Guiding Children’s Behavior – Seminar by Dr Louise Porter at Kennedy School (Part I)

Do people behave because of consequences, or because of needs?

During the course, Dr Porter would pause periodically for the packed school hall of parents to absorb. It’s because of the “new-ness” of some of the ideas. They make perfect sense sure, but wow when you remember your own childhoods and the “best wisdoms” you have learnt of yore (and possibly formed core instincts around), it’s really hard. I was seated next to and (occasionally briefly partnered with) a local Hong Kong mum and our first impression halfway through was how hard this is, how much work it would take, to shift our equilibriums (and then as she exited I saw her buy the book, like I did :D)

These are my notes… It’s a long time in coming (because every time I read what I wrote I felt I wasn’t doing a good job (so, buy the book or visit the site and see for yourselves – Dr Porter mentioned in the seminar all her seminar notes are up there as well and she has also partnered someone who organizes classes in implementation of this); and please email me if you have a better way of saying it, there’ve already been some emails exchanged and when I’m not doing the funny stuff this blog is still a place to learn together because parenting’s just… hard. 

1. Acknowledgement, not praise.

It’s a fine line, those words we use. One set of words acknowledges effort (and btw effort should trump achievement), the other builds dependence on the verbal equivalent of a piece of candy or toy for every little thing they do.

The words we use have to build towards an independence in the kids forming their own opinions about whether that was really their best effort or not.

On an aside, if their happiness and satisfaction is dependent on whether they win, then to my mind it is a very flawed and fragile happiness and self-worth. It’s a little painful isn’t it, if someday you have an adult who can’t tell if they’re doing well (despite every other external indication of the fact), EXCEPT if they get a pat on the head from whoever’s approval they have been wired to require? 

And so to the words. For eg, not “you’re so clever” (or for that matter “you’re so pretty”). Instead you’re supposed to say “You did it! You look pleased!” (What’s a “looks” equivalent – “Nice choice of colors”? The difference between praising something they’re born with vs acknowledging the effort they put in producing something…)

2. Kids might start cheating if the stakes are too high. 

If say, the kids tie their self-worth to achievement. (Well actually adults do that too). I shall deliberately avoid a recent high profile cheating-or-not case in Hong Kong that has made its way to court (yes, involving students and their parents) and instead dredge up donkeys’ years ago memories 😛 The stakes get perceived as higher than that already-lofty place society has assigned them when you place all the emphasis on performance, and build dependence via praise.

It’s not just cheating in exams, I’m also throwing in cheating at the requisite grunt work required to get to a certain point (though I am all for legitimate “hacks” – I’m always looking for “hacks” so Rockstar still gets free play time, without sacrificing picking up all the “basic”-ish skills he has to).

We tell Rockstar sure he can cheat on the amount of work he puts in, but he can’t get away with it because it will eventually show, in actual performance – and then it’s going to be a lot more painful playing catch-up. (Like, why bother, it’s just not worth it.) There is a chapter in another book (I think it was Life Is What You Make It by Peter Buffet, son of Warren Buffet) about the “clever” child who eventually becomes lazy because he relies on being “clever” rather than working hard.

But really, who hasn’t seen this:

pic from

Hard work trumps sheer ability+laziness every time. (pic from

When I was studying in Singapore and staying in a student hostel, I used to be privy to contact with a lot of ASEAN, Chinese and Indian scholars, as well as kids who’d spent primary school in Singapore’s Gifted Education Program. (In the interests of full disclosure, I was not a scholar. I did later get the 3 Cambridge A level As for Econs, English (Literature) and Maths, and had a Singapore government tuition grant for the course I took in Nanyang Technological University which bonded me to work in Singapore for 3 years, but that’s it. Not a scholar.)

So anyway staying in that hostel I met some kids who were outstanding not just as students but as people. Amazingly grounded. Certainly I don’t recall meeting any scholars/ gifted kids who weren’t smart. But some kids took just having been in the gifted or scholarship program as THE achievement.

Then there were kids used to getting their way, having done so at home, just because they delivered the grades. (“You’re going to lose friends” only matters to someone who wants friends. A former mentor once bemoaned, while also being amused at his First-Class-Honors-from-Oxford child’s email to her parents, “I have no morals. Only goals.”)

Therein makes me think parenting an exceptionally bright or talented child poses challenges of their own that can be greatly underestimated. (As I tried to remember all those high-achieving kids I met, especially the ones I greatly respected, I’ve been all Darn! WHY did I never think to ask them about their parents’ parenting?! Ah, hindsight…. :D)

3. There should be a middle ground – neither the parent NOR the child is the boss.

But as the grownup in the too often volatile equation where your child is about to have a nuclear meltdown, you have to be the one to disengage. This is not always easy.

This is the Miss, demonstrating A. Meltdown. You can't pick her up when she gets all wildcat unless you are so CONVINCED you are not going to drop her when she starts kicking. What? You think only Other People's Children do this? Rockstar did this too. And THEN some. Yeah-huh... All the poor education people who handle my children... :D

This is the Miss, demonstrating A. Meltdown. Ahem. You can’t pick her up when she gets all wildcat unless you are so SURE you are not going to drop her when she starts kicking. She’s quite strong, btw.

What? You think only your child does this? (Or… only unknown children in Starbucks or on tv? :D) Rockstar did this too, at that age. And THEN some. That’s why he was called Rockstar on this blog to begin with. (Not because he can sing <snort>) He still laughs about it, they both do, which I guess is how I think they’ll be ok with me mentioning it. Yes, the poor education people who have to handle my children 😀 Both are strong-willed, it just manifests in fairly different ways.

AND it appears there’s going to be a part II. Because I’m already at 1000+ words, got side tracked, but I’ve sat on this for long enough <sheepish> This is going…. out.. today!

Rockstars Intermission Time:

 photo 1-85 photo 2-82 photo 1-86 photo 4-44 photo 3-60

“Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required…” 

I go anywhere I can, looking for inspiration to better parent them, btw – including in Learning Support 🙂

Posted in School For Rockstar, Talking To Rockstar | 3 Comments

Little Miss Speak #26 – Something About The Honesty Policy In This Household


Me (to Rockstar, while peering into the Miss’ bowl): Why’d you say she was eating well, there’s so much left?

Miss: Yeah, Ko-ko. Why. Miss not eating. 

Me (to Miss): And yet you say that with not a care in the world. (Miss looks back at me blandly and nods and shrugs)

Rockstar: <also peers into her bowl> Ay? She looked like she was going to finish soon just now. She must’ve stopped right after I looked at her. 

Miss: <nods> Miss stop. Miss not eating.

Rockstar: Why’d you stop? You were doing so well. 

Miss: Want spaghetti. (Obviously intending to yank his chain – it’s his dinner order she’s asking for. Thing is, she declined to have spaghetti several times when I was asking them what they wanted to eat) 

Rockstar: Where are you going to get spaghetti? There isn’t any more. (Seriously didn’t “get” it. Didn’t get that she probably stopped because he peered in her bowl as well.)

Me: I have more – you wanted it for school lunch tomorrow as well, remember?

Rockstar: Ah. (To Miss) You eat your spaghetti ah… <happily trots off, problem solved> 

Miss: You too Ko-ko. You eat your spaghetti ah…

(In the end the Miss actually finishes before Rockstar, wonder of wonders)

And Santa’s Little Helpers have started on Christmas decorations…

 photo 2-81

photo 4-42

Posted in Rockstarisms | 2 Comments

Various Courageous Offspring And Their Videos This Friday. Ahem.

1) Base-Jumping Barnacle Goose. Obvious lead, when you watch this thing:

(BBC’s so annoying, the sound effects/ lack thereof make the video even more nerve-wracking)

2) Have you met Alex From Target? It’s here because the apparent “randomness” at which internet “sensations” are created continues to fascinate me.

Someone took a picture of this 17 year old working at a Target in Texas

Someone apparently took a picture of this 17 year old working at a Target in Texas

It becomes The Profile That Launches A Thousand Memes

It becomes The Profile That Launches A Thousand Memes

He picks up more than 500,000 followers on Twitter. A simple “Am I famous now?” gathers more than 38,000 re-tweets and 76,000 favorites and while I’m thinking Target must be ecstatic at the free(ish) advertising , I’m also idly thinking do his parents know???

(Latest is a marketing campaign came forward and claimed they planned the whole thing with a good looking teen.. I prefer the idea this is a random kid a marketing company retrospectively approached, asking for the rights to claim credit, but what do I know… Just loved the random coincidence story rather than marketing ploy story, is all)

3) BUT back to the Parents – Do You Know This About Your Teenager thing. Think this kid’s parents know he’s spoofing them? (Huh – why is the mum reading gossip magazines and sporting mustache shadow?! :D)

(……….probably? He’s selling “B+” t-shirts!)

4) Sometime Best Australian Blogs Winner Eden Riley’s I Won The Leather Competition.

Genuine. Raw. Beautiful.

This was their wedding cake.

9 years ago, this was their wedding cake.

If wedding cakes be the herald to the newly wed couple’s life ahead as well as an indication of what they are like then this has got to be one of the Best Cakes Ever. (Who doesn’t like Krispy Kreme, and we’ve witnessed wedding cakes that look lovely, cut by impeccably-dressed lovebirds who are just coo-ing away as they feed each other while adorably getting cream on each others’ noses…….. and they taste like cardboard.)

And as for the herald of the resilience of their marriage to come…… well obviously she’s been in rehab and in and out of a mental health clinic after her brother Cam killed himself – didn’t Bon Jovi say poets need pain? For real, though – her husband had kids from a previous marriage, they also have two boys together, the second through fertility treatments around the time her husband then had cancer, her beloved stepfather died of it (Eden, forgive me if I got that part wrong!) not too long ago…

Krispy Kreme abruptly looks like the best desert ever.

Eden talks about how she googles for empty places to move into, when they fight. She gave him an apple parer for their anniversary (it’s a knife. Didn’t Sir Anthony Hopkins have a line in a movie about how you can’t gift a knife because it “cuts” the friendship/ relationship?) Yeah, well. See, all the pretty pictures when people first get married and stuff – it’s…………. nice and all… But someone should tell the young starry-eyed people marriage someday will test your commitment to a promise you once made in a good mood, like no other. 

You will need all the help you can get. Please take it. Because Life involves sickness and money worries and all manner of awful stuff that will nonetheless (hopefully) have you looking back one day and thinking Damn. I Never Knew I Had It In Me. And so we run the race with endurance.

5) At last, one for both Rockstars 🙂 Artist Creates Cute Drawings Out Of Own Fingers



6) Rockstar skit is not so much a skit but an I Feel Like There Should Be Old Wayang Music Playing In The Background pic…

Don't You Think?

…Don’t You Think?

Posted in The TGIF Posts | 3 Comments

Miss Speak #25 – Swimming Worms, Yawning Babies


Me: What’s this?

photo 5-14


Miss: Worm happy. Going swimming. 


After being shown various insects…

Miss: Bugg…. Bugg…. Bugg….

Me: Ok, so I didn’t really say anything when it was a ladybug, but can you umm, try and say something more about this one? What’s this?

photo 1-70


Miss: <thinks hard> Gween bug.


And I did NOT ask her what this one was. We walked by, and:

This is a piece of art in one of the tower lobbies, that we pass frequently. I have never drawn her attention to it.

This is in one of the lobbies and is by a Chinese artist.

Miss: Mummy. See. Baby yawning.

Me: Er yeah ok very good. <try to walk off with her>

Miss: Miss also yawn like this! See, Mummy! Miss also yawn like this! <yawns>

Me: <weakly> Er no actually, no you don’t yawn like this.

Miss: <mildly annoyed> Why! Why, Mummy?


ps: pic of kids next post ok, please? 



Posted in Rockstarisms | 2 Comments

The Rest Of Our Halloween Night

For the past two years Rockstar, with or without the Miss, has spent virtually his entire school Halloween in the Cheese Brothers show.

Dis dem.

Dis dem.

As they get older however, more of his friends would visit and talk about the other attractions as well. That was how I was looking forward to a volunteer slot on set up at the Ghost Train hours before the party started (and before the ghouls would arrive to haunt the area).

The Miss was contentedly napping after a looong bubble bath and leisurely lunch following her school Halloween party in the morning.

Party Girl decompressing

Dis she. Party Girl “decompressing” after her morning school activities

Kings was on the way back from Manila that night so we planned to start partying Late, Til Even Later, and I tried to adjust the kids’ timing accordingly, a.k.a. everyone would be going down for a nap before coming to the party late. But, meantime:

Dis more string collecting and foraging

Dis he. String collecting and foraging (think they recycle and reuse all the materials they can) relatively diligently while I’m on set up…..

Turns out to be a win-win for us, because I quite enjoy climbing about with string for an hour, and it saves us braving the crowd and ghouls when the party has actually started…

So he gets to do dis. Hand out string and tape while getting a peek inside his first ever!

So he gets to do dis. Hand out string and tape while getting a peek inside – his first ever, in the last 3 years!

And then just like that, my volunteer slot is over and it’s time to go home and get everyone ready. By which, I mean this:

A powernap (Rockstar btw, is very proud of his ability during the day to be completely out cold for 20 mins and almost fully alert after).....

And feed the kids, get them in costume……. And……

Rockstar is Luke In Flight Suit.

Rockstar is Flight Suit Luke Skywalker this year!

Dithered for awhile re the Miss, because Rockstar chose this during his Light Saber Craze phase several months back, and so the Miss also had at least a mild thing for light sabers (and well, perpetually, Ninja Turtle weapons).

Can you see this coming?

Can you see this coming?

Now, Princess Leia does not carry light sabers.

YODA carries light sabers. (pic from costume

YODA carries light sabers. (pic from costume

The Miss is no help. When I try to tell her about Princess Leia to match her brother’s Luke costume (and how technically Princess Leia has power blasters), I get, “Not Princess Lee. (emphasizing each syllable) Miss-Rock-star.

But… but… I tie her hair like that all the time. It would hardly even be that costume-y…

Right? Right?

Right? Right?

And – and – she might not even want to wear the Yoda hat…

<Spend some effort trying to see if she could be convinced to go with Princes Leia/ Padme Amidala’s blasters.> But then both of them are just raring to party with friends, and Rockstar doesn’t even carry his light saber in the end. S-o……….

PAR-TAY! (Rockstar isn't unhappy btw... he's POSING :)

PAR-TAY! (Rockstar isn’t unhappy… he’s POSING 🙂

Quick selfie before the lift doors open (this may be the only time I am smiling and they are in one place not going crazy!)

Quick selfie before the lift doors open (this may be the only time I am smiling and they are in one place long enough!)

…As it turns out, I needn’t have worried. We lucked out.

Of course we’re back to catch the Cheese Brothers show – 2 shows!

photo 2-74 photo 4-39

Ah there he is! Swoon! And the Miss finds one of Rockstar's friends delightedly under a mask (and turns to me to say she wants a mask next time)

There’s one! Swoon!

(One of Rockstar’s friends, whom the Miss is delighted to find under that mask, inspires her to turn and tell me seriously she wants a mask next time. This may herald the beginning of the end – the last time the Miss agrees to still wear something complementing Rockstar’s costume etc…)

She and the little vampire close to her size were yelling in unison during the show otherwise :D

She and the little vampire close to her size were yelling in unison during the show, and looking at each other and yelling some more, otherwise 😀

The Miss starts to fidget during the second show…

And then this little angel held her hand and kept her settled for most of the second show

And then this little angel held her hand and she settled nicely

We passed the hall while rushing to catch the Cheese Brothers and there appeared to be some obstacle course games that looked interesting, so after the shows we head on back.

This is the hall where we then get stuck...

Maybe a mistake – we get stuck…

Rockstar doesn’t want to go in, he wants to look for his friends downstairs. The Miss however, is beside herself with excitement because of all the tantalizing obstacles. She methodically sits down to remove her squeaky gold sandals like she’s been taught to do in pre-school before delightedly going nuts. The above is the only picture I could take of them because she keeps dashing off in an instant and I have to keep retrieving her from various obstacles.

Standing just in the doorway (because he hasn’t removed his shoes), her uptight older brother is about to go ballistic at the impropriety of it all, when a friend walks by. Friend’s mum thankfully steers her boy in, and so Superman and Luke play tag while I concentrate on scooping Princess Leia “Miss-Rock-star” out of the way whenever the older Obstacle Race-ing kids are about to start another round.

During a lull, we dash off to spend the rest of our Kennedy dollars at the second-hand book fair (which btw my mum friends had told me is brilliant, you can score some really good finds.) I can see other parents filling huge shopping bags with books, but even as the Miss delightedly scores a Spot The Dog in mint condition (with all the animal sound buttons still working! We don’t even need to put in new batteries!) Rockstar quickly scans the room twice and reports all the Geronimo Stilton must’ve been snapped up. And then……………………..


*gasp* It’s The Stilton! In the ears!

“I made that,” his mum says, as she shows us the jacket. And so Rockstar is mollified. We can get the books another day………

And the Kings has landed. We head home close to the end of the party, to meet Darth and put on JD’s outfit, initially meaning to make the last hour of the Bel Air Halloween party.

JD: They got you too, huh?

JD: They got you too, huh?

For the second time that evening, I balk at putting my costume on. This was what I originally got (yeah faded packaging and all – I meant to salvage what I could):

Bok-bok-bok (chicken sounds)

Bok-bok-bok (chicken sounds)

Totally chickened out. It…….. didn’t look that intimidating at first. But then the package finally came and…….. am I reading too much into it that it says “Secret Wishes For Playful Adults”??? <freak out>

should’ve gone as Yoda.

Don't get me started on my blaster. WHY is the whole thing rubber, and is it just me or does my blaster holster look like a............................ (choke)

Don’t get me started on my blaster/belt. WHY is the whole thing rubber, and is it just me or does the holster look like a………………………. (choke) WHY did no one say anything about this re the costume accessories in the review section???

Seriously. Total costume FAIL. Chickened out when the time came (partly cos it wouldn’t be the same as with Kings also in costume right, and partly cos I am not strapping that rubber…… thing on and running around at my kids’ school party). Couldn’t pull it off. Fail FAIL. (So in the lift selfie earlier I’m wearing a Splendid white tee with the silver armband to chase the kids around at the school party instead.)

One for the album

One for the album (and like, the only time I put on the top)

In the end, instead of another rowdy party, Darth, Padme, Luke and Princess Leia “Miss Rockstar” and an At-at Walker opt for a quiet walk to a (now) deserted playground. In the dark, Darth, Padme and an At-at Walker watch Luke and Princess Leia “Miss Rockstar” play on the slides.

It turns out Rebel Alliance Pilot Flight Suits make you go much faster down slides.


Next morning everyone is hungover except the Miss. Who is STILL on the book she scored the previous night. 

We're still on a PAR-TAY buzz!

We’re still on a PAR-TAY buzz!

3 days in, the batteries are still running…..

Posted in Rockstar Shots, School For Rockstar, Talking To Rockstar | 2 Comments

Float Like A Butterfly….. Not

She could probably sting like a bee, but The Miss doesn’t think that’s how butterflies roll. Or fly.

The Miss’ costume for Rockstar’s big school bash last night was by necessity pristine white, i.e. not something I could put her in for her own pre-school Halloween party in the morning. Just as well, she’d been working on decorating her own wings because being a butterfly isn’t enough – she was gonna be a Disco butterfly!

She worked on this with glitter glue for a few nights... Yes our furniture took one for the team...

She worked on this with glitter glue for a few nights… Yes our furniture took one for the team…

(Those are Rockstar’s recycled white angel wings from when he was Archangel Michael in the Y2 Christmas Play: A Midwife Crisis.)

Flashback: Remember these wings?

IMG_2450-e1385360459183 IMG_2438

So anyway I break out a pair of sequined tights I was saving for the occasion (Disco Butterfly, right?), paired with a similarly neutral-colored flutter-sleeve top which the Miss happily tries on, but refuses to wear with the wings. She wants a dress. “Poof-y dress.” 

That’s how we end up with this. It’s a dress for a 4-year old btw, I troll discount websites for bargains – by which I mean The Good Stuff from umpteen seasons ago that’s been heavily marked down, last piece left that someone else returned and is now many seasons behind etc etc.

photo 1-74 photo 2-70

(I did that for the kids’ actual Halloween costumes too, because I realized that while you can get most of the same thing here in season, it costs easily double in the stores… Off-season, several months early, we can also afford to wait for the month or whatever it takes to send over with the cheapest shipping – it’s a win-win 🙂

This is her waiting for the bus:

photo 5-16 photo 4-36 photo 3-53

Up, up and awaaaay!

Up, up and awaaaay! That’s how a REAL butterfly flies!

(I… know. More goofball than girlie. It’s who she is currently, she’s a real livewire.)

As she gets on however, we realize a dilemma – she has to take the wings off in order to be strapped into her seat. I watch her blink, and quickly scramble on, riding along to make sure she doesn’t go ballistic about the 2 extra seconds before she can put the wings back on.

Which is how I get to see some of the other fabulous fashions coming in today (sorry about the stickers – if I don’t get to ask the mum directly if it’s ok, I think I better put them up as stickered as apologetically as possible <sheepish>):

Look at the hairpiece on this fashionista ladybug!! Her Halloween purse is facing away, otherwise you'd see it's a fully decorated haunted house

Look at the hairpiece on this fashionista ladybug!! Her Halloween purse is facing away, otherwise you’d see it’s a fully decorated haunted house

And Minnie Mouse even has the right fingerless gloves

And Minnie Mouse even has the right fingerless gloves

There was a little boy who had a full panda suit – and a panda soft toy to boot (Panda Twins!) but I think he found it uncomfy and didn’t want to have it on I couldn’t take a pic of him in it…

Someone remarks, “You missed Bruce Lee a little earlier.” Just so…

Posted in Rockstar Shots, School For Rockstar | 2 Comments

Happy Halloween Friday

1) Inappropriate Baby Halloween Costumes <cringe>

Rockstar picked this one (yes, it's Chucky)

Rockstar picked this one as the worst. I maintain it’s partly because he doesn’t know what Hooters is. (Yes this one is Chucky. Yes there is a Hooters baby girl in the link.)

2) 6 Reasons Halloween Isn’t Harmless. <sheepish> It’s here partly because this is the first time I’ve come across some of these points (at least, articulated that way). We barely knew what Halloween was in our childhood, it wasn’t celebrated tha-at much around us… Then it took wayy longer before we had some awareness of what some may not like about it…

Well we love non-scary Halloween all the way, and we’re totally dressing up (non-scarey) tonight, I never liked gore anyway… aren’t there umpteen horribly violent movies that start off with no one realizing you’re screaming for real because it’s Halloween and “everyone” is pretending to be either a psychotic killer or a bloody, injured victim…

3) Hairstyles so crazy you don’t need the rest of the costume

Uh, full points for creativity in naming these?

This one's called the cupcake

This one’s called The Cupcake

This one's the Louis Vuitton Wallet

This one’s the Louis Vuitton Wallet

4) Pizza Order To 911 Hotline Saves Woman.

……..”I’d like to order a pizza for delivery.” (oh great, another prank call).

“Ma’am, you’ve reached 911” 

“Yeah, I know. Can I have a large with half pepperoni, half mushroom and peppers?” 

“Ummm…. I’m sorry, you know you’ve called 911 right?” 

“Yeah, do you know how long it will be?” 

“Ok, Ma’am, is everything ok over there? do you have an emergency?”

“Yes, I do.”

“..And you can’t talk about it because there’s someone in the room with you?” (moment of realization) 

“Yes, that’s correct. Do you know how long it will be?” 

(It says when the dispatched help arrived, the woman was found in bad condition and rescued from an abusive boyfriend. I found this very sad… Thank God the hotline person didn’t hang up. Halloween or otherwise, DON’T EVER PRANK HOTLINES!!!)

5) Just… inspiring. 9 Year Old Spanish Boy Wins London National History Museum’s Young Photographer Of The Year Award.


Was just thinking how if you are throwing rocks at animals or are in any other way mean to them you aren’t going to get to practice taking pictures. Or win awards for doing so. He must’ve learnt through this to be so patient and gentle with animals…

6) Army Boys Having FunNot what you think

This is cute

This is cute.

This is sweet

This is sweet

And am I the only grown person who still hasn't read Harry Potter? (How did they pull this pic off, anyway?)

This is Am I The Only Grown Person Who Hasn’t Read Harry Potter? (And how did they pull this pic off, anyway?)

7) Rockstar skit is titled Twins!

This day the Miss has decided to complicate things… Here, she is refusing to get on her scooter AND has decided to walk all the way home backwards – while eating an egg sandwich. One of those days where you are absolutely convinced there is Circus music playing nearby before you realize it’s just blaring in your head.

Hello Dere.

Hello Dere.

Up ahead, Rockstar has decided to make a bold statement about the pace at which we are traveling. Ahem.

Hello Zzzere.

Dis is art.

The Miss discovers this and finds Rockstar’s bold statement in performance art inspired.

I can see Egg Sandwich.

I can see Egg Sandwich. And Rockstar trying not to smile.

She decides to join in.

What a GREAT idea!


Of course, then now there are TWO of them. And we are still nowhere near home. <starts to sweat>

NOW what and I going to do??

NOW what am I going to do??

Good weekend dears… Hopefully we made it back by then……!

Happy Halloween!

And this is a squirrel trying to steal a pumpkin on Bored Panda

And this is a squirrel trying to steal a pumpkin on Bored Panda

Posted in The TGIF Posts | 2 Comments

Miss Speak #24 – Diet Advice


Here’s a few more…..

Me: (just because I thought this one was easy) “M” is for -?

photo 3-50


Miss: Cow!!


Me: And what’s this? (I’m expecting “cwo-co-dile”)

photo 4-34


Miss: Don’t. Eat. This.

Me: Well yes, and it’s an alligator.

Miss: A-li-gay – Don’tEatThis!

And another public service message: Beer Is Bad For You. See my disapproving face?

And another public service message: Beer Is Bad For You. See my disapproving face?

ps: It’s my beer and she didn’t even taste it… She is eating btw, a baked potato skin with mozzarella and bacon bits… (Like what else do you order at a sports bar in Stanley? :D)




Posted in Rockstarisms | 2 Comments

Little Miss-Speak #23 – The Happy Spider


Sometimes I really think the Miss just loves messing with everyone……..

Me: What’s this?

photo 2-66

Miss: Spider!!

Me: <reluctantly – she seems so proud of her answer> Um, not really, darling –

Miss: Happy Spider! Yaay! <starts clapping for herself> <looks at me expectantly>

Me: Oh ok, you got “happy” right, but –

Miss: Yaaaaaaaay! <starts clapping again>

Me: But –

Miss: <firmly> Happy. Spider. 

Me: But –

Miss: YYAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY! <gets up and starts dancing about>


School's Out. (She calls that "The Cat", btw)

School’s Out. (She calls this “THE Cat”, btw)

Posted in Rockstarisms | 4 Comments

It’s Almost Not The Weekend Anymore….

1) In honor of the weekend almost gone, Miserable Men, which has been making the rounds in both US and UK press this week with varying pictures from the same collection…. Proving (on an almost-Monday) Even When You’re Miserable You Can Make People Smile. Interestingly not a few (fine, nearly all) of these involve men being dragged along to go shopping.

Like so.

Like so.

All big department stores should have them.

All big department stores should have them.

2) The Prodigal Daughter by Rev Dr William Wan. Terrifying in the Do Everything Right And Still Get Taken On This Heart-Wrenching Parenting Journey sort.


“…There was absolutely nothing we could do or say to her that would make any difference. We watched helplessly as she slid away from us into a world of teenage drug and sex counter-culture. We knew we had lost her, both emotionally and psychologically….”

Leaving home on her 16th birthday, pregnant at 19, her love for her own son when she tries to raise him, sends her back to school at 21 to be able to give him a better life.

3) Not really one for Scary Halloween, love Dress-up Halloween, but some of these make up ideas are amazing – because of the 3D view the makeup artist has of their subject.

Basically I mean this. Turning 3D back to 2D

Basically I mean this. 3D to 2D

Basically, I mean this.

And this. Nuff said. (Rockstar says he can see her chin).


4) Hands down the best Halloween costume ever, ever, ever however is this:

71 year old grandmother battling cancer knits herself new hair

71 year old grandmother battling cancer knits herself new hair. I think she tweets, too.

5) Move over puppies… Here’s Old Faithful – Warm, intimate photos of really old dogs.

Hazel has 5 microchips from being in numerous puppy mills. (She also had her eyes removed due to pain.)

Hazel has 5 microchips from being in numerous puppy mills. (She also had her eyes removed due to pain.)

6) Chinese being a “notoriously difficult” language to master in adulthood… Why Mark Zuckerberg Studies Chinese Every Day.

It says Zuckerberg stated he's learning Chinese to better connect with his wife Priscilla's family

In article, Zuckerberg says he’s learning Chinese to better connect with his wife Priscilla’s family

7) Not for everyone, but if you ever think you’ll be in a startup then this one-pager is a good skim… Liquidation preference need-to-know.

8) For more people maybe… How to dominate at Monopoly using math.


9) Miss has the skit, with a cameo by Rockstar, in Not To Be Outdone…….

While the Miss steps away Rockstar shall play...

While the Miss steps away Rockstar shall play…

Miss returns and is surprisingly unperturbed (she can get mad when you meddle with her stuff)

Miss returns and is surprisingly unperturbed (she can get mad when you meddle with her stuff)

....And insists and having the last say in blocks.

….And insists and having the last say in blocks.

Good work week ahead, dears…

Posted in The TGIF Posts | 2 Comments