Rockstarism #280 – If We Spoke In Venn Diagrams At Mid-Autumn


It’s mid-autumn today, a public holiday in HK, which means Rockstar’s home and I’m not ready with linky Friday or Secret Training… The dog’s had her 3km Peak extra walk where we had to navigate around a crowd that was about equal parts families with kids, families with dogs and no kids, and picnicking helpers, and on the way home we’re thinking quick and simple dinner after which we can go a-lanterning…

Kings: How ’bout takeaway from Sabah (our favorite Malaysian restaurant in Wan Chai)? (To Rockstar) Do you want fish porridge or soup noodles?

Rockstar: <pause> If that were a Venn diagram I would be on the outside.

Me: (To Rockstar) Oh you’ve started Venn diagrams in school. (To Kings) I think that means he doesn’t want either.

Rockstar: Yeah I want spaghetti. 

Well he had his spaghetti, and we just put everyone to bed after lantern-ing tonight:

A selfie with 'tude. Spot the Gangsta Rapper Wannabe.

A selfie with ‘tude. Spot the Gangsta Rapper Wannabe.

JD came with, but no matter how we contorted, we just couldn’t get her in the selfie. So we did this:

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Oh, the indignities this animal puts up with, just because she lives with….. well, me. Neither child cared to do anything to the dog, but before we had the kids there were a couple years when JD would be out with us looking for an un-tended beach that allowed Animals Dressed As Lanterns and we hadn’t done anything like that to her recently and so I felt obliged. In fact so obliged when I couldn’t find her leash I rummaged about til I found my Prada doctor’s bag with detachable cross body strap and used that.

Little Miss was much better, she just dragged her lantern about everywhere and kept showing it to the dog.

Little Miss was much better, she just dragged her lantern partway there and all the way back and kept showing it to the dog.

And then of course I insisted my children pose for the Obligatory Lantern Shot. Y’know, because I’d changed a particularly poopy diaper and handled a particularly huffy older child who kept calling me on Kings’ cell while I was in the middle of the Peak hiking trail with the dog simply because the laptop had run out of battery and he was bored. Therefore you can see why I just felt so entitled. Obviously when I’m old and ornery (also alliteration-happy) I expect to be taken care of and waited on hand and foot for all those poopy diapers and sacrifices and – I AM KIDDING.

My husband, on the other hand……

Not saying anything here. Not.

Not saying anything here. Not.

Just because he feeds and walks them occasionally he feels entitled to hang the kids upside down whenever he pleases. Why would anyone think I’m kidding?

There….. might have been a bit too much sugar in the moon cakes. (And yes the people who consumed moon cake tonight were limited to Kings and I. I and Kings, because our smartass offspring do not consume moon cake unless they feel the need to be polite.)



Obligatory Lantern Shot

Obligatory Lantern Shot

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6 Responses to Rockstarism #280 – If We Spoke In Venn Diagrams At Mid-Autumn

  1. mun says:

    Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you and your family!

    Love the photo of the siblings with lanterns. Was Miss Rockstar wearing one of your clothes?

    Dear Rockstar, (this is just for Rockstar)

    Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I am happy to receive a comment from you. You type very well and have perfect English spelling. Hope you have a good weekend!

  2. YTSL says:

    Belated happy Mid-Autumn Festival greetings to you Aileen.

    Peninsula mooncakes… they are sooo yum, aren’t they? 🙂

    • Aileen says:

      You are absolutely right, Peninsula yum! Though they don’t taste the way I’m used to moon cakes tasting (sheepish) – i.e. very sweet and heavy and with greasy egg yolk 😛

      Happy Mid-Autumn to you too, Y…

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