decorations above hanging on your tree (when you get it eventually). I learn a new word today – chartreuse. Blogs nowadays are so educational, especially yours.
Haha no she didn’t la, she’s mostly quite “gentle” in her “eating”… and i hope we get a tree – by Christmas! Though I heard they’re a lot cheaper after
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