What Happened To “The Best Kosmo Guys In Hong Kong”?

Remember this post about how these awesome guys at Kosmo’s saved the few foods I could choke down or watched my laptop while I ran for it, virtually my whole morning sickness-filled pregnancy with Little Miss?

Remember them?

Remember them?

The lease was taken up by an independent investor (met him couple times, but didn’t know him beforehand) and the place is now Recharge of the Gourmet Coffee. One Best Kosmo Guy stayed back for a better paycheck, the other Best Kosmo Guy was hired to help set up the new space. And so for the past few months Little Miss and I were passing by chatting with Other Best Kosmo Guy around the construction debris, and finally, Recharge has been (fully) open about a week+ now.

And so this the Miss in the play area…..

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 And this The Rockstar and friends…


(Fyi, in this pic they were working on a treasure map which would lead to……… a sandwich. Later efforts were for much loftier more ambitious treasures, but I still loved Sandwich Hunt best… Belatedly I realized I should’ve encouraged them to connect the chalk and whiteboard maps into a really big map/diagram… ah well…)

But back to business.

Formerly Best Kosmo Guy still does the hypnosis thing.....

Formerly Best Kosmo Guy still does the hypnosis thing…..

It still works!

It still works!

Though this afternoon was the first time these two were actually eating there together (haha look at them scarfing away)

Though this afternoon was the first time these two were actually eating there together (haha look at them scarfing away)

These guys mean business, they even have matching shoes!

These guys mean business, they even have matching shoes!

Bring your kids down, Formerly Best Kosmo Guy’ll even hypnotize em to sleep for you, if he’s around. Maybe tell you where he got the shoes.


ps: Formerly Best Kosmo Guy, this one’s Thank You.


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5 Responses to What Happened To “The Best Kosmo Guys In Hong Kong”?

  1. mun says:

    Really, he really does hypnosis? Or am I that gullible, hahaha.

    • Aileen says:

      You are a sweet faithful commenter; no, not gullible at all. I wasn’t really serious about the hypnosis but it’s true usually I’m struggling with the Miss and he’ll do this “Sllleeeeeepppp. You…. are…. slllleeeeeeppppy…” thing (note her Really Meh? in the pic)… and 10 mins later she’s out… Of course she’s out with me struggling for 10 mins, so…….

      • mun says:

        So the best kosmos guy really does it – I mean he really does go through the motion of trying to hypnotize Miss Rockstar to sleep, hehehe. 😀

  2. Mei says:

    Why the “coconut” fringe on Lil Ms, Aileen? Whyyyyyy?! Heh heh heh. I did that to my Kiddo too when she was younger n didnt know any better. Don’t think I can get her to wing it out of home these days… Hehehe.

    • Aileen says:

      Oops is that what it’s called? When Rockstar had the bacterial eye infection I got really freaked out about hair in her eyes EVER causing her to rub and then………….! 😀

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