The Kicking Worm

“Worms fly,” Rockstar, then aged under 3, once declared. Because birds eat (them).


Jumping Turning Kick (And yes he is now a blue belt… More on that someday…)

There are mums who really freak out and spend a lot of their time keeping their boys from scrapping about in their rowdier moments. That has a lot to do with what their kids are like, what they know their kids to be like. This is my Proud Mum Pic because of what I know my kid to have been like.

Used to be, physical contact from any little push or shove could really bother younger Rockstar. Add to that the temper and fusspot-ness and we were looking at that oldies flashback in the opening credits of Phua Chu Kang where skinny, bespectacled little Phua Chu Beng huffs after them yelling “Hey! That’s my ball!” as the rest of the not-so-fussed boys chase after the soccer ball.

Back then I even worried that putting Phua Chu Beng Rockstar in one of the sports camps affiliated to his school would affect the rest of his attitude to school, IF it went badly. (He’d dropped out of an external swimming class in our development previously and to this day I haven’t been able to get him back into one so it’s not like this is totally out of the realm of possibility, though now he loves PE in school which includes swimming.) He was also starting primary school (i.e. new big school) at the same time the Miss was born.

That was why we tentatively tried an external taekwondo class. And then we kept coming back. We’ve never looked back.

Glory Hallelujah, now we have a Flying Turning Kicking Worm.

ps: Contact only with protective sparring gear on, of course 😉

pps: It can be a misconception that martial arts has much at all to do with aggression – a large part of Rockstar’s last sparring session was about learning to correctly dodge and defend an attack. They spent some time on which way to step or turn depending which side an attacker was kicking from. Blindly attacking is actually much, much easier than defending or practicing restraint – martial arts is a lot about discipline and self control – you are supposed to be able to stop fighting/attacking the moment they say stop. And you can’t do that if you’ve lost your temper…

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Kennedy School Year 3 End Of Learning Unit Exhibits

Rockstar earnestly trying to rapidfire-explain a ton of his school artwork, poetry, costume design, clay making, something they made on the computers, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc in the one session

Rockstar earnestly trying to rapidfire-explain a ton of his school artwork, poetry, costume design, clay making, something they made on the computers, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc in the one session

Rockstar’s year had turned their classrooms into galleries that were open  for a total of 45 minutes on a week day for the rest of the school to view. Before they need all their tables and chairs and exhibit boards and things back to get on with “regular” school/class activities, I suppose. (As in, the whole This No Biggie attitude gave me the impression this level of effort is business as usual – which is what pretty much blew me away because of the level of effort that I see to have gone in to this. To Me This Is Biggie :D)

Rockstar’s is a big school and there always seems to be something going on, each year and class have little shows – including in Putonghua, concerts, bake sales, assemblies, science experiments, units of inquiry, field trips, sports and games and music and ICT…… which means a dynamic constantly moving, changing, growing melting pot of activities, stimulation, interaction, recycling and sharing opportunities of resources available, ample appreciative audiences among fellow Kennedy kids of different years and classes…..

One nice touch is that as the different years and classes mill around the exhibits, they are given post-its to leave encouragements and appreciative comments on other kids’ exhibits of their choosing… Rockstar had 2 or 3 like most other kids, and you can j-ust see one of the notes on the left of the pic above, but I think the erm, exhibiting artists keep up their precious notes quite fast 😀

Y’know, in various places of Cyberport and what-not you see all these quiet exhibits of kids’ work or even adults’ fashion designs for graduating shows out of design school – they’re there for weeks on end, and…… I don’t know, there’s way, way less to see. I really could barely look at any other child’s work except in our immediate vicinity in the last 2 minutes or something (yes I rushed the Miss home by cab halfway, but then we’d got there right on the dot when they opened the class)

They're watching video footage of Rockstar and his classmates expressing themselves through free dance moves... After a choreographer teaches them some basics, I think Rockstar came home one day and said...

They’re watching video footage of Rockstar and his classmates expressing themselves through free dance moves… After a choreographer teaches them some basics, I think Rockstar came home one day and said…

(If I recall correctly these paper men things were about proportions and measurements - they use different sizes from the full to half and quarter sizes...)

(If I recall correctly these paper men things were about proportions and measurements – they use different sizes from full to half and quarter sizes to get some number sense I think it was…)

Note the proud little hand holding Rockstar's hand

“That’s my Ko-ko”: Note the proud little hand holding Rockstar’s hand

Proud Little Hand's claim to fame...

“That’s How I Inspire My Ko-ko” 😀 Proud Little Hand’s claim to fame… 😛

(Remember Rockstar’s little homework assignment which was a tiny part of this entire thing:)

So for e.g. this is kept in Rockstar's folio... Yes they have whole separate folios, not counting all the regular reading/ writing and math and chinese etc...

So for e.g. this is kept in Rockstar’s folio… Yes they have whole separate folios, not counting all the regular reading/ writing and math and chinese etc…

photo 1-182

The kids explored expressing themselves via various mediums – a range of materials, costume design (what’s practical tempering the creative in this case), a range of emotions and the colors, words, sounds, lines and shapes, among others, that are used to portray them or even magnify their effect…

Clay sculpture and word portrait (Rockstar's sculpture is - wonder of wonders - to do with Minecraft weaponry)

Clay sculpture and word portrait (Rockstar’s sculpture is – wonder of wonders – to do with Minecraft weaponry)

Rockstar says he and his friends would select a couple emotions to portray (his were anger and confidence – unfortunately, his friends then act out the emotions for him which means I would end up putting other kids’ pictures up without permission, so I had to omit… A real pity because Rockstar’s 3 friends who acted out “confidence” for his piece looked really cool with the poses and facial expressions…

So unfortunately I have to post an e.g. with Rockstar’s standard “happy” face (which I can tell is different from his genuinely happy face; his put-on happy face we like to dub The Happy Puppy :D):

Yes that's his face, but that's not his poem...

He’s acting out the emotion “Happy” for his friend’s poem…

How do you explain colour to a blind person?

Read the words – pretty good, right? How we express say, Happiness – “happy colours” enhanced by the other senses (your favourite tastes, smells, and touch sensations – and for “Confidence” they did more body language)… I took this e.g. cos it’s one with Rockstar’s face… The words however are not written by him; his friend who wrote it I understand is at least trilingual (also not uncommon – for e.g. they might study English and Chinese in school, and then also say, speak Korean or Japanese or French or etc at home… I mention because I can imagine how much work goes into learning everything…)

(And btw any misspellings are corrected  separately, in the actual writing books… )

30 kids to a class, 5 classes a year (someone correct me if I'm wrong) - every child has an exhibit like this ok

30 kids to a class, 5 classes a year (someone correct me if I’m wrong) – every child has an exhibit like this ok

So you get to your child’s classroom, other toddler child in tow because she has music class in 20 minutes, and….. yup, we’re not making it to music class today. Then out of the throng of Kennedy kids milling about comes Rockstar’s various buddies (most of whom also have siblings) who are all “Oh! Little kid! So cute so cute” and Rockstar proudly introduces his star-struck sister as being able to sing Months of the Year and I don’t know how many new faces and recitals 15 minutes later she crashes.

This is her on the short cab ride back - and she stayed that way without waking for another 2 hours (like, she hasn't done that in absolutely ages - most days she doesn't even nap, now)

This is her KO-ing on the short cab ride back

So I rush now-unconscious Miss home and rush back to catch as much more of this as I can.. Rockstar carries on his rapid-fire narrations like I never left… In same Post-it Appreciation Leaving vein, Rockstar would zero in on various friends’ exhibits and why he especially liked their work. It’s another nice thing that I hope I describe well enough, re their learning community – amongst themselves, the kids would have been encouraged to well, encourage one another and acknowledge their friends’ good work. Which is kinda nice 🙂

ps: Upon reaching home later, we discover the Miss, normally a fairly light sleeper,  never stirred for 2 hours (she hasn’t done that in absolutely ages – most days she doesn’t even nap, now…)

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Rockstarism #362 – The Benefits Of Adoption.



Rockstar: So, is the Miss nuts or not???

Me: Well dude, are you? Cos you two are kinda related, you know…

Rockstar: Nooooooooo you are, cos you two are kinda related, you know…

Me: What about you then, did you think you were adopted?

Rockstar: Yes, but I’m not ok (as in, he’s nuts). I mean no, I know I’m not adopted.

Me: Which leads us back to your original question about your sister: is she nuts? We’re all “kinda related”, and you’ve decided you’re nuts……………. (Rockstar laughs)

Photographic proof…..

photo 2-210 photo 1-217

(Yes, they are taking turns wearing a fishbowl on their heads and dumping water on each other. Awhile ago the fish bowl was a space helmet btw…)


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“I Am Invincible.”

I believe I can fly...!

I believe I can fly…

This picture just about sums up the Miss, once she’s gotten to know you or the playground in question. Obviously she did that with me close to upchucking my heart enough times that I eventually chilled enough to take that pic. (But still. She’d go higher if there was anywhere higher to go. More good news for me.)

This is an interesting one because:

1) The Miss soon inspired some older girls to strike poses atop this thing. A different older girl had previously read from a nearby sign several times that the playground was for 5-12s and “the bunch of you are obviously only 3 or 4 years old so you can’t play here.” Said repeatedly in English, Cantonese and Putonghua loudly with several of us mums around supervising our toddlers. (We exchanged raised eyebrows but otherwise said nothing. Sign Reading Girl’s own parents, possibly oblivious, eventually showed up to collect her and a slightly smaller sibling.)

2) A mum of a borderline autistic and ADHD child told me (yes partially in relation to the Miss) that said conditions are especially hard to diagnose in girls under 5 – and that lack of response to low grade pain, lack of fear of heights, water, etc etc are among the “symptoms”. Separately, we also know several toddlers who had been flagged for ADHD (turned out to be nothing, and I won’t tell you where they were flagged but for the record it is NOT where either Rockstar goes to school), their parents obviously getting really upset when flagged. (Touch wood the Miss has not been flagged. But it’s true we’ve seen other kids flagged whom we thought were markedly “better behaved” than she was and I wondered exactly how some kids get flagged)

No, I’m not freaking out beyond preferring she has a helmet on when she decides she is invincible. (Oxymoron alert.) This is just here because it’s an ongoing part of our parenting journey…

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Another Weekend Of Interesting Peoples And Animals

1) Better Family Home’s family picture fails.

Painful. Funny. Funny and painful.

Painful. Funny. Funny and painful.

One guy nailed it. Funniest guy in the bunch. Oops.

One guy nailed it. (This one btw was Rockstar’s favourite)

This guy... not so much. Full points for bravery, though.

This guy… not so much. Full points for bravery, though (this is apparently their Christmas card photo)

2) Don’t try this in Hong Kong… Crows pay 8 year old back for their snacks over the years.

Dis her and dem.

Dis her and dem.

Dis their stuff.

Dis their stuff.

(I know it’s basically trash, but how entertaining for the kids, right?)

3) The Rugby Umpire In Hong Kong With The Rare Skin Condition

I think we’ve actually seen her around, at church and stuff.

pic from SCMP article

pic from SCMP article

4) 16 Weird Houses. For e.g:

Waiting for the housing market to take off?

Waiting for the housing market to take off?

Guy commemorates wife’s love of travel by adding a “plane wing” 😀 Seriously… So I’m gonna open mouth insert foot by making the (ironic) observation that while some guys really love doing things for their girls, other guys get snarky with “Wah she so spoilt”. I think the missing observation is not about how much effort a girl requires in order to make her happy (much better for her not to require in order to be happy), but how much a guy is willing to do for her to make her happy. AND without accusing her of being spoilt for enjoying it.

Thin line? Yup. Micro.

5) Loving this one: Bored Panda’s Most Awesome Teachers Ever.

Like this one:

Teachers going to class in pyjamas to protest finals being held at 7am

Teachers going to class in pyjamas to protest finals being held at 7am

This one is…..

Principal's fundraiser: A dollar per piece of tape.

Principal’s fundraiser: A dollar per piece of tape.

Wow how long is he gonna stay that way? (Obviously he must have volunteered, but I would’ve felt happier if he was smiling in this pic 😛 Or maybe he’s asleep. Then that’s alright too :D)

And this one…

Rockstar is jealous. (Yes, the flame really has to be that big.)

Rockstar is jealous. (Yes, the flame really has to be that big.)

Lotsa chemistry teachers in the link setting fire to stuff 😛

And obviously this lot wanted to be teachers when they grew up. Whenever that’s gonna be. Hope it never happens 😀 (This is from the school yearbook):

awesome-teachers-funny-2__605 awesome-teachers-funny-16__605

Rockstar really wanted us to submit our own Gummy Worm Measurement one. I’m still trying to figure out if there’s any way we might get in trouble 😛 (you never know, one parent told us recently he was unexpectedly reposted on Youtube from an old singing gig – and then people started saying in the comments how they were sure they recognised him from some famous porn movie…. No, I didn’t think to ask him whether he then sought out the movie to check out the resemblance… Actually I think I’m never asking him that :D)

Certainly, Rockstar has a crazy amount of fun in school, which continues to delight us, that he finds learning so much fun – their latest “guest teacher” who came in at Music (I think Rockstar said) taught……. Beatboxing!

All hail the Heartgrey (and whoever let him into school!!)

6) RockstarSkit this week is titled Free Cuddles. (This was their good friend’s idea.) The HKDR has an Adoption Sunday where it turns out lotsa tweens appear to volunteer (someone correct me if I’m wrong, at pack up time it looked like besides grownup volunteers were also a seasoned bunch of teens and tweens who appeared to be from both international as well as local schools, putting in elbow grease and legwork) – we thought it was a great way for kids to get an animal fix and for the organisations like HKDR to get a little extra help…

 photo 3-162 photo 2-204

Have a good weekend dears…

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Rockstarism #361/ Miss-Speak #41 – What Happened To The Cute Animals

#361/ #41

Playtime in the Rockstar household…

Rockstar: Mum. Look, I’m totally teaching the Miss to make stuff with her playdoh. She’s pretty good, too!

Me: That’s great, whatcha working on?

Rockstar: Intestines! 

Me: Uh… Why can’t you teach her something more… kid-ish.

Rockstar: <blinks> Like what?

Me: I don’t know, cute animals or the smiling sun on Teletubbies or something.

Rockstar: <like I’m the weird one> No. No, intestines. <firmly> See Miss, this is where the long ropes of intestines go, and then over them is your belly and the belly button… 

(Miss giggles delightedly)

Me: You guys are gross.

Miss: Mummy. You don’t have belly?

Me: Yes I do.

Miss: <conversationally> Ko-ko have belly? Miss have belly?

Me: Everyone has a belly. It’s just whether it’s a big or small belly.

Miss: <nodding theatrically> Oh. I seee. 

Me: And you. Half the time I don’t know if that’s sarcasm or what…

Almost sure this one is sarcasm. Almost.

Almost sure this one is sarcasm. Almost.


 On Bumps to Babes run recently…

Me: Go pick up your raisins, darling.

Miss: Noooooo.

Me: They’re over there, pick a few packets up and put them in our basket.


Me: ?? What? I thought you liked raisins.

Miss: <theatrically> They not ro-sins! Oh Noo! <tragic hand wringing> THEY. BUGS!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! 

Which prompts me to take a closer look:

OK. Packaging FAIL.

Packaging FAIL.


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All You Need Is Loveramics (To Let The Dog In)

Rockstars in da cab! Get the party started...!

Rockstars in da cab! Get the party started…!

Me: <secretly thinking> What Have I Done?? What have I got myself into now?  Long cab ride with the THREE of them all squished together?? Is the cabbie gonna dump us in the middle of nowhere and speed off?

(That hasn’t happened, but it’s true there’ve been cabbies who’ve said things like “I’ve waited ages for you to stop the noise she is making and have already been very patient. You are the parent. Do something.” Oh, and another one – the Miss likes to pay our cab fare. Most of the time they cooperate, but occasionally you will have one who is impatient with her and then will say to me, “Why can’t YOU just pay me the fare instead of mucking about with her?”)

Rockstar: This is a picture of the Miss growing an extra head wearing a HK Scouts Cap and a hand out of the top of her head and a dog’s head out of her ear.

As it turns out however, the Miss is unusually well-behaved when she has the dog right next to her. (To be exact, JD has one hind foot on the Miss’ lower leg because for some reason that’s how this dog rolls when she sits next to someone she’s comfy with in a car.)

As it turns out however, the Miss is unusually well-behaved when she has the dog right next to her

The Miss chattering the dog’s ears off because I wouldn’t let her bear hug JD while strapped into her travel booster seat and eating yoghurt drops

This is the Miss uncharacteristically silent for a moment - see the dog's ears beginning to recover :D

These two have a love-hate-love relationship, it’s sometimes a tussle to be the one bossing the other (they take turns), so it was nice to catch the look she’s giving JD in this one

And so… here we are.

JD is all Let. Me. Out...!

JD is all You’re Just Standing There Taking A Pic?! Let. Me. Out…!

The Rockstars painting their mugs and hors' doeuvre bowls. Fine, snack bowls.

The Rockstars painting their mugs and hors’ doeuvre bowls. Fine, snack bowls.

photo 3-129 photo 1-181

photo 2-176 photo 1-214

(We haven’t collected back all their pottery yet so some of these are earlier pieces… It takes awhile for the store to send them somewhere to be glazed and you have to sign a disclaimer saying you understand these things may break during the glazing process and you are not to go nuts at them if it happens.)

photo 1-175

photo 2-207

There’s lotsa older kids going in and out, lotsa small parties and playdates (Loveramics can seat up to 16 at a time but most groups are much smaller, like ours – JD included), obviously Rockstar’s Minecraft Weapons Mug got some attention… There was also an elaborate but child-like painted bowl of a pink dragon… Some kids and adults btw, are really, really good at these things and sit there for several hours (personally I find it quite hard to paint elaborately unless you have several hours to burn and certainly some adults were there that long – they play good music in the store 🙂 ) and I remember seeing a couple pieces there that made me think “No wonder you have to sign disclaimers…”

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Only The Most Fun Way To Learn Measurements

Rockstar’s favourite learning activity during 3-way conference recently was biting the heads and tails off earthworms measuring gummy snakes.

Things that make ya go "Hmmmmm.."

Things that make ya go “Hmmmmm..”

(At risk of gender bias, a thing about Snips and Snails and Puppy Dogs’ Tails comes to mind <roll eyes>)

He demonstrated how to do a finger-width estimate of the length of these gross-looking things gummy worms in centimetres, and then check the actual length with the rulers.

Whatever turns you on, baby (yeah I know they're supposed to be snakes)

(And yeah he has to read that, too)

Dis is art.

Dis is art.

All in the interests of learning, you see…

Dis is fun.

Dis is fun.

And dis is where you are supposed to reunite the snakes with their missing body parts.

And dis is where you are supposed to reunite the snakes with their missing body parts (in your stomach :D).

ps: Someone left a headless gummy behind, much to Rockstar’s added amusement…

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One Of Those “I Caved” Moments…

Uh... they were hungry!

First and only time ok…

Yes they are having pizza in our bath. their indoor playpool (and yes they’re both clothed). It was actually Rockstar who got hungry,  but as you can see, the Miss is thoroughly enjoying her Brush With Bad*ss. Oh, she bad… (And no I didn’t have a lot of time to blog at all, this weekend :P)



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Rockstarism #360 – “Pet Sematary”


Rockstar: Mum! Look! Did you know there are 4 rabbits and 2 raccoons in here??

photo 1-208

Me: <weakly> Uh… What game are you playing?

Rockstar: Space Animals! We’re sending the Miss’ animals into space!

Me: Oh… right…

Miss: What?

Me: Nothing… I just thought… that looked like a… like a… coffin never mind.

Looks a bit like, right? It was an honest mistake...!

Looks a bit like, right? It was an honest mistake…!


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